第 23 卷 第 3 期
2006 年 9 月
Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Vol .23 No .3
Sept .2006
文章编号 :1673‐2049(2006)03‐0061‐05
收稿日期 :2006‐04‐28
作者简介 :王大宏 (1967‐) ,男 ,陕西三原人 ,工程师 ,E‐mail :w dh1967@ 126 .com 。
锈 蚀 钢 筋 混 凝 土 梁 抗 弯 承 载 力 计 算
,范 猛
(1 .西安外国语大学 后勤服务集团 ,陕西 西安 710061 ;
2 .深圳市鹏城建筑集团有限公司 项目部 ,广东 深圳 518040)
摘要 :针对目前锈蚀钢筋混凝土构件的研究仅考虑钢筋锈蚀程度的影响 ,而忽略了在相同锈蚀程度
下构件其他参数对承载力退化的影响 ,导致现有计算模型参数相差较大的问题 ,对现有锈蚀钢筋混
凝土梁抗弯承载力计算方法进行了对比分析 。 基于无粘结钢筋混凝土梁的研究成果 ,分析钢筋锈
蚀程度 、截面配筋率对锈蚀损伤构件的承载力退化产生的影响 ,综合考虑锈蚀构件截面配筋指标以
反映不同构件参数对其产生的影响及无粘结梁钢筋强度利用系数的计算公式 ,建立了一般锈蚀钢
筋混凝土梁受拉钢筋强度利用系数的计算公式 。 经试验验证 ,数据吻合很好 ,其结果有益于完善和
发展锈蚀钢筋混凝土梁抗弯承载力的计算方法 。
关键词 :锈蚀钢筋混凝土梁 ;锈蚀程度 ;抗弯承载力 ;退化机理 ;无粘结
中图分类号 :TU378 .2 文献标志码 :A
Flexural Bearing Capacity Calculation of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beams
WANG Da‐hong
,FAN Meng
(1 .Logistics Service Group ,Xi摧an International Studies University ,Xi摧an 710061 ,Shaanxi ,China ;
2 .Department of Project ,Shenzhen Pengcheng Construction Group Ltd ,Shenzhen 518040 ,Guangdong ,China)
Abstract :The present researches on corroded reinforced concrete members mainly focused on the
corroded degree of steel bars , and other influences were systematically considered . These
resulted in the differences among the existing parameters of calculation model . Therefore ,the
calculation methods of flexural bearing capacity strength of corroded reinforced concrete beams
were comparatively analyzed .Based on the study results on the non‐bond reinforced concrete
beams ,factors that influence the stress of steel bar in heavily corroded reinforced concrete
members were investigated in detail .The results show that reinforcement index can reflect the
influences of both concrete strength and reinforcement ratio on the steel stress . The degrading
mechanism of bearing capacity for ordinary corroded reinforced concrete beams was analyzed ,and
a calculation formula of flexural capacity was proposed ,which considers both corrosion degree
and reinforcement index .The method was used to analyze large numbers of tested members ,and
there was excellent agreement between calculation results and experiment results . The results
were useful to perfect the calculation method of the flexural bearing capacity of corroded
reinforced concrete beams .
Key words :corroded reinforced concrete beam ;corroded degree ;flexural bearing capacity ;dete‐
rioration mechanism ;non‐bond