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Monte Carlo light transport-based blood vessel quantification us...
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Photoacoustic tomography is a noninvasive and nonionized biomedical imaging modality but it cannot reveal the inner structure and sideward boundary information of blood vessels in the linear array detection mode. In contrast, Monte Carlo (MC) light transport could provide the optical fluence distribution around the entire vascular area. This research explores the combination of linear array transducer-based photoacoustic tomography and MC light transport in the blood vessel quantification. Simul
Monte Carlo light transport-based blood vessel
quantification using linear array photoacoustic
Xiangwei Lin (蔺祥伟), Mingjian Sun (孙明健)*, Naizhang Feng (冯乃章),
Depeng Hu (胡德鹏), and Yi Shen (沈 毅)
Department of Control Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
*Corresponding author: sunmingjian@hit.edu.cn
Received June 16, 2017; accepted July 28, 2017; posted online August 23, 2017
Photoacoustic tomography is a noninvasive and nonionized biomedical imaging modality but it cannot reveal
the inner structure and sideward boundary information of blood vessels in the linear array detection mode. In
contrast, Monte Carlo (MC) light transport could provide the optical fluence distribution around the entire
vascular area. This research explores the combination of linear array transducer-based photoacoustic tomog-
raphy and MC light transport in the blood vessel quantification. Simulation, phantom, and in vivo experiments
are in good correlation with the ultrasound imaging, validating this approach can clearly visualize the internal
region of blood vessels from background tissue.
OCIS codes: 170.5120, 100.3020, 110.5120, 170.0110.
doi: 10.3788/COL201715.111701.
Many diseases such as arteriosclerosis, plaque, and angio-
genesis around tumors have significant effects on blood
vessel formation so that noninvasive imaging and moni-
toring of blood vessels or vascular lesion-related tissue
structure would be a key factor to assess the physiological
and pathological status and it has widely attracted the
attention of researchers in recent years
. One of the
possible biomedical imaging modalities to quantitatively
measure the various vasculature properties is photoacous-
tic tomography (PAT), which has been utilized in a
variety of biological and clinical applications
noninvasive imaging modality due to the instant thermo-
elastic expansion of either endogenous or exogenous opti-
cal contrast agents in biological tissue.
Based on the optical absorption of inherent hemoglobin
chromophore inside the blood
, PAT could provide
the anatomy and functional imaging in blood vessels non-
invasively and nonionized compared with the traditional
X-ray angiography
. The linear array transducer-based
PAT assumes the photoacoustic (PA) sources lie in the
same plane as thetransducer, resulting a 2D acquisition
. Therefore, it can be easily integrated with
B-mode ultrasound (US) imaging and could precisely real-
ize the architectural analysis such as the location, shape,
sizes, axial, and lateral diameter of the vessels. These
properties could be further extracted through blood
vessel quantification methods based on PA imaging
Another advantage of PAT is that it could achieve func-
tional imaging due to the multispectral characteristic of
the hemoglobin.
The linear array transducer-based cross-sectional PAT
is most widely applied in current research due to its
accelerated data acquisition speed, handheld bedside
availability, and shared hardware acquisition and
software reconstruction with B-scan US in nature. How-
ever, the inner blood vessel structure cannot be revealed
due to the internal thermal elasticity counteracting each
and the boundary information would be lost
because of the limited view problem
. Thus, the inside
vascular structure and lateral margin could not be com-
pletely revealed in this configuration. However, the clini-
cal diagnostics needed to use PA imaging to reveal these
structures are desperately required, especially in the evalu-
ation of internal vascular injury-related diseases or hemo-
dynamic measurement inside the vessels.
To solve the challenge of internal vascular imaging,
the fluence compensation is applied here based on the
PA principle. The initial PA pressure p
of the absorber
at position r could be calculated by p
¼ Γμ
where Γ is the Gruneisen coefficient, μ
ðrÞ is the absorp-
tion map, and ΦðrÞ is the optical fluence. After compen-
sating the optical fluence Φ, the optical absorption μ
which mainly corresponds to the internal vascular geom-
etry, would be approximately recovered
. Monte Carlo
(MC) light transport is a stochastic and statistical model
to depict the local rules of photon propagation in biologi-
cal tissue
. Thus, it could provide both the distribution
of the optical fluence and the deposited optical energy
density by properl y assigning the optical absorption
and scattering coefficient of the specific tissue constitu-
. This method has been successfully applied in
photoacoustically determining the optical absorption
coefficient of biological tissue
Since the imaging contrast in PAT came from internal
optical absorbers, this modality could avoid the injection
of any exogenous contrast agent and thus the MC model,
which reflects the tissue structure, could be built more
accurately. Herein, to resolve the limitations of linear
COL 15(11), 111701(2017) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS November 10, 2017
1671-7694/2017/111701(5) 111701-1 © 2017 Chinese Optics Letters
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- 资源: 895
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