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90.4-W all-fiber single-frequency polarization-maintained 1 083-...
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A high-power all-fiber single-frequency polarization-maintained (PM) laser operating at 1 083 nm is demonstrated using a master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) structure. The seed source of this MOPA laser system is an in-house-built ring-cavity fiber oscillator. Four-stage amplification configuration is employed, in which the maximal output power of the main amplifier is 90.4 W, corresponding to a conversion efficiency of 72.5%. The polarization extinction ratio of the output light is 13 dB.
COL 10(3), 031402(2012) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS March 10, 2012
90.4-W all-fiber single-frequency polarization-maintained
1 083-nm MOPA laser employing ring-cavity
single-frequency seed oscillator
Jiangming Xu (许许许将将将明明明), Rongtao Su (粟粟粟荣荣荣涛涛涛), Hu Xiao (肖肖肖 虎虎虎), Pu Zhou (周周周 朴朴朴), and Jing Hou (侯侯侯 静静静)
College of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China
Corresp onding author: houjing25@sina.com
Received July 22, 2011; accepted September 15, 2011; posted online November 18, 2011
A high-p ower all-fiber single-frequency polarization-maintained (PM) laser operating at 1 083 nm is demon-
strated using a master oscillator p ower amplifier (MOPA) structure. The seed source of this MOPA laser
system is an in-house-built ring-cavity fiber oscillator. Four-stage amplification configuration is employed,
in which the maximal output power of the main amplifier is 90.4 W, corresponding to a conversion efficiency
of 72.5%. The polarization extinction ratio of the output light is 13 dB. The amplified spontaneous emis-
sion is suppressed by a factor of over 25 dB, and no stimulated Brillouin scattering effect is observed when
a large-mode-area and high absorption coefficient PM gain fib er is employed.
OCIS codes: 060.2320, 140.3560, 140.3615.
doi: 10.3788/COL201210.031402.
High-power fiber lasers are very important components of
materials processing, industrial production, and remote
sensing due to their high beam quality and conversion
efficiency as well as maintenance-free operation
. Es-
pecially, many applications, such as atom trapping and
cooling, nonlinear frequency conversion, coherent beam
combination, and gravitational wave detection, require
polarization-maintained (PM) laser sources
. High-
power single-frequency PM fiber lasers have attracted
increasing research attention in recent years, because the
SBS threshold can be increased to a level that is greater
than 100 W by enlarging the fiber core and the effective
mode field can be scaled up by applying a tempera-
ture gradient along the fiber length; in addition, near-
diffraction-limited beam quality can be obtained with
modern fibers and techniques, such as coiling and mode
. Meanwhile, 1 083-nm laser sources with
a narrow linewidth have found widespread applications
in atomic/molecular spectroscopy, such as thermometric
lidar and medical lung diagnostics
There are many reports on high-power single-frequency
PM fiber lasers in the last decade. Liem et al. demon-
strated a 100-W-level single-frequency master oscillator
power amplifier (MOPA) laser at 1 064 nm employ-
ing a Nd:YAG nonplanar ring oscillator (NPRO) seed
. Gray et al. reported 264- and 402-W single-
frequency single-mo de plane-polarized MOPA sources
at 1 060 nm, using a distributed-feedback (DFB) seed
laser, respectively
. Qi et al. presented a 128-W class
single-frequency line-polarized fiber amplifier at 1 064
nm with a DFB seed laser
. Most of these high-p ower
single-frequency PM fiber lasers typically employ bulk
optics configuration that have strict working conditions,
large size, and low coupling efficiency. The use of all-
fiber components can significantly make the laser more
compact and reliable. Liu et al. reported an all-fiber
single-frequency linearly polarized fiber amplifier with a
maximal output power of 43.8 W at 1 064 nm employing
a DFB seed laser
. With reference to the seed laser,
most of these reports employed commercial DFB seed
In this letter, we demonstrate a high-power all-fiber
single-frequency PM MOPA laser. The seed source is an
in-house-built ring-cavity single-frequency fiber oscillator
utilizing a piece of saturable absorb er (SA), two polar-
ization controllers (PCs), and a polarization-dependent
isolator (PD-ISO). The central wavelength of the seed
oscillator is 1 083 nm, with a linewidth of 12 MHz. Four-
stage amplification configuration is employed in our
experiment, and the maximum output power of the main
amplifier is 90.4 W, with a polarization extinction ra-
tio (PER) of 13 dB. The corresponding optical-to-optical
conversion efficiency is 72.5%. Although the SBS thresh-
olds in the PM fibers are much lower than those in non-
PM fibers
, no SBS effect has been observed in using
LMA and high absorption coefficient PM gain fiber. To
the best of our knowledge, this is the highest power all-
fiber single-frequency PM 1083-nm MOPA laser source
ever reported.
In the proposed method, the seed oscillator was
pumped by a fiber-pig-tailed 976-nm single-mode laser
diode (LD) through a 976/1 080-nm wavelength division
multiplexer (WDM). The insertion losses of WDM for the
pump light and signal light were 0.09 and 0.06 dB, respec-
tively. Single-mode single-clad heavily ytterbium (Yb)-
doped fiber with a length of 25 cm was utilized as the
laser gain medium. The gain fiber had a 6-µm/125 µm-
core/cladding diameter, with a core numerical aperture
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the ring-cavity single-frequency
seed oscillator.
1671-7694/2012/031402(4) 031402-1
° 2012 Chinese Optics Letters
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