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OFDM-WDM LR-PON with ultra-bendable fiber for last-mile distribu...
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The provision of quintuple-play services along wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) long-reach passive optical networks (LR-PONs) employing an ultra-bendable fiber in last-mile distribution is demonstrated experimentally. Particularly, the simultaneous transmission of three 100-GHz-spaced optical channels for the provision of double sideband orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) wireless and wired quintuple-play services to the premises of users located at 75, 85, and 100 km away fr

COL 11(3), 030606(2013) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS March 10, 2013
OFDM-WDM LR-PON with ultra-bendable fiber for
last-mile distribution of quintuple-play service
Tiago M. F. Alves
, Rakesh Sambaraju
, Adolfo V. T. Cartaxo
, and Anthony Ng’oma
Instituto de Telecomunica¸c˜oes, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Instituto Superior T´ecnico, Technical University of Lisbon, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal
Science and Technology Department, Corning Incorporated, One Riverfront Plaza,
Corning, N Y 14831, USA
Corresponding author: tiago.alves@lx.it.pt
Received October 10, 2012; accepted December 7, 2012; posted online February 28, 2013
The provision of quintuple-play services along wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) long-reach passive
optical networks (LR-PONs) employing an ultra-bendable fiber in last-mile distribution is demonstrated
experimentally. Particularly, the simultaneous transmission of three 100-GHz-spaced optical channels for
the provision of double sideband orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) wireless and wired
quintuple-play services to the premises of users located at 75, 85, and 100 km away from the central
office is demonstrated. The OFDM-WDM LR-PON is tested considering the last-mile fiber distribution
suffering from severe bending conditions without optical dispersion compensation. The experiments are
performed for a worst last-mile fiber bending case emulated by considering a Corning
experiencing 20 bends and a bend radius of 7.5 mm. All the OFDM signals received at the premises of users
present error vector magnitude (EVM) levels compliant with the EVM thresholds of the corresponding
standards. An EVM degradation in the OFDM signals received by each user not exceeding 0.8 dB due to
the last-mile distribution fiber is achieved.
OCIS codes: 060.0060, 060.2330.
doi: 10.3788/COL201311.030606.
The integration of wireless and wired ser vices in a single
hybrid acces s network is a promising so lution to provide
end users with high data-rate wireless and wired con-
nectivity and to allow network operators to have c ost
. Recently, a long-reach passive optical net-
work (LR-PON) that supports wired and wireless orthog-
onal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) signals
and uses wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) has
been proposed to provide high data-rate wireless/wired
multi-user access
. An illustrative scheme o f the pro-
posed WDM LR-PON is depicted in Fig. 1. The optical
line termination (OLT) is connected to the r e mote node
(RN) via the feeder fib e r, whose length is usually around
80 km. Moreover, the distribution fiber is used to con-
nect the RN to the optical netwo rk unit (ONU) installed
at the premise of users. The distribution part of the
network is divided in two links. One is the RN-adapter
link repre senting most of the distribution part of the net-
work. This link may reach 30 or 40 km. The other is the
last-mile distr ibution link represe nting the last part of
the network. This link is used to provide end users with
services. The adapter shown in Fig. 1 represents the
interface between these two dis tribution links. This fully
integrated network is capable of delivering quintuple-
play OFDM services, such as wired broadband Internet
and voice/phone data, using a custom OFDM signal
providing features simila r to standard Gigabit Ether net
(GbE), mobile voice/phone using worldwide interoper-
ability for microwave access (WiMAX) and long -term
evolution (LTE), wireless Internet, using WiMAX and
LTE, home security/control service, using LTE, and high
definition a udio and video contents, using ultra wideband
(UWB) technology. The quality of these quintiple-play
services offered to end users and the inclusion of o ther
OFDM services in the proposed network benefit from
the centralized impairment compens ation realized at
the OLT
. This centralized compensation approach is
enabled by the OFDM nature of the different signals
used to provide quintuple-play ser vices, allowing reduced
deployment costs and, in turn, operational and manage-
ment network savings.
The provision of quintuple-play services to end users
using the OFDM WDM LR-PO N was demo nstrated
exp erimentally
. In that proof-of-concept, the provi-
sion of quintuple-play services to ONUs installed 100 km
away from the OLT with error vector magnitude (EVM)
compliant levels in all the services was a chieved. A
100-km- long OLT-ONU distance was r eached using a
feeder fiber connecting the OLT to the RN and a dis-
tribution fiber connecting the RN to each O NU. The
Fig. 1. Illustrative scheme of the WDM LR-PON used for
provisions of quintuple-play services to end users with last-
mile distribution using ultra-bendable fiber.
1671-7694/2013/030606(6) 030606-1
2013 Chinese Optics Letters

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