第39卷 第8期
2011年 8月
华 中 科 技 大 学 学 报 (自 然 科 学 版)
J .Huazhong Univ .of Sci .& Tech .(Natural Science Edition)
Vol .39 No .8
Aug . 2011
收稿日期 2011‐01‐18 .
作者简介 肖 南(1965‐) ,男 ,副教授 ,E‐mail :sholran@ zju .edu .cn .
基金项目 国家自然科学基金资助项目 (50978228) .
基 于 虚 功 原 理 索 杆 张 力 结 构 强 度 优 化 形 状 分 析
肖 南
1 ,2
(1 浙江大学建筑工程学院 ,浙江 杭州 310058 ;2 格林威治大学土木工程系 ,
英国肯特 ME4 4TB ;3 天津大学建筑设计研究院 ,天津 300072)
摘要 为了提高索杆张力结构的刚度和减小结构受力 ,在结构杆件中引入作动器 ,主动调整杆件的长度 ,改变
结构的形状 .在荷载态下 ,将作动器主动工作产生的杆件内力改变量视为结构独立自应力模态的线性组合 ,根
据虚功原理及变形协调关系建立了节点位移向量 、杆件内力向量与作动器主动调整量之间的迭代关系 .同时 ,
以杆件受力最小为目标 ,构造了结构形状优化模型并编制了相应的求解程序 .算例分析表明 :结构所有杆件均
布设作动器的效果与仅在索中布设作动器的效果相同 ,均可以实现既提高结构刚度 、又改善结构受力的目的 ;
仅在杆中布设作动器调节杆长来提高结构刚度的代价是增大杆件的内力 .通过有限元方法与本文方法对算
例求解结果的对比分析 ,发现两者符合较好 ,验证了本文方法的正确性 .
关键词 索杆张力结构 ;作动器 ;强度优化 ;形状分析 ;虚功原理
中图分类号 TU394 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1671‐4512(2011)08‐0043‐06
Morphological analysis of cable‐strut tension structures with
strength optimization using principle of virtual work
X iao N an
1 ,2
H uan
Y ux ian
Chen H ua
(1 College of Civil Engineering and Architecture ,Zhejiang University ,Hangzhou 310058 ,China ;
2 Department of Civil Engineering ,University of Greenwich ,Chatham Maritime ,Kent ,M E4 4TB ,UK ;
3 Tianjin University Research Institute of Architectural Design ,Tianjin 300072 ,China)
Abstract In order to increase the stiffness and reduce the internal forces of cable‐strut tension struc‐
tures ,actuators were employed to actively adjust the geometry of structures .The internal force varia‐
bles of structural members generated from the actively working actuators were taken as a linear combi‐
nation of the independent self‐stress modes under loading .The iterative relationship existing in nodal
displacement vector ,internal force vector of members and active deformation of actuators was derived
based on the principle of virtual work and deformation compatibility .Then the linear programming
model was established for optimizing the working state coefficients and the associated Matlab pro‐
ramme was also developed .Case study shows that the actuators placed on all members have almost
the same effects as the actuators placed only on cables ,and both two cases of actuator sets can meet
the requirements for increasing the stiffness and reducing the internal forces of cable‐strut tension
structures .On the other hand ,actuators placed only on the struts with varying length will raise the
stiffness of cable‐strut tension structures w hile the internal forces also increase .Furthermore ,results
from the proposed method agree well with those from finite element method (FEM ) and then demon‐
strate the effectiveness of the proposed method .
Key words cable‐strut tension structure ;actuator ;strength optimization ;morphological analysis ;
rinciple of virtual work