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Engineering the emission of laser arrays to nullify the jamming ...
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Non-Hermitian characteristics accompany any photonic device incorporating spatial domains of gain and loss. In this work, a one-dimensional beam-forming array playing the role of the active part is disturbed from the scattering losses produced by an obstacle in its vicinity. It is found that the placement of the radiating elements leading to perfect beam shaping is practically not affected by the presence of that jammer. A trial-and-error inverse technique of identifying the features of the obst
Engineering the emission of laser arrays
to nullify the jamming from passive obstacles
Department of Physics, School of Science and Technology, Nazarbayev University, 53 Qabanbay Batyr Ave, Astana KZ-010000, Kazakhstan
*Corresponding author: konstantinos.valagiannopoulos@nu.edu.kz
Received 30 October 2017; revised 26 April 2018; accepted 29 May 2018; posted 1 June 2018 (Doc. ID 312268); published 10 July 2018
Non-Hermitian characteristics accompany any photonic device incorporating spatial domains of gain and loss.
In this work, a one-dimensional beam-forming array playing the role of the active part is disturbed from the
scattering losses produced by an obstacle in its vicinity. It is found that the placement of the radiating elements
leading to perfect beam shaping is practically not affected by the presence of that jammer. A trial-and-error inverse
technique of identifying the features of the obstacle is presented based on the difference between the beam target
pattern and the actual one. Such a difference is an analytic function of the position, size, and texture of the object,
empowering the designer to find the feeding fields for the lasers giving a perfect beam forming. In this way, an
optimal beam-shaping equilibrium is re-established by effectively cloaking the object and nullifying its jamming
© 2018 Chinese Laser Press
OCIS codes: (140.3300) Laser beam shaping; (160.3918) Metamaterials; (230.3205) Invisibility cloaks.
Collective operation of laser waveguides in arrays and networks
is the backbone of several state-of-the-art applications and
recent advances in photonics and lightwave technologies.
One-dimensional laser phased arrays characterized by strong
nonlinearity and non-Hermiticity have been experimentally in-
vestigated in Ref. [1], where the effect of various symmetries on
multimode emission and edge-mode lasing has been identified
(free-space wavelength λ
≅ 1.59 μm). In two dimensions, net-
works of optical nanoantennas have been found able to support
functionalities beyond conventional focusing and steering use-
ful in three-dimensional holography and biomedical testing [2]
≅ 1.55 μm). Of course, the major application of such
structures remains efficient beam shaping, which can be elec-
tronically controlled based on hybrid prototypes of dielectric
waveguides and metallic nanoemitters [3](λ
≅ 1.57 μm)
and provides grating lobe-free steering for light detection
and ranging [4](λ
≅ 1.55 μm).
Regarding beam forming in similar THz applications, an
inverse problem for the excitations of an array of emitters
has been lately formulated [5]. Inspired by long established
level-set methods for computing moving fronts [6], new limits
for the radiation of emitters [7] and the recent inverse-design
paradigm shift in photonic design [8], the optimal arrangement
of the cavity lasers is considered. It has been reported [5] that
the distance between two consecutive radiating elements
should fall within an approximate value range, so that the
aggregate far-field response mimics perfectly a specific target
pattern. In particular, it is found that the waveguides should
not be placed too close to each other, or they will act as one
source unable to create a directive collective pattern.
Additionally, they cannot be very distant from each other
because each emitter should talk with the neighboring ones to
give a combined response instead of a sum of isolated and
uncorrelated radiation patterns.
Forward and inverse problems such as the aforementioned
ones have appeared for various bands of operational frequen-
cies. In radio engineering, e.g., clusters of radiators have been
traditionally used for optimal beam forming and, most impor-
tantly, adaptive techniques are employed to avoid the jamming
of the collective radiation pattern due to several causes.
Indicatively, signal processing methods that allow the system
to fully adapt to a complex spatio-temporal environment con-
taining jammers are presented in Ref. [9]. Furthermore, filter-
ing techniques that suppress the perturbation of the
information signal from interference sources by selecting the
suitable transmitting array [10] or alleviate the harming effects
of array imperfections [11] are also known and available.
Alternatives to these historical signal cancellation [12]
approaches are the modern cloaking techniques that allow an
object to interact minimally with the background field.
Similarly, the jamming effect of an obstacle can be mitigated
with use of passive dielectric coats [13,14] or periodic metallic
flanges that guide the incident field around it [15]. More easily,
an object that jams the signal from the source can vanish by
neutralizing its scattering field with active components
Research Article
Vol. 6, No. 8 / August 2018 / Photonics Research A43
2327-9125/18/080A43-08 Journal © 2018 Chinese Laser Press
such as electric/magnetic currents [16] or non-foster meta-
surfaces [17].
In this paper, we pair the structure of a beam-shaping laser
array with a near-field obstacle that jams the formed radiation
pattern. The cluster of emitters is identical to that of Ref. [5],
where their optimal excitations for the best beam forming are
computed. In the presence of the obstacle, the new effective
current feeds leading to a perfect result are determined by
solving the corresponding boundary value problem. The per-
missible range for the distance between the laser waveguides
remains the same as in the obstacle-free analysis [5], since
the object is passive and acts as a secondar y source. The con-
sidered system combines gain (lasers) with loss (obstacle) and
clearly constitutes a non-Hermitian photonic configuration
[18–23]. Note that losses are not referring only to that part
of energy that is converted into thermal form due to the
passivity of the obstacle; we can define effective scattering losses
describing the jamming created by the object that destroys an
already established equilibrium. More specifically, in a working
beam-forming device, an object appears and harms the proper
response, behaving as an effective lossy part; to remedy that
situation, we re-adjust the active part and cloak the obstacle
by producing an aggregate response identical to the desired
target pattern.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present
the configuration and state the assumption for the two-
dimensional variation. To this end, we rigorously impose
the boundar y conditions to obtain a linear system whose sol-
ution is the local output fields of the lasers giving an optimal
beam forming in the presence of the obstacle. In Section 3,we
define the value ranges for the input parameters and our basic
observable metric, which is the error of the obstacle-free solu-
tion. Furthermore, we present the possibility of finding some
(or even all) objects’ features from the variations of that metric
and demonstrate the effectiveness of our method if one has
exact knowledge of the size, the texture, and the position of
the obstacle. Finally, in Section 4, we summarize the proposed
methodology and briefly mention our future plans on
non-Hermitian engineering for structures of the same class.
Let us consider an array of multiple laser emitters radiating into
free space ε
, μ
as that depicted in Fig. 1, where the used
Cartesian x, y, z and cylindrical r, φ, z coordinate systems
are also defined. Referring to the z 0 plane, we regard
2M 1 laser waveguides of common finite length along
y axis defined by a perfect and an imperfect mirror (at
y 0) and equispaced along x axis. These cavities are properly
fed to develop a z-polarized electric field at their ends, with
complex phasors denoted by F
for m −M, …, M, which
gets diffused into vacuum half space y>0 [24]. A cylindrical
obstacle of radius b and filled with material of relative complex
permittivity ε, is positioned along axis x, yx
, y
jams the collectively produced field of the waveguides [15].
We assume that the output fields F
do not significantly alter
in the presence of the obstacle, despite the formed external
cavity, which may influence the intrinsic behavior of the lasers.
Indeed, the size of the cylinder 2b is usually chosen much
smaller than the length 2ML of the radiating aperture and thus
may affect only a minute number of elements. Furthermore,
according to feedback literature [25,26], there are ways to mit-
igate the effect of outer mirrors on the characteristics (intensity
threshold) of the formed external cavity laser. The distance
between two consecutive cavities equals L, and the transversal
size of each of them equals 2a. The suppressed time depend-
ence is of harmonic form: e
A major assumption of this study is that the phasor of
the electric field remains constant across the entire zone
fjx − mLj <a, y 0g equal to F
; it simplifies substantially
the considered problem by making it two dimensional (field
distributions independent from z). In other words, the struc-
ture and excitation are taken unaltered along z axis and, thus,
the system’s response is the same regardless of the observation
plane, as long as it is parallel to the xy one. Such a reduction is
not unrealistic, since one may consider identical (with respect
to structure, texture, and feed) sets of waveguides as those
existing on z 0 plane to be positioned along parallel planes
covering a distance along z axis equal to W . In this way, an
illusion of z independence is created, which gets more success-
ful for increasing W . In particular, our analysis would be
exactly valid for the entire space if W → ∞ and would describe
qualitatively the spatial distributions only for xy plane
for W → 0.
The background (z-directed) electric field, in the absence of
the obstacle, is written as an aggregation of the outputs of the
2M 1 emitters [5]
x, y
x − mL
where k
is the free-space wavenumber,
and H
is the Hankel function of u-th order and second type.
The quantity λ
is the free-space wavelength. The quantity
a is used for normalization purposes, since the outputs
of the lasers are considered as constant throughout the cross
section of the ends of the waveguides. Therefore, Eq. (1) is suit-
able only for points external to the laser cavities, since there is
no actual field singularity in the interior of them. In other
words, we assume that the waves are the outcome of point
sources only outside of the lasers that produce them. This field
is scattered by the obstacle, and the signal that perturbs the
background distribution can be expressed as
Fig. 1. Schematic of the regarded configuration. The aggregate field
of an active laser array is perturbed by a passive cylindrical obstacle.
A44 Vol. 6, No. 8 / August 2018 / Photonics Research
Research Article
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