Reconstruction of Hidden Representation for Robust
Feature Extraction
ZENG YU and TIANRUI LI, Southwest Jiaotong University, China
NING YU, The College at Brockport State University of New York, USA
YI PAN, Georgia State University, USA
HONGMEI CHEN, Southwest Jiaotong University, China
BING LIU, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
This article aims to develop a new and robust approach to feature representation. Motivated by the success
of Auto-Encoders, we rst theoretically analyze and summarize the general properties of all algorithms that
are based on traditional Auto-Encoders: (1) The reconstruction error of the input cannot be lower than a
lower bound, which can be viewed as a guiding principle for reconstructing the input. Additionally, when the
input is corrupted with noises, the reconstruction error of the corrupted input also cannot be lower than a
lower bound. (2) The reconstruction of a hidden representation achieving its ideal situation is the necessary
condition for the reconstruction of the input to reach the ideal state. (3) Minimizing the Frobenius norm of the
Jacobian matrix of the hidden representation has a deciency and may result in a much worse local optimum
value. We believe that minimizing the reconstruction error of the hidden representation is more robust than
minimizing the Frobenius norm of the Jacobian matrix of the hidden representation. Based on the above
analysis, we propose a new model termed Double Denoising Auto-Encoders (DDAEs), which uses corruption
and reconstruction on both the input and the hidden representation. We demonstrate that the proposed model
is highly exible and extensible and has a potentially better capability to learn invariant and robust feature
representations. We also show that our model is more robust than Denoising Auto-Encoders (DAEs) for
dealing with noises or inessential features. Furthermore, we detail how to train DDAEs with two dierent
pretraining methods by optimizing the objective function in a combined and separate manner, respectively.
Comparative experiments illustrate that the proposed model is signicantly better for representation learning
than the state-of-the-art models.
CCS Concepts: • Computing methodologies → Machine learning;•Machine learning approaches →
Neural networks;
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Deep architectures, auto-encoders, unsupervised learning, feature repre-
sentation, reconstruction of hidden representation
This work is supported by the National Science Foundation of China (Nos. 61773324, 61573292, 61572406).
Authors’ addresses: Z. Yu and T. Li (corresponding author), Southwest Jiaotong University, School of Information Sci-
ence and Technology, National Engineering Laboratory of Integrated Transportation Big Data Application Technology,
Chengdu, 611756, China; emails: zyu7@gsu.edu, trli@swjtu.edu.cn; N. Yu, The College at Brockport State University of
New York, Department of Computing Sciences, Brockport, NY, 14420; email: nyu@brockport.edu; Y. Pan, Georgia State
University, Department of Computer Science, Atlanta, 30302, GA; email: yipan@gsu.edu; H. Chen, Southwest Jiaotong
University, School of Information Science and Technology, National Engineering Laboratory of Integrated Transportation
Big Data Application Technology, Chengdu, 611756, China; email: hmchen@swjtu.edu.cn; B. Liu, University of Illinois at
Chicago, Department of Computer Science, Chicago, IL, 60607; email: liub@cs.uic.edu.
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2157-6904/2019/01-ART18 $15.00
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, Vol. 10, No. 2, Article 18. Publication date: January 2019.