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Novel periodic dielectric ring waveguide and design of compact d...
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A novel one dimensional periodic dielectric ring waveguide (PDRWG) is proposed and its dispersion properties are studied in details. Based on the proposed waveguide structure, a compact dual wavelength demultiplexer is designed. By a finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation method, the performance of the designed device is calculated and analyzed. The dual wavelength demultiplexer can split the communication wavelengths of 1.31 and 1.55 mm into different waveguides and output from differe
COL 12(7), 071301(2014) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS July 10, 2014
Novel periodic dielectric ring waveguide and design of
compact dual wavelength demultiplexer
Haibin Chen (
, Guohui Wang (
, Honglu Hou (
, and Hui Wang (
School of optoelectronics Engineering, Xi’an Technological University, Xi’an 710021, China
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China
Corresponding author: haibinn@gmail.com
Received January 10, 2014; accepted April 23, 2014; posted online June 25, 2014
A novel one dimensional periodic dielectric ring waveguide (PDRWG) is proposed and its dispersion prop-
erties are studied in details. Based on the proposed waveguide structure, a compact dual wavelength
demultiplexer is designed. By a finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation method, the perfor-
mance of the designed device is calculated and analyzed. The dual wavelength demultiplexer can split the
communication wavelengths of 1.31 and 1.55 µm into different waveguides and output from different ports
with relative high t ransmittances of about 98% and 92%, respectively. The PDRWG may find applications
in multi-wavelength demultiplexers or other novel integrated photonic devices.
OCIS codes: 130.2790, 130.3120.
doi: 10.3788/COL201412.071301.
Dielectric waveguides are the most fundamental compo-
nents for the c onnection of various photonic integrated
devices, and many important devices in photonic inte-
grated circuits (PICs) are generally in the form of di-
electric waveguide structures . Thus, their pe rformances
directly affect the working of PICs as a whole. Light con-
finement of traditional dielectric waveguides in general
is relatively weak, which makes the PIC size cannot be
effectively reduced, for the reason that if the waveguide
bending angles are too ac ute, great bending losse s will
be introduced, and many bends of the waveguide are
inevitably needed in the conventional connection of PIC
Periodic dielectric materials including photonic crys -
tals have increased human control abilities on propaga-
tion behaviours o f light to a new level
. For the stro ng
confinement of light by photonic bandgaps
, dielectric
optical waveguides based on photonic crystal platforms
show the advantages of compact structur e , abrupt bend
with negligible losses
, which makes photonic crystal
waveguides great advanta ges in the design of novel PIC
devices, and especially, may greatly increase the inte-
grating density. But optical dielectric waveguides based
on photonic crystals are very complex structures, which
makes the fabrication process very c omplex and difficult.
Currently, two dimensional photonic crystal waveguides
are still in the lab stage relative ly far from the real ap-
At the sa me time, one dimensional periodic dielec-
tric wave guides with much simpler structures than the
photonic crystal waveguides have also attracted many
attentions of researchers
. By a theoretical study
based on numerical simulation, Luan et al.
show that
a kind of one dimensional periodic dielectric rod waveg-
uide can achieve high trans mission even with acute angle
bend. In a bend radius of 3λ (λ is the wavelength), a
transmittivity of better than 90% is achieved, which are
difficult for conventional waveguides. In 2010, Feng et
exp erimentally studied the cros s co nnectio n of two
perpendicular periodic dielectric waveguides based on the
silicon on insulator (SOI) platform. In their experiment,
the cross connection region was less than 4×4 (µm) and
the two waveguide perpendicularly crossed each other,
but the experimental results showed that in a wavelength
range of 1520−1600 nm, the crosstalk b e tween the two
waveguides was less than −40 dB. The current researches
on periodic dielectric waveguides show that the waveg-
uide structure may be used to substitute conventional
dielectric waveguides with the advantage of gr eatly de-
creasing PIC sizes without the need of complex two
dimensional photonic crystal waveguides. Thus the com-
plexities and difficulties of the fabrication process will be
greatly re duced.
Besides the potential in greatly reducing PIC sizes,
periodic dielectric waveguides may also be helpful for the
development of new PIC devices. Many PIC devices like
compact beamsplitters
, wavelength demultiplexers
polarization splitters
, optical logic devices
, etc.,
based on one dimensional periodic dielectric waveguides
have be e n proposed and s tudied. Although many inter-
esting results have been achieved on the p e riodic dielec-
tric waveguide, which has shown great future potentials,
there are still much work to do in this a rea.
In this letter, a novel one dimensional periodic di-
electric waveguide is designed and analyzed, in which
a dielectric ring s tructure is used as the unit ce ll. As
far as the author knows, the waveguide structure has
not bee n s tudied before, which shows a more versatile
control on the dispersion properties. For convenience, in
this letter, we call the novel waveguide periodic dielectric
ring waveguide (PDRWG). A compact dual wavelength
demultiplexer based on the PDRWG is designed and sim-
ulated. Theoretical analyses are given for the structure
design of the PDRWG and the dual wavelength demul-
tiplexer by using a two dimensional plane wave ex pan-
sion (PWE) method a nd finite-difference time-domain
(FDTD) simulation.
As shown in Fig. 1, the waveguide is composed of a
one-dimensional arranged periodic dielectric rings, which
1671-7694/2014/071301(5) 071301-1
2014 Chinese Optics Letters
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