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近年来,如何充分利用自然图像的自相似性来进行图像恢复引起了图像处理领域的广泛兴趣。 实际上,自相似性意味着图像中固有的双向相似性结构,当一组相似的色块重新排列以形成矩阵时,该矩阵的列和行之间都存在相似性。 在本文中,我们提出了一种双向非局部模型(TDNL)来对称地利用图像中的双向相似性结构,该模型直接将相似的补丁作为局部自适应字典来表示图像中的每个补丁并约束表示系数。由Tikhonov正则化。 TDNL可以达到迄今为止最好的结果,并且在应用于图像插值问题时,就峰值信噪比(PSNR)度量和视觉质量而言,都可以比现有方法获得明显的收益。
Technological Sciences
© Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013 tech.scichina.com www.springerlink.com
*Corresponding author (email: xcfeng@mail.xidian.edu.cn)
Progress of Projects Supported by NSFC
April 2013 Vol.56 No.4: 930–939
doi: 10.1007/s11431-013-5152-2
Two-direction nonlocal model for image interpolation
, FENG XiangChu
, WANG WeiWei
& LIU GuoJun
Department of Applied Mathematics, School of Science, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China;
School of Mathematics and Computer, Ningxia University, Yingchuan 750021, China
Received July 22, 2012; accepted January 14, 2013; published online February 27, 2013
How to sufficiently exploit the self-similarity of natural images for image restoration has attracted extensive interest in the
field of image processing in recent years. In fact, the self-similarity implies two-direction similarity structures inherent in im-
ages, when a group of similar patches are rearranged to form a matrix, there exists similarity between both columns and rows
of this matrix. In this paper, we propose a two-direction nonlocal model (TDNL) to symmetrically exploit the two-direction
similarity structures in images, the model directly takes the similar patches as local adaptive dictionary to represent each patch
in the image and constrain the representation coefficients by Tikhonov regularization. TDNL can achieve the best results so far
and obtain significant gains over the existing methods, in terms of both peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) measure and the vis-
ual quality when it is applied to the problem of image interpolation.
solar energy, image interpolation, image priors, two-direction similarity structure, two-direction nonlocal model
Citation: Zhang X D, Feng X C, Wang W W, et al. Two-direction nonlocal model for image interpolation. Sci China Tech Sci, 2013, 56: 930939, doi:
10.1007/ s11431-013-5152-2
1 Introduction
In engineering applications, the image formation process is
always modeled as
Ku n (1)
where f is the degraded observation, u is the unknown true
image, K is a linear operator modeling the degradation pro-
cess (e.g., blurring, down-sampling or the combination of
them, etc.), and n is the independent identically distributed
additive noise. The goal of image restoration is to estimate
the ideal image u from the degraded observation f, which is
a typical inverse problem.
Among the various image restoration problems, image
interpolation is an important instance, where K is a down-
sampling operator and n is assumed to be 0. With rapid de-
velopment of the hardware technology, the resolution of
display device is becoming higher and higher. For example,
currently the resolution of HDTV is up to 19201080, and
even Ipad2 can have a resolution of 1024768. However,
due to the limit of network bandwidth, often we can only
transmit image/video streams in a low resolution (LR).Then,
in the receiving end, the resolution of the received LR im-
age/video has to be enhanced in order to fit the resolution of
display devices. Therefore, image interpolation remains a
very important problem in the field of image processing.
Linear interpolators [1, 2] are commonly used in im-
age/video software and hardware products due to their rela-
tively low complexity. However, these interpolators were
designed on the basis of local smoothness assumption,
which results in the fact that they only prefer the smooth
region in images and may introduce jaggy artifacts around
edge and textures. With ever-increasing computation power
in the image processing field, more adaptive image interpo-
lation methods have been proposed in recent years.
Zhang X D, et al. Sci China Tech Sci April (2013) Vol.56 No.4 931
Edge-guided method is the representative category of
adaptive methods. This method first detects the local regu-
larity direction and then interpolates the missing pixels
along this direction [3‒13]. It shows certain improvements
over the linear interpolators, but identifying the local regu-
larity direction, which may be aliased during the subsam-
pling process (Figure 1), is a very challenging work. To
alleviate this problem, the authors of refs. [14, 15] proposed
to interpolate the image in multiple directions and then fuse
the directional interpolation results. Specifically, the multi-
ple results were fused by using minimum mean square es-
timation (MMSE) in ref. [14]. In ref. [15] the local regular-
ity in each direction was evaluated by the L1 norm of
wavelet coefficients lying in the elongated directional re-
gions and the fusing weights were estimated by solving a
weighted-L1 problem. Additionally, in ref. [16] the high
resolution (HR) image was reconstructed according to the
covariance matrix that was directly estimated from the LR
observations. Modeling the local contents of the image and
also learning the model parameters from the same local
content is another line of adaptive methods, in which both
autoregressive models [17, 18] and kernel regression model
[19] are the representatives.
Wavelets were also used in image interpolation. The idea
is to exploit the statistical similarity between different scales
of a wavelet-decomposed image. The interpolation is done
by predicting the HR details from the LR observation. Since
only the binary wavelet transform has the fast algorithm
(Mallat algorithm), the wavelet-based interpolators can only
be used to deal with the problem where the zooming factor
is a power of 2.
Regularization is the general method for image interpola-
tion. This method steers the process of HR image recon-
struction by enforcing the image priors in an optimization
problem. It was indicated in ref. [20] that enforcing several
different image priors in the same reconstruction process
has a good opportunity to achieve better performance.
In this paper, we employ the regularization method to
address the problem of image interpolation. The perfor-
mance of the regularization method mainly depends on the
Figure 1 The local regularity direction may be aliased during the sub-
sampling process. (a) Original image; (b) down-sampled image.
image priors involved. Self-similarity prior has become the
most important image prior in recent years, and the exploi-
tation of which has greatly enhanced the image restoration
performance. However, the concept of the self-similarity
has not been mathematically defined and is always intui-
tively used, what indeed do we mean by the phrase “self-
similarity” in image processing? In this paper, we assume
that the self-similarity implies the two-direction similarity
structures inherent in images. Here the two-direction simi-
larity means that, as a group of similar patches are arranged
in a matrix, there exists similarity among both columns and
rows of this matrix. Based on this assumption, we propose a
two-direction nonlocal model (TDNL) to symmetrically
exploit the two-direction similarity structures in images, the
model directly takes similar patches as a local adaptive dic-
tionary to represent each patch in the image and constrain
the representation coefficients by Tikhonov regularization.
The TDNL model can achieve the best results so far and
indicate significant gains over the existing methods, when it
is applied to the problem of image interpolation, in terms of
both peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) measure and the
visual quality.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2,
we first present a classification and comparison of the ex-
isting image priors, then we analyze the two-direction simi-
larity structures inherent in images and formulate out the
two-direction nonlocal model. Section 3 discusses the solu-
tion algorithm of the model. Section 4 presents experi-
mental results and a comparison study. Conclusions are
given in Section 5.
2 Two-direction nonlocal model
2.1 Notations
We follow the style in refs. [21, 22] to define notations that
will be used in the following content. Denote the image u
[, ,, , ]
uu u u , where i indexes the pixel loca-
tion and
represents the total number of pixels. Let
be the operation that extracts the
ss patch centered
u from the image and vectorizes it into a
1s vector.
C be the operation that extracts the group of patches
having a certain degree of similarity with
u , special-
iii i
Cu RuRu Ru
and each
uj t
RuRu , where
is the similarity
is the predefined similarity tolerance and t is
the number of patches extracted by
C . We call
Cu the
nonlocal matrix corresponding to
u (Figure 2). Note that
C can be represented as matrices, mean-
while, both
R and
CC are diagonal matrices.
The similarity metric is crucial for extraction of the non-
- 粉丝: 2
- 资源: 962
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