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Hierarchical Convolutional Neural Networks for EEG-Based Emotion...
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Hierarchical Convolutional Neural Networks for EEG-Based Emotion Recognition
Hierarchical Convolutional Neural Networks for EEG-Based
Emotion Recognition
Jinpeng Li
& Zhaoxiang Zhang
& Huiguang He
Received: 10 April 2017 /Accepted: 30 November 2017
Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2017
Traditional machine learning methods suffer from severe overfitting in EEG-based emotion reading. In this paper, we use
hierarchical convolutional neural network (HCNN) to classify the positive, neutral, and negative emotion states. We organize
differential entropy features from different channels as two-dimensional maps to train the HCNNs. This approach maintains
information in the spatial topology of electrodes. We use stacked autoencoder (SAE), SVM, and KNN as competing methods.
HCNN yields the highest accuracy, and SAE is slightly inferior. Both of them show absolute advantage over traditional shallow
models including SVM and KNN. We confirm that the high-frequency wave bands Beta and Gamma are the most suitable bands
for emotion reading. We visualize the hidden layers of HCNNs to investigate the feature transformation flow along the hierar-
chical structure. Benefiting from the strong representational learning capacity in the two-dimensional space, HCNN is efficient in
emotion recognition especially on Beta and Gamma waves.
Keywords Affective brain-computer interface
Emotion recognition
Brain wave
Deep learning
Emotion is important when people interact with each other. In
some cases, we also want the machines to interact with us
according to our emotion states. The affective brain-computer
interface (aBCI) [1] is a technique to make it a reality. In
aBCIs, the key problem is to deduce their human user’semo-
tion state, which is the foundation of other functional modules,
e.g., emotion feedback. Engineers hold strong interest in emo-
tion recognition techniques as they are valuable in multiple
applications, e.g., workload estimation [2], driving fatigue
detection [3], and mental state monitoring for pilots [4]. At
the same time, the computational models of emotion might
also help psychologists understand the internal mechanism of
human emotion processing.
There are many clues that contain emotion information. The
first kind is called the Bnon-physiological clue,^ e.g., facial ex-
pression and gesture [5, 6]. For example, [7] fused expression,
speech, and other multimodal information together and discrim-
inated four emotion states. The non-physiological clues are rel-
atively economical. However, signals of this kind are highly
related to the personal habit (culture) of subjects, and thus could
not be universally applied. Several studies have been conducted
concerning this topic [8–10].Thesecondkindiscalledthe
Bphysiological clue,^ e.g., the electric activities of neural cell
clusters across the human cerebral cortex. EEG is used to record
such activities. EEG is reliable in emotion recognition, because
it has relatively objective evaluation on emotion in comparison
with the non-physiological ones [5]. EEG devices often have
multiple channels (electrodes) to collect electric potentials from
different positions, which are either implantable or non-implant-
able. The former has relatively higher signal-to-noise ratio
(SNR), but not fit to the daily use. The latter is noninvasive
and wearable, but the SNR is lower, which is a challenge to
classification. For the convenience in practice, the non-
implantable EEG is favorable to commercial aBCI [10].
* Huiguang He
Jinpeng Li
Zhaoxiang Zhang
Research Center for Brain-inspired Intelligence, Institute of
Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), Beijing, China
Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Cognitive Computation
EEG signals are time-domain series, and we could analyze
them either in the time domain [11] or in the frequency do-
main [12], or the combination of them. There are five bands of
brain waves that interest researchers: Delta, Theta, Alpha,
Beta, and Gamma. Delta waves (1–3Hz) [13]aretheslowest
Bsleep waves,^ which are often used to characterize the depth
of sleep. Theta waves (4–7Hz)[14] are believed to be active
in light meditation and sleeping. Alpha waves (8–13 Hz) [15]
are linked with relaxation, happiness, and well-being. The
former three bands are associated with sleep or relaxation,
but the remaining two bands are different. Beta waves (14–
30 Hz) [16] are the Bwaking consciousness and reasoning
waves,^ which are tightly related to o ur thinking process.
Beta waves are significant in the effective functioning
throughout the day. Researchers proved that they may trans-
late into stress, anxiety, and restlessness. This band has been
intensively investigated. Gamma waves (31–50 Hz) [17]have
the highest frequency, and we know little about them. Initial
research shows Gamma waves are associated with bursts of
insight and high-level information processing. Li and Lu [18]
found Gamma waves were suitable for emotion reading with
emotional still images as stimuli. There are many feature ex-
traction techniques to characterize the EEG signals on each
band. Fourier energy [19] is a choice, but the electric activity
at each electrode is not a stationary process over time [20]. To
solve this problem, researchers introduced window functions
to analyze signals within a short span of time, in which the
process could be thought to be stationary. Hadjidimitriou et al.
employed spectrogram, Hilbert-Huang spectrum, and Zhao-
Atlas-Marks transform to classify ratings of liking and famil-
iarity [21]. Li et al. applied wavelet energy to compensate for
the influence of the non-stationary of EEG series [22]. Wang
et al. compared power spectrum, wavelet, and nonlinear dy-
namic feature to classify emotion states and indicated that
power spectrum was superior to the other two features [23].
Sabzpoushan et al. used six types of features and then selected
the top-ranked subset of them to characterize EEG signal for
classification [24]. After a detailed comparison test, Lu et al.
proved that differential entropy (DE) was the most accurate
and stable fea ture for emotion recognition than traditional
features, including power spectrum density (PSD),
autoregressive parameters, fractal dimension, and sample en-
tropy [25, 26].
Based on the aforementioned features, researchers have
constructed numerous models for emotion reading, e.g., [27]
used SVM to classify happiness, relaxation, sadness, and fear,
and [28] introduced autoregression modeling to judge whether
the subject was in the positive or negative emotion state on
band. However, the models they used were shallow, and the
low SNR was still the major frustration for classification. In
order to reduce the influence of the uncertainness, EEG signal
analysis often inv olve s in f eature selection procedures or
hand-crafted signal-representing techniques, e.g., PCA and
Fisher Projection. However, they are insufficient to excavate
patterns in EEG signals as they ignore the original information
such as channels. On the other hand, the cost of traditional
feature selection methods increases quadratically with respect
the number of features considered [29]. Therefore, we need
more powerful models to learn efficient representations for the
EEG-based brain decoding.
Since the work of Hinton and Krizhevsky in 2012 [30],
deep learning (DL) has dominated the machine learning field
and showed advantage in some complex tasks [31, 32]. The
most common structures include HCNN [30], SAE [33], and
deep belief networks (DBN) [34]. In the traditional models,
the feature configuration is fixed, and the classifiers spared no
effort to fit the task according to the features. As a contrast, DL
transforms the features from layer to layer dynamically in the
hierarchical structure and automatically learn the optimized
combination of them. In DL, the feature transformation and
classifier training are no longer independent procedures, be-
cause it binds the classifier training and representational learn-
ing together, and thus yields the optimum matching of them.
In practice, deep networks need a great deal of training cases
as they have plenty of parameters. As EEG brings no harm to
human body during long-term experiment, the data amount
requirement is not a barrier.
Recently, some researchers have used DL to analyze EEG
signals. Provost et al. proposed an automatic emotion recog-
nition system on the basis of DBN in an audiovisual task and
offered the performance comparison with SVM [35]. They
find that the learned high-order nonlinear relationships provid-
ed by deep networks were more effective for emotion recog-
nition. Israsena et al. calculated the PSD features of 32-
channel EEG signals and applied PCA to extract the most
important components of initial input featur es. They used
SAE to learn the nonlinear representations and classified the
level of valence and arousal. Their results indicate that SAE is
better than SVM and naive Bayes classifiers [36]. In our work,
we also use SAE as a comparison method with HCNN, and
the PCA operation is removed to maintain the channel infor-
mation. Graeser et al. proposed to discriminate different men-
tal states according to EEG signals from six electrodes via a
shallow HCNN [37]. They organized the EEG signals as 2-D
maps where each column corresponded to one electrode, and
each row was one sample recorded at an interval of time res-
olution. Although their electrode number was quite limited,
they showed the advantage of DL in EEG-based recognition.
The two dimensions were electrode and time; whereas our
work, both dimensions refer to electrode. We will discuss it
in detail in BMethods.^
Some researchers have shown that the individual difference
of EEG signals across subjects is remarkable [20, 38, 39].
From person to person, the EEG signal differs by a large scale.
Rothkrantz et al. showed that the subject-specific EEG data
contained enough information to recognize emotion state, but
Cogn Comput
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