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我们研究了在高发光度LHC下使用矢量玻色子融合(VBF)生产模式测量与tau轻子耦合的希格斯(h)的CP特性的前景。 利用先前提出的平面之间的角度,该角度由(π+π0)和(π-π0)对的动量矢量跨越,并且随着CP奇数的可观察到而从τ±衰减开始,我们执行了详细的蒙特卡洛分析, 考虑到相关标准模型背景以及检测器分辨率的影响。 我们发现在14 TeV LHC处不包括纯CO 400 fb − 1 $$ \ mathcal {O} \ left(400 \ {\ mathrm {fb}} ^ {-1} \ right)$$发光度,且值为 使用3 ab -1数据可以在95%置信度下排除大于25°的CP混合角。 可以看出,中性小子动量的角分辨率的不确定性不会构成明显的障碍。 实现信噪比(S / B)接近于一,同时保持研究角分布所需的足够高的信号产量,选择了VBF作为一种有前途的模式,可以通过胶子聚变探测hττ耦合的CP性质。 S / B较低,并且W±h / Zh模式(轻度衰减W±/ Z)具有较小的信号速率。
Published for SISSA by Springer
Received: December 21, 2016
Revised: April 14, 2017
Accepted: May 15, 2017
Published: May 23, 2017
Measuring the CP property of Higgs coupling to tau
leptons in the VBF channel at the LHC
Tao Han,
Satyanarayan Mukhopadhyay,
Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya
and Yongcheng Wu
PITT-PACC, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA 15260, U.S.A.
Regional Centre for Accelerator-based Particle Physics, Harish-Chandra Research Institute, HBNI,
Chhatnag Road, Jhusi, Allahabad 211019, India
Department of Physics, Tsinghua University,
Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter,
Beijing 100086, China
E-mail: than@pitt.edu, satya@pitt.edu, biswarup@hri.res.in,
Abstract: We study the prospects of measuring the CP property of the Higgs (h) coupling
to tau leptons using the vector boson fusion (VBF) production mode at the high-luminosity
LHC. Utilizing the previously proposed angle between the planes spanned by the mo-
mentum vectors of the (π
) and (π
) pairs originating in τ
decays as the CP-odd
observable, we perform a detailed Monte Carlo analysis, taking into account the relevant
standard model backgrounds, as well as detector resolution effects. We find that excluding
a pure CP-odd coupling hypothesis requires O(400 fb
) luminosity at the 14 TeV LHC,
and values of the CP-mixing angle larger than about 25
can be excluded at 95% confi-
dence level using 3 ab
data. It is observed that the uncertainty in the angular resolution
of the neutral pion momenta does not constitute a significant hurdle. Achieving a signal
to background ratio (S/B) close to one, while keeping a high enough signal yield required
to study the angular distributions selects out VBF as a promising mode to probe the CP
nature of the hττ coupling, with gluon fusion suffering from a low S/B, and the W
mode (with leptonically decaying W
/Z) having a much smaller signal rate.
Keywords: Higgs Physics, CP violation
ArXiv ePrint: 1612.00413
Open Access,
The Authors.
Article funded by SCOAP
1 Introduction 1
2 Analysis setup 3
2.1 Effective interaction Lagrangian 3
2.2 Observable sensitive to the CP structure of hτ
coupling 4
2.3 Monte Carlo simulation of signal and background processes 5
3 Results 6
3.1 Kinematic selection of signal region: signal and background rates 6
3.2 CP-odd correlations and measurement reach at HL-LHC 8
4 Summary 12
A Validation of MC simulation with ATLAS 8 TeV analysis 14
1 Introduction
Measurement of the properties of the 125 GeV scalar boson [1, 2] constitutes one of the
most important experimental programs in the coming decades, at the ongoing 13 TeV run
of the LHC and its high-luminosity upgrade [3], as well as at future planned lepton and
higher-energy hadron colliders [4–7]. In addition to a precise determination of the coupling
strengths of the Higgs boson (h) to standard model (SM) gauge bosons and fermions [8–10],
future large statistics data sets would allow for the measurement of several differential
distributions of interest, which are sensitive to the Lorentz structure and CP property of
Higgs couplings [11, 12]. As is well known, extensions of the standard model, motivated
by a range of arguments, predict observable deviations in the Higgs properties from their
corresponding SM predictions [4, 6, 7, 13]. In particular, considerations on successful
electroweak baryogenesis often require an extended Higgs sector, with potentially new
sources of CP violation in Higgs couplings [14–16].
ATLAS and CMS collaborations have utilized the h → ZZ
→ (`
) decay
mode (with `, `
= e, µ) to probe the CP nature of the Higgs coupling to Z-bosons, and
using the 8 TeV LHC data, a pure CP-odd hypothesis has been excluded at 99% confidence
level [17–21]. This, however, leaves open the possibility that h is not an eigenstate of
CP, but an admixture of CP-even and CP-odd states, and the present measurements do
not constrain the amount of such a mixing significantly. CP violation in the h → ZZ
decay process is not expected to be large as well, since the CP-even part of the amplitude
originates from the hZ
term, which appears at dimension four, while the CP-odd
coupling structure,
, can only be generated from dimension six SM gauge
invariant operators. On the other hand, the Higgs coupling to SM fermions can include
both CP-even and CP-odd Lorentz structures with similar strength, for example, via the
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mixing of CP-even and CP-odd scalars in a two-Higgs doublet model, and the CP-odd
couplings can therefore be potentially large. Furthermore, the effective operators leading to
the CP-odd Lorentz structures in the Higgs coupling to gauge bosons and to SM fermions
(including different fermion generations) may have separate origin, thereby making the
corresponding coupling strengths uncorrelated.
Among the third generation fermions, extensive studies have been performed to de-
termine the LHC sensitivity of the structure of the Higgs coupling to top quarks [22–28],
and a realistic analysis including the effect of the relevant SM backgrounds shows that the
high-luminosity (HL) LHC run with 3 ab
of data can probe a CP-mixing angle larger
than O(60
) at 95% C.L. [28]. For the Higgs coupling to b-quarks, a measurement would be
challenging, as no information of the b polarization is retained in the angular distribution
of the lightest B meson’s decay products, while only a fraction of the lightest baryon, Λ
is expected to retain the polarization information [29–31].
The fact that tau polarization information is retained in the angular distribution of its
decay products [32, 33] has led to a number of studies on the prospects of measuring the CP
property of the hτ
coupling at the LHC and at e
colliders, utilizing both one and
three prong τ decay modes [34–45]. The existing phenomenological analyses have mostly
focussed on the formulation of suitable observables that are sensitive to the CP nature of
the hτ
coupling, with the restriction that due to the presence of missing neutrinos, it is
not possible to accurately determine the τ
momentum vectors or the Higgs rest frame at
the LHC. The one prong decay τ
→ ρ
, with ρ
→ π
is found to be promising in
this regard [35, 43], as the angle between the decay planes spanned by (π
) and (π
can be utilized to define a CP-odd variable carrying the spin correlation information of the
decaying taus. However, in order to properly access the viability of such a measurement
at the LHC, it is important to study specific Higgs production modes, and determine to
what extent such correlations can be extracted in the presence of large SM backgrounds.
The Higgs coupling to τ leptons has already been established with a combined signifi-
cance of more than 5σ [46] by the ATLAS [47] and CMS [48] collaborations, using the 7 and
8 TeV data from the LHC. The experimental analyses show the clear importance of the
vector boson fusion (VBF) mode in driving the discovery of the hτ
decay process. As is
well known, VBF leads to a distinctive topology that can be used to enhance the signal to
background ratio [49]. In contrast, the leading Higgs production mode (gg → h → τ
suffers from formidable SM background [41, 42], and the clean associated W
h/Zh pro-
duction modes (with h → τ
, and the vector boson decaying to leptonic final states) [50]
suffer from very low rates of the signal itself as well as difficult backgrounds.
In this paper, we therefore focus on the vector boson fusion production of the Higgs
boson in association with two forward tagging jets, and explore the prospects of probing
the CP nature of the hτ
coupling using the τ
→ π
decay mode. We perform
a complete Monte Carlo (MC) simulation of the signal and the dominant background
processes, keeping the spin correlation in all steps of the decay chain, and including the
effects of parton shower, hadronization and underlying events. We also carefully study
the impact of the crucial detector resolution uncertainty in determining the momentum
direction of the neutral pions. As we shall show in the subsequent sections, VBF turns out
to be a very promising mode for probing the hτ
coupling structure as well.
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- 粉丝: 6
- 资源: 937
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