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我们在二维共形场理论中考虑拓扑缺陷线(TDL)。 TDL概括并涵盖了全局对称性和Verlinde线,连同其附加的缺陷算符一起提供了无需编织的融合类别模型。 我们研究了TDL的交叉关系,讨论了它们与非霍夫特异常的关系,并使用它们将重整化群流约束为共形临界点或拓扑量子场论(TQFT)。 我们表明,如果沿RG流保留某些不可逆的TDL,则真空不能为非简并的带隙状态。 对于各种大量流量,我们完全根据对TDL和模块不变性的考虑来确定红外TQFT。
Published for SISSA by Springer
Received: July 12, 2018
Revised: December 11, 2018
Accepted: December 23, 2018
Published: January 3, 2019
Topological defect lines and renormalization group
flows in two dimensions
Chi-Ming Chang,
Ying-Hsuan Lin,
Shu-Heng Shao,
Yifan Wang
and Xi Yin
Center for Quantum Mathematics and Physics (QMAP), University of California,
Davis, CA 95616, U.S.A.
Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, CA 91125, U.S.A.
School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study,
Princeton, NJ 08540, U.S.A.
Joseph Henry Laboratories, Princeton University,
Princeton, NJ 08544, U.S.A.
Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Harvard University,
Cambridge, MA 02138 U.S.A.
E-mail: wychang@ucdavis.edu, yhlin@caltech.edu, shuhengshao@gmail.com,
yifanw@princeton.edu, xiyin@fas.harvard.edu
Abstract: We consider topological defect lines (TDLs) in two-dimensional conformal
field theories. Generalizing and encompassing both global symmetries and Verlinde lines,
TDLs together with their attached defect operators provide models of fusion categories
without braiding. We study the crossing relations of TDLs, discuss their relation to the ’t
Hooft anomaly, and use them to constrain renormalization group flows to either conformal
critical points or topological quantum field theories (TQFTs). We show that if certain
non-invertible TDLs are preserved along a RG flow, then the vacuum cannot be a non-
degenerate gapped state. For various massive flows, we determine the infrared TQFTs
completely from the consideration of TDLs together with modular invariance.
Keywords: Anomalies in Field and String Theories, Conformal Field Theory, Global
ArXiv ePrint: 1802.04445
Open Access,
The Authors.
Article funded by SCOAP
1 Introduction 1
2 Definition and properties of topological defect lines 4
2.1 Defining properties 5
2.2 Corollaries 10
2.2.1 H-junction crossing relation 10
2.2.2 Pentagon identity 12
2.2.3 Action on bulk local operators and defect operators 13
2.2.4 Vacuum expectation value hLi and defect Hilbert space H
2.2.5 Vanishing tadpole 16
2.2.6 Trivial junctions 17
2.2.7 Fusion coefficients 18
2.2.8 Rotation on defect operators 18
2.3 Generalization to non-conformal case 19
2.4 Isotopy anomaly and orientation-reversal anomaly 19
3 Relation to fusion categories 21
3.1 On fusion categories of small ranks 22
4 Invertible lines, ’t Hooft anomalies, and orbifolds 24
4.1 Global symmetries and invertible lines 24
4.2 ’t Hooft anomaly 25
4.3 Orbifolds 25
4.3.1 Duality defects and Tambara-Yamagami categories 26
4.4 Cyclic permutation map and spin selection rule 27
4.4.1 Example: chiral U(1) rotation in free compact boson 29
5 Topological defect lines in rational CFTs 31
5.1 Verlinde lines in diagonal RCFTs 31
5.1.1 Ising model 32
5.1.2 Tricritical Ising model 36
5.1.3 Tetracritical Ising model 37
5.1.4 Pentacritical Ising model 38
5.1.5 Lee-Yang model 39
5.2 More general topological defect lines 39
5.2.1 Three-state Potts model 39
5.2.2 Topological Wilson lines in WZW and coset models 41
5.2.3 Models with
fusion ring 42
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6 Crossing kernels and spin selection rules 44
6.1 Tambara-Yamagami categories 44
6.1.1 Z
symmetry 44
6.1.2 Z
symmetry 46
6.2 Categories with Lee-Yang fusion ring 46
6.3 Categories with R
) fusion ring 48
6.4 Categories with
fusion ring 49
7 Constraints on RG flows 50
7.1 A diagnostic for degenerate vacua 52
7.2 Constraints on TQFTs in specific flows 52
7.2.1 Ising model deformed by ε 53
7.2.2 Tricritical Ising model deformed by σ
7.2.3 Tricritical Ising model deformed by ε
7.2.4 On TQFTs admitting R
) fusion ring 56
7.2.5 (A
, E
) minimal model deformed by φ
7.2.6 Tetracritical Ising model perturbed by φ
7.2.7 Pentacritical Ising model perturbed by φ
7.3 Comments on RG walls and boundary states 66
7.4 Coupled minimal models 68
8 Summary and discussions 69
8.1 On IR TQFTs 69
8.2 TDLs in irrational CFTs 70
8.3 From topological to conformal defects 70
A Gauge conditions on crossing kernels 72
B Recovering fusion ring from crossing kernels 74
C Explicit solutions to pentagon identity 75
C.1 Fusion categories with R
) fusion ring 75
fusion category 77
1 Introduction
Two-dimensional conformal field theories (CFTs) are usually defined in terms of the data
of local “bulk” point-like operators, namely the spectrum of Virasoro primaries and their
structure constants, subject to the associativity of operator product expansion (OPE) and
modular invariance. It is well known that there are extended objects, or “defects”, such
as boundary conditions [1–4] and line defects/interfaces [5–27], in the CFT that can be
characterized in terms of the response of bulk local operators in the presence of the defect,
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but typically obey strong notions of locality that do not obviously follow from those of the
bulk local operators.
A basic example is a global symmetry element g, which by definition is a linear trans-
formation on the bulk local operators that preserve their OPEs: the action of g on a bulk
local operator may be viewed as the contraction of a loop of a topological defect line (TDL)
on the bulk local operator [13, 32–34]. A TDL that corresponds to a global symmetry will
be referred to as an invertible line in this paper, for the reason that such a line is associ-
ated to a symmetry action and therefore its inverse must exist.
In all known examples
of global symmetries in a CFT, the corresponding invertible lines are subject to a strong
locality property, namely, that it can end on defect operators, which obey an extended set
of OPEs.
In the case of a continuous global symmetry such as U(1), Noether’s theorem
states that there must be an associated conserved spin-one current j
. The contour inte-
gral of this conserved current e
then defines a family of invertible TDLs labeled by
θ ∈ S
, where the topological property follows from the conservation equation. In the case
of discrete global symmetry such as Z
, the existence of the associated invertible TDLs
with the above-mentioned properties can be thought of as a discrete version of Noether’s
theorem. It has nontrivial implications on the action of g on the bulk local operators that
do not obviously follow from the standard axioms on the bulk local operators.
Interestingly, there are TDLs that do not correspond to any global symmetries, and
they are ubiquitous in 2d CFTs [2, 7, 13, 19, 25]. This is possible because the general
TDLs need not obey group-like fusion relations, but instead form a (semi)ring (generally
non-commutative) under fusion. Though invariant under isotopy transformations (by def-
inition), a general TDL cannot simply be reconnected within the same homological class;
rather, it obeys nontrivial crossing relations under the splitting/joining operation, and
consequently, the action of a general TDL on bulk local operators by contraction need not
preserve the OPE as a global symmetry action would.
A special class of TDLs (not necessarily invertible) are known as Verlinde lines [2,
7, 35, 36]. They exist in rational CFTs defined by diagonal modular invariants. The
fusion ring generated by the Verlinde lines in an RCFT is formally identical to that of
the representations of the chiral vertex algebra (although the physical interpretation of the
fusion of Verlinde lines is entirely different from the OPEs). In particular, such a fusion ring
is commutative and admits braiding, which is not the case for the most general system of
TDLs. The fusion of general TDLs may not be commutative (as is the case for nonabelian
global symmetry), and even when they are commutative, they may not admit braiding.
The structure of fusion and crossing relations of the Verlinde lines is captured by what
is known as a modular tensor category [37–40], which requires the crossing relations to
See [28–31] for the lattice realization of some topological line defects and their constraints on in-
frared phases.
Here the inverse L
of a line L is defined such that their fusion relation is LL
= L
L = 1. For a
more general TDL L (such as the N line in the critical Ising model), its inverse might not exist.
In the absence of an ’t Hooft anomaly, such defect operators are related to orbifold twisted sector states
upon a symmetry-invariant projection, but the existence of the defect operator Hilbert space is more general
and applies to global symmetries with an ’t Hooft anomaly as well.
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obey the pentagon identity, and braiding relations to further obey the hexagon identity.
The general TDLs of interest in this paper are models of a more general mathematical
structure known as fusion category [41, 42] (at least when there are finitely many simple
lines), which still requires the crossing relations to obey the pentagon identity, but does
not require braiding. In a sense, fusion categories modeled by TDLs unify and generalize
the notions of both nonabelian symmetry groups and modular tensor category (modeled
by Verlinde lines). See [27, 43] for physicists’ expositions on this subject, and [27] in
particular for the relation to gauging and the ’t Hooft anomaly. The goal of this paper
is to explore the possible types of TDLs realized in unitarity, compact 2d CFTs, and
their implications on renormalization group (RG) flows by a generalization of the ’t Hooft
anomaly matching [44, 45].
We will begin by describing a set of physically motivated defining properties of TDLs
in section 2, and discuss their relations to the notion of fusion category in section 3. In the
context of global symmetry groups corresponding to group-like categories, we will discuss
’t Hooft anomalies, orbifolds, and discrete torsion [46, 47] in relation to invertible TDLs in
section 4.
In section 5, we discuss TDLs in rational CFTs that are generally not invertible.
In particular, we review Verlinde lines in section 5.1, and describe the explicit crossing
relations of Verlinde lines in diagonal Virasoro minimal models. Next, in section 5.2, we
will discuss examples of TDLs in rational CFTs that are neither Verlinde lines nor invertible
lines. The first example is a set of TDLs in the three-state Potts model that preserves the
Virasoro algebra but not the W
algebra, found in [7]. The second example is given by the
topological Wilson lines in WZW and coset models, generalizing the construction of [48].
The third example is a set of TDLs in the non-diagonal SU(2)
WZW model of E
type (or
in the (A
, E
) minimal model), which realizes the so-called
fusion category [49, 50].
This fusion category consists of just three simple lines, has commutative fusion relation,
and yet does not admit braiding [49].
The primary interest of this paper is to explore the constraints of TDLs on the dynamics
of QFTs when the fusion and crossing relations of TDLs are known. A consequence of these
relations of TDLs is the restriction on the spin content of defect operators at the end of
the TDLs. Typically, only specific fractional spins are allowed for the defect operators at
the end of a given type of TDLs. This is the subject of section 6.
When certain TDLs are preserved along an RG flow, say the ones that commute with
the relevant deformation of the UV CFT, these TDLs will survive in the IR. The IR TDLs
obey the same fusion and crossing relations as in the UV. Physically, this follows from
the topological property of the TDL as there is no intrinsic scale associated to it. More
rigorously, the consistent solutions of the fusion and crossing relations are discrete and
therefore cannot be deformed continuously under RG flows. This is known as the Ocneanu
rigidity in category theory [42]. This basic observation has interesting implications on an
RG flow to a massive phase, where the IR dynamics is described by a topological quantum
field theory (TQFT) [51]. The TDLs of the TQFT inherited from the UV CFT will
constrain and often allow us to completely determine the fully extended TQFT [52–55],
i.e. with all lines and defect operators included. In particular, we show that if a TDL L with
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