function [fds, ics, averFD, averIC] = fdvolfft(im)
% FDVOLFFT Compute fractal dimensions FDS and intercepts ICS of a 3D image
% IM using FFT and draw rose plots of FDS and ICS
% IM: input 3D array of a 3D image (grayvalue)
% FDS: a 2D array of size 24x12 which stores the FDs in 24x12 directions
% ICS: a 2D array of size 24x12 which stores the average intercepts in
% 24x12 directions
% AVERFD: average fractal dimension for all directions
% AVERIC: average intercept for all directions
% This script is free to use except for commercial purpose
% Written by Mr. Jianbo ZHANG,
% 19 Jan, 2005
% for example, the following script can compute the fractal dimension of
% an MRI image volume
% load mri
% D = squeeze(D) ;
% image_num = 8;
% image(D(:,:,image_num))
% axis image
% colormap(map)
% title('Image of MRI slice No. 8 ')
% [fds ics averFD averIC]= fdvolfft(D)
% Note: Since an MRI image is a self-affine, not self-similiar volume, its
% fractal dimensions do not necessarily lie between 3 and 4.
NUM_AZI = 24; % number of azimuth directions
% that the frequency space is evenly divided
NUM_ZEN = 12; % number of zenith directions
% that the frequency space is evenly divided
NUM_RAD = 30; % number of points that the radial line is evenly divided
if nargin < 1,
error('Missed input argument which must be a 3D array!')
[M N P] = size(im);
xctr = 1 + bitshift(N, -1); % x coordinate of center point
yctr = 1 + bitshift(M, -1); % y coordinate of center point
zctr = 1 + bitshift(P, -1); % z coordinate of center point
imMean = mean(im(:));
fim = fftshift(fftn(double(im) - imMean));
psd = log(fim .* conj(fim) + 10^(-6));
sumBrite = zeros(NUM_AZI, NUM_ZEN, NUM_RAD); %accumulation PSD
%for along each direction and
nCount = zeros(NUM_AZI, NUM_ZEN, NUM_RAD); % PSD count
radius = zeros(2 * NUM_RAD,1); %accumulation PSD for all directions
radCount = zeros(2 * NUM_RAD,1); % number of PSD for all directions
%Compute phase distribution
phase = zeros(180);
for k = 1:P
for j = 1:M
for i = 1:N
realv = real(fim(j,i,k));
imagv = imag(fim(j,i,k));
if realv == 0
value = pi/2;
value = atan((imagv / realv));
ang = floor(180 * (pi / 2 + value) / pi);
if ang < 0
ang = 0;
if ang > 179
ang = 179;
phase(ang + 1) = phase(ang + 1) + 1;
maxphase = max(phase);
figure, plot(phase / maxphase);
title('Phase histogram (0...2 \pi)');%
axis off
%accumulation of PSD for each direction and radius
rmax = log(min(min(M,N),P)/2);% maximum radius
for k = 1:P
if k ~= zctr
zval = zctr - k;
z2 = zval * zval;
for j = 1:M
if j ~= yctr
yval = yctr - j;
y2 = yval * yval;
for i = 1:N
if i ~= xctr
xval = i - xctr;
r = sqrt(z2 + y2 + xval * xval);
rho = log(r);
if rho > 0 & rho <= rmax
mval = psd(j,i,k);
temp1 = yval / xval;
temp2 = zval / r;
theta = atan(temp1);
phi = acos(temp2);
if xval < 0
theta = theta + pi;
if theta < 0
theta = theta + 2 * pi;
aziSN = floor(NUM_AZI * theta /(2 * pi));
if aziSN > NUM_AZI - 1 | aziSN < 0
aziSN = NUM_AZI - 1;
zenSN = floor(NUM_ZEN * phi / pi);
if zenSN > NUM_ZEN - 1 | zenSN < 0
zenSN = NUM_ZEN - 1;
radSN = floor(2 * NUM_RAD * rho / rmax);
h = floor(radSN/2);
if radSN > 2 * NUM_RAD - 1
h = NUM_RAD - 1;
radSN = 2 * NUM_RAD - 1;
if h >= 5
if zenSN == 0 | zenSN == NUM_ZEN-1
sumBrite(:, zenSN + 1, h + 1) = sumBrite(:, zenSN + 1, h + 1) + mval;
nCount(:, zenSN + 1, h + 1) = nCount(:,zenSN + 1, h + 1) + 1;
sumBrite(aziSN + 1,zenSN + 1, h + 1) = sumBrite(aziSN + 1, zenSN + 1, h + 1) + mval;
nCount(aziSN + 1, zenSN + 1, h + 1) = nCount(aziSN + 1,zenSN + 1, h + 1) + 1;
if radSN >= 5
radius(radSN + 1) = radius(radSN + 1) + mval;
radCount(radSN + 1) = radCount(radSN + 1) + 1;
%linear regression
for aziSN = 1:NUM_AZI
for zenSN = 1: NUM_ZEN
sumx = 0;
sumy = 0;
sumx2 = 0;
sumxy = 0;
sumn = 0;
for range = 6:NUM_RAD
if nCount(aziSN, zenSN, range) > 0
yval = sumBrite(aziSN, zenSN, range)/nCount(aziSN, zenSN, range);
xval = (range -1) * rmax / NUM_RAD;
sumx = sumx + xval;
sumy = sumy + yval;
sumx2 = sumx2 + xval * xval;
sumxy = sumxy + xval * yval;
sumn = sumn + 1;
slope(aziSN, zenSN) = (sumn * sumxy - sumx * sumy) / (sumn * sumx2 - sumx * sumx);
ics(aziSN, zenSN) = (sumy - slope(aziSN, zenSN) * sumx) / sumn;
fds(aziSN, zenSN) = (11 + slope(aziSN, zenSN))/2;
%compute average slope over all directions and radius
sumn = 0;
for radSN = 6:(2 * NUM_RAD)
if radCount(radSN) > 0
sumn = sumn + 1;
yval(sumn) = radius(radSN) / radCount(radSN);
tempr(sumn) = (radSN -1) * rmax / (2 * NUM_RAD);
p = polyfit(tempr,yval,1);
averFD =(11+ p(1))/2; % Overall average fractal dimension
averIC = p(2); % Overall average intercept
fitln = polyval(p,tempr);
figure; plot(tempr,yval,tempr,fitln,'r-');
title('Log Log plot of PSD. vs Freq.');
ylabel('Log PSD');
xlabel('Log Frequency');
legend('data','LSE fit line');
% draw hedgehog plot of fractal dimension and intercept
% I personally prefer to call these 3D visulization plots of fractal
% dimension and intercept as 'hedgehog' plot
fd = [fds; fds(1,:)];
fd = [fd, fd(:,1)];
aziSN = (1:NUM_AZI + 1)';
zenSN = 1:(NUM_ZEN + 1);
[ph th] = meshgrid(pi/2 - ((zenSN - 1) * pi / NUM_ZEN) , 2 * pi / NUM_AZI / 2 + (aziSN - 1) * 2 * pi / NUM_AZI);
[x,y,z] = sph2cart(th,ph, fd);
figure, surf(x,y,z,fd); colorbar
title('Hedgehog plot of fractal dimension');
ic = [ics; ics(1,:)];
ic = abs([ic, ic(:,1)]); % ic stores the absolue value of ics
aziSN = (1:NUM_AZI + 1)';
zenSN = 1:(NUM_ZEN + 1);
[ph th] = meshgrid(pi/2 - ((zenSN - 1) * pi / NUM_ZEN) , 2 * pi / NUM_AZI / 2 + (aziSN - 1) * 2 * pi / NUM_AZI);
[x,y,z] = sph2cart(th,ph, ic);
figure, surf(x,y,z, ic); colorbar
title('Hedgehog plot of in