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Condition for invariant spectrum of an electromagnetic wave scat...
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Within the accuracy of the first-order Born approximation, sufficient conditions are derived for the invariance of spectrum of an electromagnetic wave, which is generated by the scattering of an electromagnetic plane wave from an anisotropic random media. We show that the following restrictions on properties of incident fields and the anisotropic media must be simultaneously satisfied: 1) the elements of the dielectric susceptibility matrix of the media must obey the scaling law; 2) the spectral
Condition for invariant spectrum of an
electromagnetic wave scattered from an
anisotropic random media
Jia Li,
Pinghui Wu
and Liping Chang
Institute of Fiber Optic Communication & Information Engineering, College of Information Engineering, Zhejiang
University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China
State Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Instrumentation, College of Optical Science and Engineering, Zhejiang
University, Hangzhou 310027, China
These authors contributed equally to this work
Abstract: Within the accuracy of the first-order Born approximation,
sufficient conditions are derived for the invariance of spectrum of an
electromagnetic wave, which is generated by the scattering of an
electromagnetic plane wave from an anisotropic random media. We show
that the following restrictions on properties of incident fields and the
anisotropic media must be simultaneously satisfied: 1) the elements of the
dielectric susceptibility matrix of the media must obey the scaling law; 2)
the spectral components of the incident field are proportional to each other;
3) the second moments of the elements of the dielectric susceptibility matrix
of the media are inversely proportional to the frequency.
©2015 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (260.2110) Electromagnetic optics; (290.5825) Scattering theory.
References and links
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Received 23 Jun 2015; revised 3 Aug 2015; accepted 9 Aug 2015; published 13 Aug 2015
(C) 2015 OSA
24 Aug 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 17 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.022123 | OPTICS EXPRESS 22123
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1. Introduction
Spectral properties of a statistically stationary optical field, which attracted substantial
research interests over the past few decades, had shown potential prospects in a variety of
scientific areas, e.g. the astronomical science, target recognization and biomedical imaging.
Among these investigations, the spectrum of light provided flexible approaches to determine
statistical properties of an unknown object [1–4]. The scaling law proposed by Wolf and his
collaborators indicated that spectrum of light can remain unchanged as it propagates in free
space [5]. Since then, intensive studies had concerned whether it is feasible to remain
invariant spectrum of a light wave when it propagates in or scatters from other types of media.
As a representative work, the scaling law was further extended to another case, where the
propagation of a planar, secondary and quasi-homogeneous (QH) source beam in the far field
was considered [6, 7]. Also, a scaling law was obtained for a planar, secondary and stochastic
electromagnetic beam scattering upon an anisotropic random media [8, 9].
In addition to above studies, attentions were also paid to spectral properties of light
scattered from the spatially random and deterministic media, respectively. It was shown that
light scattered from a random media may exhibit spectral shifts toward shorter or longer
wavelengths, which can be modulated by changing the scattering angle [10–13]. Furthermore,
spectral shifts of light generated by the scattering of plane waves from a QH scatterer,
particulate media and spatially deterministic media were investigated in the literature [14–18],
respectively. It was reported that scattered field may display either the blue-shifted or red-
shifted spectrum, which is induced by correlation properties of the media. Results also
indicated that isotropic profiles of spectrum of a far-zone scattered field can be generated
provided the second moment of the dielectric susceptibility of the media suffices the scaling
law [19]. Such law was further extended to the case where the scattering of an
electromagnetic plane wave was concerned [20].
Although the scaling laws for light propagating in or scattering from diverse isotropic
media were extensively studied in above literature, to date, however, no literature has
addressed the conditions which enable the unchanged spectrum of light as it scatters from an
anisotropic media. We aim to derive a scaling law for guaranteeing the invariant spectrum of
an electromagnetic plane wave as it scatters upon the media. We assume that the scattering of
electromagnetic plane waves from the media is so weak, thus the scattered field can described
by using the first-order Born approximation. We particularly explore whether the spectrum of
scattered field could be identical to that of incident plane waves, if properties of incident
fields and the media suffice certain conditions.
Received 23 Jun 2015; revised 3 Aug 2015; accepted 9 Aug 2015; published 13 Aug 2015
(C) 2015 OSA
24 Aug 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 17 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.022123 | OPTICS EXPRESS 22124
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