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Profit Based Two-Step Job Scheduling in Clouds
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One of the critical challenges facing the cloud computing industry today is to increase the profitability of cloud services. In this paper, we deal with the problem of scheduling parallelizable batch type jobs in commercial data centers to maximize cloud providers’ profit. We propose a novel and efficient two-step on-line scheduler. The first step is to rank the arrival jobs to decide an eligible set based on their inherent profitability and pre-allocate resources to them; and the second step is

Based Two-Step Job Scheduling in Clouds
Shuo Zhang, Li Pan
, Shijun Liu, Lei Wu, and Xiangxu Meng
School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong Uiversity,
Jinan 250101, People’s Republic of China
zs_sduzz@sina.com, {panli,lsj,i_lily,mxx}@sdu.edu.cn
Abstract. One of the critical challenges facing the cloud computing industry
today is to increase the profitability of cloud services. In this paper, we deal with
the problem of scheduling parallelizable batch type jobs in commercial data
centers to maximize cloud providers’ profit. We propose a novel and efficient
two-step on-line scheduler. The
step is to rank the arrival jobs to decide an
eligible set based on their inherent profitability and pre-allocate resources to them;
and the second step is to re-allocate resources between the waiting jobs from the
eligible set, based on threshold
ratio as a
point, which
is decided dynamically by solving an aggregated revenue maximization problem.
The results of numerical experiments and simulations show that our approach are
efficient in scheduling parallelizable batch type jobs in clouds and our scheduler
can outperform other scheduling algorithms used for comparison based on clas‐
sical heuristics from literature.
Keywords: Cloud · Resource allocation · Scheduling · Profit maximization
1 Introduction
Cloud computing is now significantly changing the way people use resources such as
computation hardware, storage, software applications and so on. Users can obtain on-
demand cloud services to host their jobs and applications in a pay-per-use way. With
virtualization as a key enabler, cloud providers can run multiple isolated Virtual
Machines (VMs) simultaneously in their data centers to host users’ jobs. By maximizing
server consolidation, cloud providers can achieve efficient utilization of resources and
thus obtain profits through economy of scale [1].
In an open and dynamic cloud environment, users have divergent requirements on
services for their jobs. They usually need to pay more to get better Quality of Service
(QoS), while in order to deliver better services cloud providers need to provision more
resources for hosting jobs and thus incur more cost. More specifically, there exists
resource competition between users’ jobs submitted to cloud data centers. How to
schedule these concurrent service requests efficiently on the physical resources in cloud
data centers to maximize a cloud provider’s profit is far from trivial.
In this paper, as an example application, we consider scheduling parallelizable batch
type jobs into cloud data centers. One characteristic of these jobs is that their execution
can be speeded up to an extent by allocating more resources to them. Besides, for these
types of jobs, response time is a main QoS criterion. Under this circumstance, to solve
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
B. Cui et al. (Eds.): WAIM 2016, Part II, LNCS 9659, pp. 481–492, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-39958-4_38

the provider’s profit maximization problem, we propose a new and efficient online
scheduler with admission control. The scheduling algorithm is divided into two phases.
At first step, the arrived jobs are sorted by their inherent profitability and pre-allocated
resources by the sequence of this sorted queue. And in the second step, we re-allocate
resources between the accepted jobs based on the threshold profit-effectiveness ratio.
This threshold is calculated dynamically based on the potential profit of the accepted
jobs. And we test the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed approach through
experiments and simulations. A significant contribution of this paper is the idea of
resource re-allocation based on the concept of potential profit, which can improve
providers’ profits by adjusting the scheduling solution based on local optimum to the
global optimal solution. To our knowledge, we are the first to leverage the idea of
potential profit to do resource reallocation for scheduling jobs in distributed systems
such as clusters and clouds.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 lists some related work about
cloud scheduling algorithms and resource allocation strategies. Section 3 gives an over‐
view of the system model. The problem description and its formalization are presented
in Sect. 4. Section 5 presents our two-step profit based scheduler. Section 6 outlines the
experiment results on synthetic dataset and real dataset, respectively. Section 7 gives
conclusion and future directions for this work.
2 Related Work
Economy driven approach is not new for resource allocation and job scheduling in
distributed systems such as grids and clouds [2]. We will discuss those most related to
our work in this section. Jiayin Li et al. (2012) proposed two online dynamic resource
allocation algorithms [3]. The execution of tasks in this cloud system can be preempted.
Their algorithm adjusts the resource allocation dynamically based on the real-time
information of the tasks executions in the cloud system.
Gunho Lee (2012) addressed the cloud resource management problem in a way that
service providers achieve high resource utilization and users meet their SLA with
minimum expenditure [4]. Maria Alejandra Rodriguez et al. (2014) proposed a resource
allocation and scheduling algorithm which was based on the meta-heuristic optimization
technique for scientific workflows on Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) clouds [5]. The
objective of this method is to minimize the overall workflow execution cost and meeting
deadline constraints of them.
Hong Wei Zhao et al. (2014) proposed a scheduling algorithm in clouds based on
Artificial Fish Swarm Optimization (AFSA) [6]. The main idea of this algorithm is
extending Fish Swarm Optimization to the interacting swarm model by cooperative
models, and thus it becomes more
and can converge to global optimum faster.
The idea of leveraging economic theory to improve scheduling strategy is not scarce.
There are lots of scheduling algorithms based on job value or the profit. David E. Irwin
et al. proposed a scheduling strategy based on the balance between the yield and the risk
of a task [7]. They proposed some heuristics as the priority of a job and investigated
their parameters through experiments.
482 S. Zhang et al.

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