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Diode-pumped Nd:YLF slab master oscillator power amplifier laser...
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A laser-diode-pumped high-pulse-energy Nd:LiYF4 master oscillator power amplifier 1053 nm laser system is demonstrated. We design a home-made pump module to homogenize the pump intensity through the ray tracing method. To increase the extraction efficiency, the pre-amplifier adopts a double-pass amplification structure. At a repetition rate of 50 Hz, 655 mJ pulse energy and 12.9 ns pulse width of 1053 nm laser is obtained from the master oscillator power amplifier system. The corresponding peak
Diode-pumped Nd:YLF slab master oscillator power
amplifier laser system with 655 mJ output
at 50 Hz repetition rate
Qi Yang (杨 琦)
, Xiaolei Zhu (朱小磊)
*, Jian Ma (马 剑)
, Tingting Lu (陆婷婷)
Xiuhua Ma (马秀华)
, and Weibiao Chen (陈卫标)
Key Laboratory of Space Laser Communication and Detection Technology, Shanghai Institute of
Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
*Corresponding author: xlzhu@siom.ac.cn
Received February 10, 2015; accepted April 8, 2015; posted online May 4, 2015
A laser-diode-pumped high-pulse-energy Nd:LiYF
master oscillator power amplifier 1053 nm laser system is
demonstrated. We design a home-made pump module to homogenize the pump intensity through the ray tracing
method. To increase the extraction efficiency, the pre-amplifier adopts a double-pass amplification structure. At
a repetition rate of 50 Hz, 655 mJ pulse energy and 12.9 ns pulse width of 1053 nm laser is obtained from the
master oscillator power amplifier system. The corresponding peak power is 51 MW. The optical-to-optical
efficiency of the system is about 9.7%.
OCIS codes: 140.3280, 140.3480, 140.3580.
doi: 10.3788/COL201513.061401.
High-pulse-energy lasers at the near-infrared region are
widely used for numerous applications, especially in air -
borne lidar system, space-borne laser altimetry, and so
. Compared with lamp-pumped lasers, the diode-
pumped systems present benefits of good beam quality
and high efficiency
. Several host materials have been em-
ployed to achieve all-solid-state high-pulse-energy lasers
operating around 1 μm wavelength. Among these materi-
als, Nd:LiYF
(YLF) has been attractive for its laser line
at 1053 nm, that matches the emission wavelength of neo-
dymium-doped glass amplifiers
. In contrast with the
mostly used Nd:YAG
and Nd:YVO
, Nd:YLF
has a long fluorescence lifetime, which is usually expected
to be more suitable for the construction of a high-pulse-
energy laser. Nd:YLF also presents natural birefringence,
which eliminates thermal depolarization and weak ther-
mal lensing that occurs as a consequence of the negative
refractive index shift with increasing temperature together
with the positive lens originating from the positive cryst al
expansion, which contributes to a high-quality output
beam. Nd:YLF lasers have recently been operated in
numerous architectures. In 1998, Clarkson reported a
1053 nm Nd:YLF laser end -pumped by two beam-shaped
20 W diode bars; the pulse energy of this laser was approx-
imately 2.6 mJ at a pulse repetition frequency of 1 kHz
In 2004, Q-Peak Company utilized a multi-pass geometry
to realize Nd:YLF master oscillator power amplifier
(MOPA) system with a high-repetition rate to achieve
45 W green light
. In 2005, Bagound used two flash-
lamp-pumped Nd:YLF rods to achieve 1.8 J 527 nm green
laser at 5 Hz
. Edgewave GmbH presented a novel
Nd:YLF slab oscillator design with a stable– unstable
hybrid resonator. In 2008, pulse energy of 15.1 mJ with
pulse width of 7.1 ns at 523 nm wavelength was
. In 2014, Lu designed a diode-end pumped,
conductively cooled intra-cavity frequency-doubled
Nd:YLF laser to achieve green pulse energy of 16.8 mJ at
523 nm
. Also in 2014, Liu reported an acousto-optic
(AO) switched diode-side-pumped 1314 nm Nd:YLF laser
with the highest pulse energy of 3.8 mJ at a repetition rate
of 1 kHz
. Despite these advances, however, high-energy
diode-pumped Nd:YLF 1053 nm lasers are rarely reported.
In this Letter, we report a conductively cooled,
Q-switched Nd:YLF 1053 nm laser employing a MOPA
system. The oscillator is an electro-optical Q-switched
Nd:YLF laser, which is dual-end-pumped by two fiber-
coupled laser diodes (LDs) operating at 806 nm
. Four
Nd:YLF slabs are adopted in the amplifier stages. In order
to increase the extraction efficiency, the pre-amplifier
adopts a double-pass amplification arrangement. Finally,
more than 655 mJ pulse energy with pulse widt h of 12.9 ns
is obtained from this compact MOPA system.
The schematic of the experimental setup is shown in
1. The oscillator used a U-type cavity to make the
construction compact. The gain materials, including the
oscillator and amplifier, employed a-cut Nd:YLF crystals.
Although utilizing the c-cut Nd:YLF crystals as a gain
medium for generating a 1053 nm lasers is more conven-
, the isotropic property of these crystals in the
transverse plane typically results in nonlinear polariza-
tion. To address this problem, a-cut Nd:YLF crystals
can alternatively be employed to obtain a linearly
polarized outputs. The folded resonator consisted of a
high-reflectivity mirror M1 with curvature radius of
2000 mm; two flat, high-reflectivity mirrors M2 and M3
(R > 99.8%) at 1053 nm with high transmission at
COL 13(6), 061401(2015) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS June 10, 2015
1671-7694/2015/061401(4) 061401-1 © 2015 Chinese Optics Letters
- 粉丝: 6
- 资源: 876
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