'n' 'notes' - Add information to notes section.
'text' 'textbox' - Add text box.
'comment' 'comments' - Add comment. (Only works if PowerPoint is visible)
- \t and \n are converted to tab and new line, respectively.
't' 'title' - Add a title or add a blank title so that one may be added later. Title is placed at the top of the presentation unless a padding is specified.
If 'title' or 'textbox' is specified alone a blank placeholder will be added.
Figure Options
'f' 'fig' 'figure' - Use the specified figure handle. Also accepts an array of figures. More than 4 figures is not recommended as it makes it difficult to see in the plot. Default: gcf
If figure is 0, a blank page is added. If a title is specified then a title page is added.
'd' 'driver' 'drivers' - [meta, bitmap]. Send figure to clipboard Metafile or Bitmap format. See also print help.
'r' 'render' - [painters,zbuffer,opengl]. Choose print render mode. See also print help.
'res' 'resolution' - Dots-per-inch resolution. Default: 90 for Simulink, 150 for figures. See also print help.
Slide Layout
'st' 'stretch' - Used only with scale, stretch the figure to fill all remaining space (taking into account padding and title). Default: on
's' 'sc' 'scale' - Scale the figure to remaining space on the page while maintaining aspect ratio, takes into account padding and title spacing. Default: on
'h' 'halign' - ['left','center','right']. Horizontally align figure. Default: center
'v' 'valign' - ['top','center','bottom']. Vertically align the graph. Default: center
'p' 'pad' 'padding' - Place a padding around the figure that is used for alignment and scaling. Can be one number to be applied equally or an array in the format of [left right top bottom]. Useful when plotting to template files. Default: 0
'c' 'col' 'columns' - Number of columns to place multiple plots in. Default: 2
PowerPoint Control
'i' 'init' - Initialize PowerPoint presentation for use in batch mode. Returns a PowerPoint Presentation Object.
'close' - Close PowerPoint presentation. Default: true
'save' - Save PowerPoint Presentation. Useful for saves in batch mode.
'ppt' - Call saveppt2 with specified PowerPoint Presentation object.
'visible' - Make PowerPoint visible.
'template' - Use template file specified. Is only used if the save file does not already exist.