jetty-9.3.14.v20161028 - 28 October 2016
+ 292 NPE in SslConnectionFactory newConnection
+ 295 Ensure Jetty Client use of Deflater / Inflater calls .end() to avoid
memory leak
+ 989 InputStreamResponseListener.get() throws with HTTP/2 following redirect
+ 1009 [9.3.x] ThreadLimitHandler has no method setBlockForMs
+ 1018 Remove dependency on asm types in oej.annotations.Util
+ 1029 Restore Request.setHttpVersion()
+ 1031 Improve HttpField pre-encoding
+ 1032 Remove jetty dependencies in jetty jasper classes
+ 1037 Don't execute AsyncListener.onTimeout events in spare Scheduler-Thread
+ 1038 AttributeNormalizer does not favor ${WAR} over other attributes, like
+ 1039 AttributeNormalizer should not track attributes that are null
+ 1046 Improve HTTP2Flusher error report
+ 480764 Add extra tests for empty multipart
jetty-9.3.13.v20161014 - 14 October 2016
+ 295 Ensure Jetty Client use of Deflater / Inflater calls .end() to avoid
memory leak
+ 926 No LSB Tags on script cause warning on Ubuntu 16.04
+ 999 Create a Flight Recorder module
+ 1000 Allow legacy behaviour if 2 servlets map to same path
jetty-9.3.13.M0 - 30 September 2016
+ 277 Proxy servlet does not handle HTTP status 100 correctly
+ 870 TLS protocol exclusion broken for SslContextFactory(String)
+ 915 The jetty-maven-plugin:stop goal doesn't stop everything completely
+ 918 Support certificates hot reload
+ 930 Add module instructions to SSL section
+ 943 Docs: Error in 'Embedding Jetty' page - example 'FileServer'
+ 948 9.4.0.RC0 jetty-distribution invalid config etc/jetty-http2c.xml
+ 955 Response listeners not invoked when using Connection.send()
+ 959 CompleteListener invoked twice for HTTP/2 transport and response content
+ 960 Async I/O spin when reading early EOF
+ 965 Link from High Load docs to Garbage Collection Tuning is broken
+ 966 Remove usages of ConcurrentArrayQueue
jetty-9.3.12.v20160915 - 15 September 2016
+ 56 Fix authn issues in LdapLoginModule
+ 131 Improve Connector Statistic names and values
+ 185 Implement RFC 7239 (Forwarded header)
+ 700 Bundle org.eclipse.jetty.http.spi not available via p2 repository
+ 725 Provide a private way to report security issues
+ 752 Implement support for HTTP2 SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE
+ 759 Ensure wrapped Responses will close and commit outputstream or writer
+ 780 The moved websocket PathSpec is incompatible with cometd 3.0.x
+ 783 Report name of broken jar file
+ 784 JSP Session updated before sendRedirect() lose their information
+ 786 Buffering Response Handler
+ 790 AsyncContentListener semantic broken with HTTP/2 transport
+ 792 HTTP/2] Socket seems to be not closed completely
+ 797 MimeTypes resource loading incorrect on OSGi
+ 798 async IO Write closed race
+ 804 setting default Url Encoding broken in Jetty >= 9.3
+ 806 Jetty HttpClient authentication - missing any realm option
+ 817 NPE in jndi Resource
+ 826 Better default for HTTP/2's max concurrent streams
+ 827 HTTPClient fails connecting to HTTPS host through an HTTP proxy
+ 830 Test webapp not properly copied to demo-base
+ 832 ServerWithJNDI example uses wrong webapp
+ 841 support reset in buffering interceptors
+ 844 Implement a Thread Limit Handler
+ 845 Improve blocking IO for data rate limiting
+ 851 MBeanContainer no longer unregisters MBeans when "stopped"
+ 854 If container.destroy() is called, calling container.start() again should
throw an IllegalStateException
+ 855 JMXify MBeanContainer
+ 860 Only TLS 1.2 Supported
+ 868 ClassLoader leak with Jetty and Karaf - static instances of
+ 880 Refactor jetty-http's HostPortHttpField logic into new jetty-util class
+ 882 Add IPv6 support to IPAddressMap in jetty-util
+ 889 can be removed
+ 894 When adding servless class, preserve Class instead of going through
+ 897 Remove GzipHandler interceptor when out of scope
+ 898 GzipHandler adds multiple Vary header
+ 902 Expect: 100-Continue does not work with HTTP/2
+ 909 Path and Domain not properly matched in addCookie()
+ 911 Request.getRequestURI() gets decoded after startAsync(req, resp) is
+ 913 Unprotected debug in WebAppClassLoader
+ 922 Implements methods Connection.getBytes[In|Out]()
jetty-9.3.11.v20160721 - 21 July 2016
+ 230 customize Content-Type in ErrorHandler's default error page
+ 592 Support no-value Host header in HttpParser
+ 631 SLOTH protection
+ 643 NPE in passing websocket client test
+ 649 LDAPLoginModule should disallow blank username and password
+ 658 Add memcached option for gcloud-sessions in jetty-9.3
+ 660 NullPointerException in Request.getParameter: _parameters is null
+ 663 Update gcloud datastore to 0.2.3
+ 667 Introduce optional `jetty.deploy.monitoredPath` for jetty-deploy paths
outside of ${jetty.base}
+ 668 Introduce optional `jetty.deploy.defaultsDescriptorPath` for
jetty-deploy defaults descriptor outside of ${jetty.home}
+ 669 Support UNC paths in PathResource
+ 671 Incorrect ALPN default protocol
+ 672 Allow logging configuration announcement to be programmatically disabled
+ 673 ClasspathPattern needs a match all pattern
+ 675 Slf4jLog.ignore() should produce at DEBUG level
+ 676 JavaUtilLog.ignore() should produce at DEBUG level
+ 677 Logging of .ignore() should indicate that it was an "Ignored Exception"
+ 678 Log at less than DEBUG level when annotation scanning takes significant
+ 682 Quickstart should not scan all container path jars
+ 684 HttpClient proxies (HttpProxy and Socks4Proxy) do not support
+ 685 SecureRequestCustomizer SSLSession attribute not set
+ 687 AllowSymLinkAliasChecker not normalizing relative symlinks properly
+ 690 jetty-maven-plugin does not configure AnnotationConfiguration for
jetty:effective-web-xml goal
+ 693 QoSFilterTest failures are not capture by junit
+ 694 http2.client.StreamResetTest.testServerExceptionConsumesQueuedData stack
not suppressed in test
+ 695 Deprecate LocalConnector.getResponses() in favor of using .getResponse()
+ 696 LocalConnector.getResponse() doesn't find close if using HTTP/1.1
w/Connection: close
+ 701 Document CachingWebAppClassLoader
+ 706 org.apache.jasper.compiler.disablejsr199 is no longer present in Jetty
+ 708 SslContextFactory: newSslServerSocket/newSslSocket customization
+ 717 GzipHandler.minGzipSize still compresses small responses
+ 718 Document HttpClient transports
+ 720 asciiToLowerCase throws NullPointerException
+ 721 HTTP Response header value encoding is invalid for RFC7230
+ 723 Improve bad/missing reporting
+ 726 Http2 Client parse error
+ 730 "Slow" client causes IllegalStateException
+ 733 Allow setCharacterEncoding after getOutputStream
+ 739 Illegal WindowUpdate frame with delta=0
+ 742 Fixed link to
+ 745 Removed README.txt
+ 747 Update documentation to reflect TLS and SSL support
+ 751 Remove usages of ArrayQueue
+ 752 Implement support for HTTP2 SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE
+ 755 NPE in HttpChannelOverHTTP2.requestContent()
+ 756 Filter problematic headers from CGI and FastCGIProxy
jetty-9.2.19.v20160908 - 08 September 2016
+ 817 NPE in jndi Resource
+ 830 Test webapp not properly copied to demo-base
+ 832 ServerWithJNDI example uses wrong webapp
+ 851 MBeanContainer no longer unregisters MBeans when "stopped"
+ 868 ClassLoader leak with Jetty and Karaf - static instances of
+ 880 Refactor jetty-http's HostPortHttpField logic into new jetty-util class
+ 882 Add IPv6 support to IPAddressMap in jetty-util
+ 894 When adding servless class, preserve Class instead of going through
+ 899 PathFinderTest fails in jetty-9.2.x
jetty-9.2.18.v20160721 - 21 July 2016
+ 425 Incorrect @ServerEndpoint Encoder/Decoder lifecycle
+ 649 LDAPLoginModule should disallow blank username and password
+ 654 J
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