Circular Reranking for Visual Search
Ting Yao, Chong-Wah Ngo, Member, IEEE,andTaoMei,Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—Search reranking is regarded as a common way
to boost retrieval precision. The problem nevertheless is not
trivial especially when there are multiple features or modalities
to be considered for search, which often happens in image and
video retrieval. This paper proposes a new reranking algorithm,
named circular reranking, that reinforces the mutual exchange
of information across multiple modalities for improving search
performance, following the philosophy that strong performing
modality could learn from weaker ones, while weak modality
does benefit from interacting with stronger ones. Technically,
circular reranking conducts multiple runs of random walks
through exchanging the ranking scores among different features
in a cyclic manner. Unlike the existing techniques, the reranking
procedure encourages interaction among modalities to seek a
consensus that are useful for reranking. In this paper, we study
several properties of circular reranking, including how and which
order of information propagation should be configured to fully
exploit the potential of modalities for reranking. Encouraging
results are reported for both image and video retrieval on
Microsoft Research Asia Multimedia image dataset and TREC
Video Retrieval Evaluation 2007-2008 datasets, respectively.
Index Terms—Circular reranking, multimodality fusion, visual
HE rapid development of Web 2.0 technologies has
led to the surge of research activities in visual search.
While visual documents are rich in audio-visual content and
user-supplied texts, commercial visual search engines to date
mostly perform retrieval by keyword matching. A common
practice to improve search performance is to rerank the visual
documents returned from a search engine using a larger and
richer set of features. The ultimate goal is to seek con-
sensus from various features for reordering the documents
and boosting the retrieval precision. There are two general
approaches along this direction: visual pattern mining [8] and
multi-modality fusion [1], [2]. The former mines the recurrent
patterns, either explicitly or implicitly, from initial search
results and then moves up the ranks of visually similar docu-
ments. Random walk [9], for instance, performs self-reranking
Manuscript received January 12, 2012; revised October 14, 2012; accepted
December 4, 2012. Date of publication December 24, 2012; date of cur-
rent version February 12, 2013. This work was supported in part by
the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61272290
and Grant 61228205 and a grant from Microsoft Research Asia Windows
Phone Academic Program FY12-RESOPP-107. The associate editor coordi-
nating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was
Prof. Ton Kalker.
T. Yao and C.-W. Ngo are with the Department of Computer
Science, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (e-mail:
tingyao2@student.cityu.edu.hk; cscwngo@cityu.edu.hk).
T. Mei is with Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing 100190, China (e-mail:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIP.2012.2236341
through identifying documents with similar patterns based on
inter-image similarity and initial rank scores. This category of
approaches, nevertheless, seldom explores the joint utilization
of multiple modalities. Instead, different modalities are treated
independently. Furthermore, the utilization of a modality is
often application dependent, making it difficult to generalize
the mining for general-purpose search. Multi-modality fusion,
in contrast, predicts the importance of modalities, for instance,
through fusion weight learning, and linearly combines them
for reordering documents. The fusion, however, is done at
the decision stage. More specifically, the estimation of fusion
weights is mainly derived from the ranking scores in different
ranked lists. There is no mechanism, however, where the
interaction among multiple modalities could be exploited for
reranking in a principle way.
This paper proposes a novel algorithm, named circular
reranking, that takes advantages of both pattern mining and
multi-modality fusion for visual search. More importantly,
modality interaction is taken into account, on one hand to
implicitly mine recurrent patterns, and on the other, to leverage
the modalities of different strength for maximizing search per-
formance. Figure 1 shows an overview of our proposed work
compared with the existing methods. Given a ranked list of
visual documents returned from a search engine, conventional
methods use to perform random walk to rerank the results as
shown in Figure 1(a). There are variants of approaches arisen
from this methodology, for instance, conducting random walk
on the original text space [31] or a new space built upon
visual features [8], [10]. Typically each space is viewed as
a graph that specifies the document proximity. More sophis-
ticated approaches include lately fusing the reranked results
from random walks in different feature spaces, or conversely,
performing random walk on a unified graph that is fused
from multiple features [9], [21]. Regardless of these different
versions, a common issue not fully explored and studied is
how the modalities should interact in view that their abilities in
answering different queries could vary largely. We address this
issue, as shown in Figure 1(b), from the viewpoint of mutual
reinforcement. Specifically, different modalities interact by
exchanging their feature spaces while preserving the original
document scores for random walk. The exchange results in
the following outcome: the ranks for documents which remain
sharing similar local view of proximity in a different space
tend to be upgraded. Take the text and bag-of-visual-words
(BoW) feature spaces in Figure 1(b) as an example, the
second and fourth images in the initial ranked list are similar
in both text and BoW feature spaces. After reinforcement
as in Figure 1(b), these group of images remains close in
proximity and thus their ranks are likely to be moved up
after random walk. Meanwhile, the second and third images
1057–7149/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE