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在本文中,我们通过使用非BPS Dp麸皮探查背景来对牛顿-卡丹(NC)几何形状上的Tachyon缩合进行系统分析。 我们为数控几何构造有限的Tachyon有效作用,并在非BPS Dp麸的世界体积上探索与Tachyon扭结相关的动力学。 我们表明,在某些特定的假设下,空间相关的Tachyon缩合导致NC背景下出现的BPS D(p-1)皮层动力学。 我们进一步计算应力能张量,并显示在NC极限中两个不同的Dp麸构型之间的等效性。
Physics Letters B 795 (2019) 225–229
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Physics Letters B
Probing tachyon kink s in Newton-Cartan background
Dibakar Roychowdhury
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, Uttarakhand, India
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history:
7 April 2019
in revised form 13 June 2019
14 June 2019
online 17 June 2019
N. Lambert
In this paper, we perform a systematic analysis of tachyon condensation over string Newton-Cartan (NC)
geometry by probing the background with non BPS Dp brane. We construct the finite tachyon effective
action for NC geometry and explore the dynamics associated with the tachyon kink on the world-volume
of the non BPS Dp brane. We show that under certain specific assumptions, the spatial dependent
tachyon condensation leads to an emerging BPS D(p − 1) brane dynamics over NC background. We
further compute the stress energy tensor and show the equivalence between two different Dp brane
configurations in the NC limit.
© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Funded by SCOAP
1. Overview and motivation
Over the last couple of decades, the non relativistic string the-
[1]with world-sheet Galilean invariance has attained renewed
attention due to its several remarkable features. One of the major
aspects associated with the non relativistic formulation of string
theory turns out to be the existence of an UV finite unitary de-
that governs the stringy dynamics over a Galilean in-
geometry [2–11]. Interestingly enough, the non relativistic
string spectrum does not seem to contain any massless excitation
which therefore sort of guarantees that the corresponding low en-
dynamics associated with that of the target space geometry
is not governed by Einstein gravity. On contrary, the correspond-
target space geometry turns out to be string Newton-Cartan
(NC) background [12–16] which differs significantly from that of
the usual Riemannian spacetime.
there has been a lot of attention towards a profound
understanding of stringy dynamics over NC background [17,18].
For example, a systematic theoretical formulation of four dimen-
extended string Newton-Cartan gravity has been provided
by authors in [17]. However, in spite of these attem pts, several
crucial issues associated to string NC geometry are yet to be an-
One fundamental question that remains to be addressed is
the understanding of the dynamics of tachyon kinks [19–26]on the
world-volume of non BPS Dp branes [27–29] embedded in NC ge-
The purpose of the present article is therefore twofold- (i)
to construct an effective field theory for tachy ons in the NC limit
[16] and (ii) to check whether the kink solution associated with
E-mail addresses: dibakarphys@gmail.com, dibakarfph@iitr.ac.in.
non BPS Dp branes can give rise to an emerging D(p − 1) brane
dynamics over string NC geometry.
analysis reveals that tachy on condensation over string NC
geometry differs significantly from that of the earlier analysis in
several aspects. First of all, in order to have a finite world-volume
theory for non BPS Dp branes one needs to consider the effective
WZ coupling to be different from that of the usual coupling as-
with the DBI action. More specifically, we show that in
order for the action to be finite this WZ coupling has to go linearly
the NC parameter (ω) in the limit ω →∞. Secondly, unlike
the previous analysis [19], one needs to consider the most generic
for the scalar modes living on the world-volume of non BPS
Dp brane. We show that a systematic analysis of the kink solu-
(subjected to a set of constraints) performed under these two
assumptions naturally leads towards an emerging D(p − 1) brane
dynamics in the NC (ω →∞) limit [16]. In order to solidify our
claim, we further compute the stress energy tensor(s) associated
with the non BPS Dp brane configuration and show that it is ex-
equal to the stress energy tensor(s) associated with the BPS
D(p −1) brane dynamics once the tachyon equation of motion to-
with the above set of constraints are taken care of.
rest of the paper is organized as follows. We start with a
formal construction of effective field theory for tachyons in Sec-
tion 2.
In Section 3, we explore the dynamics associated with
tachyon kinks (over string NC geometry) and show that this dy-
is equivalent to that of the BPS D(p − 1) dynamics once
a certain set of constraints together with the tachyon equation of
motion are imposed. To complete this analogy, we further com-
stress tensor(s) in Section 4 and show that these two brane
configurations are equivalent. Finally, we conclude in Section 5.
© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Funded by
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