About the authors
Jawwad Ahmad is a freelance iOS Developer that dove into Swift
head first and has not looked back. He enjoys mentoring and teaching
and was the original founder of the NYC iOS Study Group Meetup and
later on the Atlanta iOS Study Group Meetup. He’s worked for
companies as large as The New York Times, and as small as GateGuru,
a 6 person startup.
Jerry Beers is a co-founder of Five Pack Creative, a mobile
development company specializing in iOS development. He’s worked
on client projects, like American Airlines and Match.com, but lately
he’s been pouring his focus into Hours, a time tracking app. He is
passionate about creating well-crafted code and teaching others. In
partnership with Ray Wenderlich, he recently launched Alt-U, a live
remote and in-person iOS training program. Jerry enjoys spending
time on the beach with his wife and kids, SCUBA diving, and watching
Michał Ciuruś is an iOS developer at Jodel. He likes to blog about his
Swift adventures. His love of computer games has led to him to look
what’s under the hood. He started with C++ at a young age and his
first game was a memory leak simulator. He’s also addicted to
discovering new technologies and learning iOS software architecture.
Richard Critz is on career number three as a professional
photographer (after first being a software engineer doing mainframe
O/S development for 20+ years and then a stint as a corporate pilot)
doing contract iOS development on the side. Some would say he just
can’t make up his mind. Actually, he just likes diversity! When he’s
not working on either of those, he’s probably playing League of
Legends (with or without the rest of his family). On Twitter, while
being mainly read-only, he can be found at @rcritz. The rest of his
professional life can be found at www.rwcfoto.com.
Michael Katz envisions a world where mobile apps always work,
respect users’ privacy, and integrate well with their users’ life. When
not coding, he can be found with his family playing board games,
brewing, gardening, and watching the Yankees. Say hi to Michael on
Twitter: @TheMikeKatz.
iOS 11 by Tutorials