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java lru leetcode leetcode 的解决方案 本仓库是 603LZY 的 leetcode 解决方案合集。 最新更新于2018-10-22 22:06:22这里有875个问题的228个解决方案,还有139个被锁定。 完成统计: JavaScript:11 Python:214 C++:40 Java:11 注1。 : leetcode(-cn).com的leetcode api有一些bug,所以有些问题这里没有文件夹。 力扣解决方案表 ID 标题 困难 JavaScript Python C++ Java 001 简单的 002 中等的 去做 去做 去做 003 中等的 去做 去做 004 难的 去做 去做 去做 005 中等的 去做 去做 006 中等的 去做 去做 007 简单的 去做 去做 008 中等的 去做 去做 009 简单的 去做 去做 010 难的 去做 去做 去做 011 中等的 去做 去做 去做 012 中等的 去做 去做 013 简单的 去做 去做 014 简单的 去做 去做 015 中等的 去做 去做 016 中等的 去做 去做 去做 017
javalruleetcode-LeetCode:yxr&leakey的Leetcode解决方案。主要使用Python/C (357个子文件)
63. Unique Paths II.c 1KB
120. Triangle.c 1KB
532. K-diff Pairs in an Array.c 1KB
21. Merge Two Sorted Lists.c 1KB
475. Heaters.c 992B
24. Swap Nodes in Pairs.c 882B
64. Minimum Path Sum.c 851B
4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays.c 694B
479. Largest Palindrome Product.c 664B
12. Integer to Roman.c 659B
442. Find All Duplicates in an Array.c 599B
437. Path Sum III.c 596B
3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters.c 594B
72. Edit Distance.c 591B
328. Odd Even Linked List.c 582B
238. Product of Array Except Self.c 569B
91. Decode Ways.c 536B
62. Unique Paths.c 488B
462. Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements II.c 486B
19. Remove Nth Node From End of List.c 479B
459. Repeated Substring Pattern.c 479B
455. Assign Cookies.c 463B
1. Two Sum.c 434B
53. Maximum Subarray.c 429B
495. Teemo Attacking.c 404B
8. String to Integer (atoi).c 384B
283. Move Zeroes.c 374B
263. Ugly Number.c 359B
278. First Bad Version.c 355B
268. Missing Number.c 351B
115. Distinct Subsequences.c 350B
485. Max Consecutive Ones.c 309B
27. Remove Element.c 295B
540. Single Element in a Sorted Array.c 262B
279. Perfect Squares.c 262B
26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array.c 234B
453. Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements.c 223B
476. Number Complement.c 192B
28. Implement strStr().c 188B
9. Palindrome Number.c 184B
458. Poor Pigs.c 173B
191. Number of 1 Bits.c 173B
7. Reverse Integer.c 158B
63. Unique Paths II.cpp 1KB
120. Triangle.cpp 1KB
532. K-diff Pairs in an Array.cpp 1KB
21. Merge Two Sorted Lists.cpp 1KB
15. 3Sum.cpp 1KB
64. Minimum Path Sum.cpp 991B
22. Generate Parentheses.cpp 990B
24. Swap Nodes in Pairs.cpp 977B
475. Heaters.cpp 877B
479. Largest Palindrome Product.cpp 717B
12. Integer to Roman.cpp 700B
6. ZigZag Conversion.cpp 685B
5. Longest Palindromic Substring.cpp 678B
328. Odd Even Linked List.cpp 669B
91. Decode Ways.cpp 663B
62. Unique Paths.cpp 634B
19. Remove Nth Node From End of List.cpp 597B
3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters.cpp 577B
278. First Bad Version.cpp 498B
495. Teemo Attacking.cpp 478B
8. String to Integer (atoi).cpp 469B
13. Roman to Integer.cpp 444B
9. Palindrome Number.cpp 411B
238. Product of Array Except Self.cpp 408B
442. Find All Duplicates in an Array.cpp 403B
263. Ugly Number.cpp 395B
14. Longest Common Prefix.cpp 381B
283. Move Zeroes.cpp 379B
1. Two Sum.cpp 379B
27. Remove Element.cpp 366B
485. Max Consecutive Ones.cpp 354B
540. Single Element in a Sorted Array.cpp 308B
268. Missing Number.cpp 286B
26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array.cpp 260B
20. Valid Parentheses.cpp 236B
191. Number of 1 Bits.cpp 233B
7. Reverse Integer.cpp 219B
458. Poor Pigs.cpp 209B
476. Number Complement.cpp 180B
28. Implement strStr().cpp 121B
532. K-diff Pairs in an Array.cs 1KB
278. First Bad Version.cs 505B
495. Teemo Attacking.cs 472B
1. Two Sum.cs 442B
263. Ugly Number.cs 406B
238. Product of Array Except Self.cs 404B
485. Max Consecutive Ones.cs 394B
442. Find All Duplicates in an Array.cs 390B
283. Move Zeroes.cs 361B
268. Missing Number.cs 277B
540. Single Element in a Sorted Array.cs 254B
495. Teemo Attacking.go 378B
485. Max Consecutive Ones.go 371B
1. Two Sum.go 329B
283. Move Zeroes.go 301B
442. Find All Duplicates in an Array.go 227B
540. Single Element in a Sorted Array.go 207B
共 357 条
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