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这项工作解决了工业电渣重熔生产的过程控制。 本文提出了一种基于机制的模型,该模型使用电极位移来估计熔融速率,设计了重熔过程控制系统,并使用实际应用数据来验证该模型的有效性。 事实证明,基于机理模型的熔体速率软测量是一种经济,可靠的解决方案,可用于大型工业电渣重熔炉在线熔体速率的估算和控制。
The Estimation and Control of the Electroslag Remelting Melt
Rate by Mechanism-Based Modeling
The process control of industrial electroslag remelting production is addressed in this work. This
article proposes a mechanism-based model using electrode displacement to estimate the melt
rate, designs the remelting process control system, and uses practical application data to verify
the validity of the model. The soft measurement of the melt rate based on mechanism modelin g
is proved to be an economical and reliable solution to the online melt rate estimation and
control for large industrial electroslag remelting furnaces.
DOI: 10.1007/s11663-011-9606-2
Ó The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2011
THIS article is organized as follows. Section I
introduces related research and the proposed approach.
Section II discusses the modeling procedures and the
coefficient modification method. The model validity is
evaluated using practical application data in Section III.
Section IV serves as a con clusion. The deduction of the
melt rate equation is presented in Appendix A. The
symbols and explanations are listed in the Nomenclature
A. Electroslag Remelting
Electroslag remelting (ESR) technology has been
employed effectively in the metallurgy of special steel
and alloy steel. The fine-grained, high-purity ingot
products are used widely in the production of turbine
disks for aircraft engines, aeronautical bearings, sub-
marine shells, gun steels, titanium alloys for astro nau-
tics, crank axles for ships, cold rollers, and high-speed
tool steels.
In the ESR process, a high current passes through the
consumable electrode and the molten slag. Then, the
electrode melts in the superheated slag pool and
resolidifies in the molten, water-co oled mold. High-
quality solidification processes require that the melt rate
of the electrode be stable. Thus, the melted metal per
minute is rather small compared with the ingot mass. As
a result, the nonmetal impurities in the molten pool are
more likely to conglomerate and float, and the molten
metal droplet detached from the electrode tip will be
filtered fully in the slag pool. The ESR mechanism is
illustrated in Figure 1(a), and its equivalent circuit is
shown in Figure 1(b). The slag resistance is a time-
varying parameter in the ESR process.
Major technol ogical parameters affecting the ESR
process include the following:
(a) Electric current density, i.e., the current per unit
cross-sectional area of the electrode (A/cm
). The
ratio of the current density to the electrode diameter
is restricted to a range so that the ESR process is
stable. A ratio exceeding either the upper or the
lower limit will result in an unstable remelting or an
arc process. As the electrode diameter increases, the
current density for stable remelting decreases. Spe-
cific data depend on the fill ratio.
(b) Fill ratio, i.e., the ratio of the electrode diameter to
the inner diameter of the crucible. This parameter
affects heavily the stability, quality, and power
consumption of remelting. When the fill ratio is
large, an increase in power and the skin effect will
lead to a flat end-profile of the electrode, a shallow
electrode immersion, sparsely distributed molten
droplets, a homogenized slag–metal interface tem-
perature, and an inverse-trapezoidal shape of the
molten pool bottom. Under this condition, if a lar-
ger power is used, then solidification tends to be
upright while the pool bottom is still relatively flat.
Therefore, increasing the power can reduce the time
cost without compromising the remelting quality.
(c) Thickness of the slag layer, which affects directly the
depth of the molten pool for a given input power.
A thick slag layer results in a low slag temperature,
a shallow molten pool, and good electroslag stability;
a thin slag layer results in a high slag temperature, a
deep molt en pool, and poor electroslag stability.
(d) Furnace voltage. For a given input power and slag
layer thickness, an excessively high furnace voltage
will cause a large electric current fluctuation, an
unstable electroslag process, a high slag-layer tem-
perature, a shallow molten pool, and a high melt
rate. In the case of a low voltage, the slag layer will
have a lower temperature, the molten pool will
deepen, and the melt rate will slow down. A voltage-
swing control system can control the furnace voltage
by means of an integrated circuit. As the current
decreases, the furnace voltage falls; for instance, the
HU, and YIXING CHEN, Students, are with the Department of
Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P.R. China.
Contact e-mail: lwz@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
Manuscript submitted August 6, 2011.
Article published online December 6, 2011.
fall may be from more than 50 V in the beginning to
approximately 40 V in the end. The furnace voltage
also influences the melt rate and power consumption
(e) Melt rate. Increasing the melt rate can reduce the
power cost greatly. As the melt rate increases, the
power imparted to the slag pool increases. Conse-
quently, the crystallographic axial angle decreases
quickly, and the ingot tends to crystallize radially
rather than along the desired axial direction.
Moreover, a deeper molten pool increases the time
for solidification, which means a higher possibility of
defects, such as segregation and inclusion; the sur-
face quality of the ingot worsens accordingly. It is
generally accepted that a reasonable melt rate results
in the optimum molten pool shape, a solidification
corner between 70 deg and 110 deg, and a good-
quality ingot surface.
(f) Slag system, which affects directly the stability of
the ESR process and the quality of the solid ified
ingot. The slag system must satisfy the following
conditions: (1) appropriate electrical conductivity to
ensure adequate supply of energy and stable
remelting process; (2) relatively low melting point
and viscosity to assure the surfa ce quality of the
solidified ingot; (3) relatively large density, which
helps increase the slag-metal contact time and
makes the reaction to proceed in full swing; and (4)
relatively small surface tension. Besides all these
requirements, the slag system must meet the rele-
vant requirements for permea bility and vapor
B. Mechanism Analysis of the ESR Mechanism
1. Model for the ESR mechanism
Researchers have long been engaged in the study of
ESR mechan ism and its mathematical model. Dilawari
and Szekely
first developed a mathematical represen-
tation of the velocity field distribution of the fluid flow
in the slag pool and the molt en pool. They assumed a
known size and shape of the molten pool, an isothermal
condition for the slag pool and the molten pool,
cylindrical symmetry, negligible effects of molten droplet
on the motion of molten pool, and a negligible damping
effect of the turbulent flows caused by the electromag-
netic field. Dilawari and Szekely
extended the model
by relaxing the assumptions of isothermality and the
molten-droplet effect.
Choudhary and Szekely
proposed an improved
model of pool profile, velocity field, and temperature
profile. They claimed that the movements of slag pool
were affected mainly by the buoyant and electromag-
netic forces and that electrode immersion had a consid-
erable impact on the melt rate but little influence on
other process variables such as temperature field and
velocity field.
Ferng et al.
developed an integrated numerical model
of flow field and temperatur e distribution while simulta-
neously solving the molten pool profile. They discussed
also the direct current/alternating current power supply
mode, the electric current amplitude, and the impact of
electrode feed rate on the ESR process. They concluded
that the melt rate and the electric current magnitude
played a major role in the shaping of the molten pool and
Fig. 1—(a) The ESR mechanism and (b) the equivalent circuit.
that the outside disturbances exerted a heavy influence on
the temperature field distribution.
Hernandez-Moorales and Mitchell
reviewed the
previous work on mathematical models of transport
phenomena in the ESR process and concluded that
whereas the models for fluid flow and heat transfer had
been well developed, mass transfer phenomena needed
additional study in the future. Cefalu et al.
the ESR process for a certain type of ingots.
2. The theory of ESR melt rate estimation
Melt rate has long been regarded as the most
important factor affecting the depth and shape of the
molten pool. This view has been verified by theoretical
model calculation that assumes calculation.
Because the depth and the shape of the molten pool are
the main determinants of the solidification direction and
segregation, these parameters need to be maintained at a
constant level to ensure that high-quality ingots with a
homogeneous composition and consistent properties are
produced. Because online detection of depth and shape of
the molten pool is rather difficult, a stable melt rate is
often used as the alternative control objective.
The melt rate is given by Dilawari and Szekely.
¼ k
DHðÞ ½1
The melt rate can be obtained based on the temper-
ature field distribution given by the heat-flo w equation
and the liquid-flow equation. However, this approach
leads to a theoretical a chievement rather than a practical
solution. First, too many physical parameters are
needed, and these parameters depend on the particular
electrode, slag composition, and slag amount. Second,
the procedure for obtaining the temperature field
distribution by (simultaneously) solving several partial
differential equations using the finite-element method is
too complicated for real-time computation.
Yet, theoretical derivations and experimental data
reveal an approximately linear relationship between the
stable de pth of the molten pool and the melt rate of the
The formula relating the molten pool
depth, the current, and the ingot height is given by
hO; YðÞ¼Ae
As a result, there is
¼ AI
The current work uses the experimental data collected
from tests on a 20 – t ESR furnace equipped with
electronic scale weighing system. A, B,andC
obtained by least-squares fitting. The melt rate
computed with Eq. [3] and the actual melt rate measured
with the electronic scale are compared.
The melt rate estimated by Eq. [3] is, on the whole,
consistent with the actual rate, except for in the
unsteady shrinkage compensation stage. But the esti-
mation of the Eq. [3] coefficients is difficult in the field
(see the average electrode density and average ingot
density modification in Section II–B).
In summary, a mechanism-based, practically feasible
online melt rate estimation for indu strial ESR produc-
tion remains unavailable in the published literature.
C. The ESR Process Control System
A coupled-control approach based on a reduced-
order linear ESR model and a typical process measure-
ment has been developed.
In this approach, a
Kalman filter is used to estimate the states in eight
process models and to control the melt rate and the
immersion depth simultaneously. An intelligent control
based on neural network has also been studied by Wang
and Tu.
The authors of this article developed a
constant-melt-rate control system based on time-varying
parameters and used it for a 15 – t coaxial furnace in an
ESR workshop at Xing Tai, China.
As for the process control method, Kim and Kwon
presented a minimum-maximum, generalized predictive
control of the burn-through point in the sintering
process using an event-based mo del. The controller
design must meet certain constraints on its output. Silva
et al.
proposed a predictive adaptive controller for
the regulation of superheated steam temperature in
commercial boilers and made a comparison with
an optimized cascade control system. Wang et al.
developed a hybrid supervisor control system for a
reheat furnace and conducted simulation and industrial
The proposed ESR process control system is illustrated
in Figure 2. Figure 2(a) presents the current cascade
control system. Under the condition of constant distance
between the electrode and the molten pool, the proposed
melt rate estimation model, which uses the electrode
displacement and technical parameter as inputs, can
provide precise online estimation of the melt rate.
A field measurement of electrodes of different mate-
rials, diameters, and lengths shows that the voltage drop
on the electrode amounts to virtually nil; the measure-
ment of the solidified ingot impedance also reveals a
virtually nil value. For this reason, only the bus-bar
impedance and the slag resistance are considered in the
equivalent circuit shown in Figure 2(a).
Figure 2(b) shows the control system for the distance
between the electrode and the molten pool. Through the
voltage swing amplitude control, the electrode immer-
sion depth can be co ntrolled precisely to keep the
distance between the electrode and the molten pool
constant in the remelting process.
D. The Current Work
The proposed mechanism-based model is an online
melt rate estimation method that applies to the ESR
*The symbols used in the article are listed and explained in the
Nomenclature table.
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