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蒙特卡洛事件生成器Herwig ++(版本3.0)的一个主要新版本现已发布。 此版本标志着区分Herwig ++和HERWIG开发的结束,因此构成了Herwig事件生成器系列的第7版的第一个主要版本。 新版本对事件模拟进行了许多重大改进,其中包括:几乎针对所有标准模型过程的内置NLO硬过程计算,并通过减法(MC @ NLO型)与角序和偶极阵雨模块匹配 )和乘法(Powheg型)算法; QED辐射和自旋相关性在成角度的阵雨中; 在困难过程和parton淋浴过程中对扰动不确定性的一致处理。 一些新功能将在随附的出版物中详细介绍,并且手册的更新将在适当的时候进行。

Eur. Phys. J. C (2016) 76:196
DOI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-016-4018-8
Special Article - Tools for Experiment and Theory
Herwig 7.0/Herwig++ 3.0 release note
Johannes Bellm
, Stefan Gieseke
, David Grellscheid
, Simon Plätzer
, Michael Rauch
, Christian Reuschle
Peter Richardson
, Peter Schichtel
, Michael H. Seymour
, Andrzej Siódmok
, Alexandra Wilcock
Nadine Fischer
, Marco A. Harrendorf
, Graeme Nail
, Andreas Papaefstathiou
, Daniel Rauch
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
IPPP, Department of Physics, Durham University, Durham, UK
Particle Physics Group, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
HEP Theory Group, Department of Physics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA
CERN Theoretical Physics Department, Geneva, Switzerland
The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics in Cracow, Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Poland
Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
Received: 12 January 2016 / Accepted: 11 March 2016 / Published online: 11 April 2016
© The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com
Abstract A major new release of the Monte Carlo event
generator Herwig++ (version 3.0) is now available. This
release marks the end of distinguishing Herwig++ and HER-
WIG development and therefore constitutes the first major
release of version 7 of the Herwig event generator family. The
new version features a number of significant improvements
to the event simulation, including: built-in NLO hard pro-
cess calculation for virtually all Standard Model processes,
with matching to both angular-ordered and dipole shower
modules via both subtractive (MC@NLO-type) and multi-
plicative (Powheg-type) algorithms; QED radiation and spin
correlations in the angular-ordered shower; a consistent treat-
ment of perturbative uncertainties within the hard process and
parton showering. Several of the new features will be covered
in detail in accompanying publications, and an update of the
manual will follow in due course.
1 Introduction
Herwig is a multi purpose particle physics event generator.
It is based on the experience gained with both the HERWIG
[1] and the Herwig++ [2] event generators. The latest ver-
sion of Herwig++, 3.0, marks the point at which the physics
capabilities of the HERWIG version 6 series are fully super-
seded, and thus the last point at which their development is
distinguished. Herwig++ 3.0 will henceforth be known as
Herwig 7.0. It replaces any prior HERWIG or Herwig++
e-mail: simon.platzer@durham.ac.uk
Herwig provides highly improved and extended physics
capabilities compared to both its predecessors, in particular
the ability to perform simulations at next-to-leading order
in QCD, while keeping the key physics motivations such
as coherent parton showers (including both angular-ordered
and dipole evolution), the cluster hadronization model, an
eikonal multiple interaction model, and highly flexible BSM
The last major public version (2.7) of Herwig++ is
described in great detail in [2–7]. This release note summa-
rizes the major changes and improvements introduced since
then, which constitute the base for the Herwig 7series.The
physics questions addressed by the capabilities of Herwig
7 will be covered in detail in accompanying publications,
as well as comparisons with the other well-known general-
purpose event generators, Pythia [8,9] and Sherpa [10]. A
detailed manual covering all technical aspects will be pre-
pared in due course. Please refer to [2] and the present paper
if using Herwig 7.0.
1.1 Availability
The new program version, together with other useful files
and information, can be obtained from the web site https://
herwig.hepforge.org/. In order to improve our response to
user queries, all problems and requests for user support
should be reported via the bug tracker on our wiki. Requests
for an account to submit tickets and modify the wiki should
be sent to herwig@projects.hepforge.org.
Herwig is released under the GNU General Public License
(GPL) version 2 and the MCnet guidelines for the distribution
and usage of event generator software in an academic setting,

196 Page 2 of 8 Eur. Phys. J. C (2016) 76 :196
which are distributed together with the source, and can also
be obtained from http://www.montecarlonet.org/.
1.2 Prerequisites
Herwig 7.0 is based on ThePEG 2.0, which is available
along with the Herwig installation sources at https://herwig.
hepforge.org/downloads. Further requirements are BOOST
[11], gsl [12], fastjet [13] and LHAPDF [14], while a
number of other dependencies are necessary in order to
fully exploit the program’s capabilities. Amongst these are
HepMC and/or Rivet [15] to analyze simulated events, as
well as some or all of the external amplitude libraries dis-
cussed in Sect. 2.2.
In order to simplify the installation process, we provide
a bootstrap script to facilitate a consistent build and instal-
lation of Herwig in a convenient way. The script requires
a python installation, and is available from https://herwig.
1.3 Documentation
A significant new feature is the online documentation, which
has been completely rewritten and greatly extended to reflect
the major changes introduced with this version and replaces
the wiki pages. It can be found at https://herwig.hepforge.
org/tutorials/. An update of the more detailed physics and
manual will be made available in a similar format in due
course. Code snippets are provided for a wide variety of con-
trol functions for easy inclusion into input files. Detailed doc-
umentation of the source code and input file interfaces gen-
erated with doxygen is available at https://herwig.hepforge.
2 NLO event simulation
A key ingredient in the design and development of Her-
wig 7.0 was to provide event simulation at next-to-leading
order (NLO) accuracy in the strong coupling by default for as
many Standard Model processes as possible in an automated
way. The program, with the help of external libraries used
for amplitude calculation, is now able fully automatically
to assemble NLO QCD corrections to virtually all Standard
Model processes, including matching to both of its parton-
shower algorithms [16,17], via methods inspired by either the
MC@NLO [18]orPowheg[19] type algorithms, which we
refer to as subtractive and multiplicative matching, respec-
Based on extensions of the previously developed Match-
box module [20], NLO event simulation is now possible
without the requirement of separately running external codes
and/or dealing with intermediate event sample files. Slight
changes have been made to improve Herwig
’s steering at the
level of input files, and significant improvements are provided
to integration and unweighting, including parallelization to
meet the requirements of more complex processes.
2.1 The matchbox module
The design of the Matchbox modules closely resembles the
structure of the NLO QCD cross section calculated within
a subtraction paradigm, including the matching subtrac-
tions required to consistently combine such calculations with
parton showering downstream. Subtraction terms are avail-
able in a flexible way, though only Catani–Seymour dipoles
[21,22] are provided so far, including both massless and mas-
sive QCD as well as the subtraction terms required for super-
symmetric QCD corrections.
Parton-shower matching subtractions are provided on an
equally flexible footing, including those required for the
angular-ordered shower [16], the dipole shower [17], as
well as matrix-element corrected showers forming the basis
of Powheg-type matching. For the latter, we provide addi-
tional functionality to sample the matrix-element correction
Sudakov using the adaptive method outlined in [23]. In order
to simplify the calculation of matching subtractions for the
angular-ordered shower, the kinematics reconstruction used
to work out the final shower kinematics has been changed
to avoid additional Jacobian factors when compared to the
dipole parameterization in the case of a single (or in general,
the hardest) emission.
2.2 External amplitude providers
In order to set up the full calculation of a cross section,
Matchbox requires plug-ins to provide the respective tree
and one-loop amplitudes. These plug-ins can be interfaced
either at the level of matrix elements squared (or tree-loop
interferences, respectively), or at the level of helicity, colour-
ordered subamplitudes with both trace- and colour flow bases
provided within the Matchbox core through adapted versions
of the ColorFull [24] and CVolver [25] libraries.
While we
provide built-in amplitudes for a limited number of processes,
the bulk of Standard Model processes can be simulated using
external amplitude plug-ins.
Based on extensions of the BLHA standard [26,27], Her-
wig currently supports interfaces to GoSam [28], Mad-
Graph [29], NJet [30], OpenLoops[31] and VBFNLO
[32,33]. Amplitudes for a limited number of LHC relevant
processes are directly provided along with the release, and
amplitudes for electroweak Higgs plus jets production are
Other choices of colour bases are straightforward to implement
through a very transparent interface.

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