基金项目 挝国家重点基础研究发展计划项目 CB
作者简介 屯王向杰 男 山东烟台人 东北大学讲师 博士 崔建忠 男 黑龙江双城人 东北大学教授 博士生
年 月
东 北 大 学 学 报 自 然 科 学 版
Journal of Northeastern UniversityNatural Science
Vol No
低 频 电 磁 场 对 传 统 热 顶
铸 造 6063 铝 合 金 凝 固 过 程 的 影 响
王向杰 崔建忠 蒋会学 王高松
东北大学 材料电磁过程研究教育部重点实验室 辽宁 沈阳
摘 要 在传统热顶铸造过程中施加低频电磁场 使用热电偶测量了稳定铸造阶段从铸锭中心到边部不
同位置的冷却过程 得到了铸锭内部的温度分布 分析了低频电磁场对传统热顶铸造 铝合金凝固过程
实验表明 低频电磁场使铝熔体产生的强制对流使熔池内的温度分布更
加均匀 促进了铝熔体过热的散失 使熔池内的温度低于 铝合金的液相线温度 提高了熔池内部形核质
点的数量 在没有添加细化剂条件下使铸锭宏观组织均匀细小 降低了液穴深度
强石墨环与铝熔体之间的换热 使结晶器内铸锭表面初始凝壳点位置上移 减小了铝熔体与结晶器的有效接
触高度 提高了铸锭的表面质量
关 键 词 热顶铸造 电磁场 铝合金 凝固 表面质量
中图分类号 TG 文献标志码 A 文章编号
Effects of LowFrequency Electromagnetic Field on
Solidification Process of Conventional HotTop Casting of 6063
Aluminum Alloy
W A NG X iang
ie CU I Jian
z hong JIA NG Hui
xue W A NG G ao
T he Key Laboratary of Electromagnetic Processing of Materials Ministry of Education Northeastern University
Shenyang China Correspondent WANG Xiang
ie Email wangxj epm neu edu cn
Abstract Lowfrequency electromagnetic LFE field was applied to the conventional hottop
casting process and thermocouples were used to measure the cooling process from different edge
ositions to the center of an ingot in the steadystate of casting process thus getting the cooling
curves and temperature distribution within the ingot The effects of LFE field on the solidification
rocess macrostructure and thickness of surface segregation layer during the conventional hottop
casting of aluminum alloy were analyzed The results showed that the forced convection
resulting from Al melt in LFE field makes the temperature distribution more uniform to dissipate
the overheat of Al melt so as to enable the temperature in the pool to be low er than the liquidus
temperature of aluminum alloy and to increase the number of nucleating particles inside the
ool thus providing the fine and homogeneous macrostructure without any grain refiner added in
and reducing the depth of liquidus cave Heat transfer between ingot and mold is then intensified
by the quickened flow velocity of Al melt As a result the initial solidifying point on the ingot
surface in mold moves upwards to decrease the height of contact zone between the melt and mold
so as to improve the surface quality of ingot
Key words hottop casting electromagnetic field aluminum alloy solidification surface quality
自 世纪 年代以来 世界各国的铝加工
当工艺参数调节不当时 会
产生搭接式表面 偏析瘤 冷隔 波纹 拉痕和拉裂