A time- and wavelength-division multiplexing
sensor network with ultra-weak fiber Bragg
Zhihui Luo,
1, 2
Hongqiao Wen,
Huiyong Guo,
and Minghong Yang
National Engineering Laboratory for Fiber Optic Sensing Technology, Wuhan University of Technology(WHUT),
122 Luo Shi Road, Hong Shan District, Wuhan, 430070, China
China Three Gorges University, 8 University Avenue, Yichang, 443002, China
Key Laboratory of Fiber optic sensing technology and information processing, Institute of Information, Wuhan
University of Technology, 430070, China
Abstract: A time- and wavelength-division multiplexing sensor network
based on ultra-weak fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) was proposed. The low
insertion loss and the high multiplexing capability of the proposed sensor
network were investigated through both theoretical analysis and
experimental study. The demodulation system, which consists of two
semiconductor optical amplifiers and one high-speed charge-coupled device
module, was constructed to interrogate 2000 serial ultra-weak FBGs with
peak reflectivity ranging from 47 dB to 51 dB and a spatial resolution of
2 m along an optical fiber. The distinct advantages of the proposed sensor
network make it an excellent candidate for the large-scale sensing network.
©2013 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (050.2770) Gratings; (060.3738) Fiber Bragg gratings, photosensitivity;
(060.4230) Multiplexing; (060.4250) Networks.
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Received 17 Jul 2013; revised 12 Sep 2013; accepted 16 Sep 2013; published 20 Sep 2013
23 September 2013 | Vol. 21, No. 19 | DOI:10.1364/OE.21.022799 | OPTICS EXPRESS 22799