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传播路径中存在的障碍物会导致阴影褪色。 结果,信号的能量被额外消耗以克服阴影衰落所引起的影响。 这种情况导致实际应用中的通信环境变幻莫测。 但是,大多数拓扑控制算法在评估链路的通信质量的过程中会忽略额外的能耗。 基于理想信号衰减模型的拓扑太理想,无法满足实际应用的要求。 为了获得对实际环境的更实际的描述,我们构建了一个名为path-obstacle-remove模型的新模型。 该模型旨在消除阴影褪色的影响。 因此,它将额外的衰减能量转换为节点之间的逻辑距离。 此外,考虑到低能耗节点的过多能耗限制了网络的生命周期,提出了一种基于路径障碍消除模型(EAPOR)的分布式节能感知拓扑控制算法。 理论分析表明,EAPOR构造的拓扑是连通的和双向的。 此外,EAPOR可以轻松地以低消息复杂度O(n)构造拓扑。 仿真结果表明,EAPOR具有良好的鲁棒性和稀疏性。 此外,EAPOR减少了端到端延迟,并显着延长了网络寿命。
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Wireless Personal Communications
An International Journal
ISSN 0929-6212
Wireless Pers Commun
DOI 10.1007/s11277-014-2034-2
EAPOR: A Distributed, Energy-Aware
Topology Control Algorithm Based Path–
Obstacle–Remove Model for WSN
Xiao-Chen Hao, Min-Jie Xin & Xiao-Yue
1 23
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Wireless Pers Commun
DOI 10.1007/s11277-014-2034-2
EAPOR: A Distributed, Energy-Aware Topology Control
Algorithm Based Path–Obstacle–Remove Model for WSN
Xiao-Chen Hao · Min-Jie Xin · Xiao-Yue Ru
© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014
Abstract The obstacles existing in the propagation path cause shadow fading. As a con-
sequence, signal’s energy is additionally consumed to overcome the influence incurred by
the shadow fading. This situation leads to the unpredictable communication environment
in practical application. However, most topology control algorithms ignore the additional
energy consumption in the process of appraising links’ communication quality. The topolo-
gies based on the ideal signal attenuation model are too ideal to meet the requirements of
practical application. In order to obtain a more practical description of the real environment,
we structure a new model named path–obstacle–remove model. This model aims at erasing
the influence of shadow fading. Thus, it transforms the additional attenuation energy into
logic distance between nodes. Besides, considering that the excessive energy consumption
of lower-energy nodes restricts the network lifetime, a distributed, energy-aware topology
control algorithm based on path–obstacle–remove model (EAPOR) is proposed in this paper.
The theoretical analysis demonstrates that the topology constructed by EAPOR is connected
and bi-directional. Besides, EAPOR can easily construct the topology with a low message
complexity of O(n). The simulation result shows that EAPOR has good performance on
robustness and sparseness. Moreover, EAPOR reduces the end-to-end delay and prolongs
the network lifetime significantly.
Keywords Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) · Path obstacles · Topology control ·
Logic distance · Surplus energy
1 Introduction
The application of wireless sensor network (WSN) is propelled by the improvements of these
technologies, such as sensor technology, embedded computing technology, modern network
Xiao-Chen Hao and Min-Jie XIN are joint first authors. These authors contributed equally to this work.
X.-C. Hao (
) · M.-J. Xin · X.-Y. Ru
Institute of Electrical Engineering, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao, China
e-mail: haoxiaochen@ysu.edu.cn
Author's personal copy
X.-C. Hao et al.
and wireless communication technology, distributed information processing technology [1].
Although WSN has been used in the fields such as traffic management, environmental mon-
itoring etc, the limited energy still is an important factor for WSN’s finite application. So it
becomes a crucial target for WSN’s research to efficiently extend the network’s lifetime with
the limited resource. Topology control (TC) is an important energy-saving technology [2],
because TC can economize energy by dispatching nodes’ transmitting power or scheduling
nodes’ sleep cycles. However, mostly existing topological structures are constructed via the
ideal wireless signal attenuation model. They don’t take into account the difference between
ideal application environment represented by ideal model and practical application environ-
ment. As a result, the actual topology is different from the designed one. Hence, it has a very
important significance for WSN to research TC algorithm based on practical application
Many researchers tried their best to avoid the defect that topology is too ideal to apply in
real environment, and obtained lots of achievements. Upon analyzing and summarizing the
existing algorithms (e.g. [3,4]), Wattenhofer put forward an extremely simple and strictly
local algorithm called XTC [3]. This algorithm doesn’t need the accurate location informa-
tion of nodes, and indicates link communication quality via one-hop neighbors’ Euclidean
distances. Consequently, XTC not only can be used in three-dimensional space but also
is suitable for practical application environment. However, XTC only qualitatively uses dis-
tance as the indicator of link communication quality. It does not take into account the additive
effect caused by the environmental difference in current network. To accurately assess the
link quality, Dyer et al did a thorough research [4]. The final result shows that, only under the
condition of the smaller standard deviation, has the link quality a bigger correlation with the
distance between nodes. In order to avoid representing link quality through the link’s length,
Schweizer et al. proposed a k TC algorithm in [5]. k TC uses rssi (Received signal strength
indicator) as link weight, employs the ratio of link weights as the standard to choose links.
rssi increases with the link quality enlarges [4], and is irrelevant with distance. In addition, it
can be detected at the receiving end in real time. rssi has no uniform metric if node’s trans-
mitting power is alterable, because it has a linear relation with transmitting power. Thus, the
designed topology is different from the one constructed by k TC in practical application.
The judgment condition which is used to construct topology results in the situation. This is
because the judgment condition can not exactly signify the communication situation of each
link. Unlike the k TC algorithm, the topology control strategy utilized in Ref. [6]ishow
to optimize the process of link selection. This algorithm prefers to choose a multi-hop path
rather than select the one-hop link whose energy is bigger than the multi-hop path. However,
this method makes topology a large delay, since the hop count is oversize. CTC is different
from the above algorithms, and charts a new course [7]. It employs nodes’ minimum trans-
mitting power to judge link communication quality, and adopts different strategies for each
link and each node. Thereby, this algorithm can partially solve the problem of link’s loss and
asymmetry. Nonetheless, CTC is only applicable to intensive network. Because it assumes
that the network still has strong connectivity, while all nodes adopt minimum transmitting
power. These above TC algorithms obtain good performances by choosing path or defining a
new indicator for link communication quality. However, these methods still can’t resolve the
problems existing in practical application, because they don’t take into account the unpre-
dictable real communication environment. As a consequence, there is still a big discrepancy
between the designed topologies and the actual ones.
With the deepening of the study, experts have already recognized that the real commu-
nication environment which described by path loss exponent is playing an important role
in topology research. To embody the significance of path loss exponent, LA-TPA analyzes
Author's personal copy
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