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我们回顾了标量电弱多重态热暗物质的理论和现象学。 假设存在标准模型希格斯(Higgs)doublet H和任意SU(2)L秩和超荷Y的电弱多重峰Φ,我们得出最通用的可重整标量势。我们证明,通常,Φ- H希格斯门的相互作用取决于文献中以前考虑的三个而非三个独立的耦合。 对于Y = 0多重态的在现象学上可行的情况,我们重点关注七重体和七重体情况,并考虑文物密度与自旋无关的直接检测截面之间的相互作用。 我们表明,文物密度和直接检测截面都取决于希格斯门耦合λeff的单个线性组合。 对于λeff-O $$ \ mathcal {O} $$(1),当前的直接检测排除极限意味着标量电弱多重峰的中性成分将占观察到的DM残留密度的主要部分。
Published for SISSA by Springer
Received: February 25, 2019
Revised: June 24, 2019
Accepted: July 7, 2019
Published: August 9, 2019
Scalar electroweak multiplet dark matter
Wei Chao,
Gui-Jun Ding,
Xiao-Gang He
and Michael Ramsey-Musolf
Center for advanced quantum studies, Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University,
100875, Beijing, China
Interdisciplinary Center for Theoretical Study and Department of Modern Physics,
University of Science and Technology of China,
Hefei, Anhui 230026, China
Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, and School of Physics and Astronomy,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
Shanghai 200240, China
Department of Physics, National Taiwan University,
Taipei 106, Taiwan
National Center for Theoretical Sciences,
Hsinchu 300, Taiwan
Amherst Center for Fundamental Interactions,
University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Department of Physics,
Amherst, MA 01003, U.S.A.
Kellogg Radiation Laboratory, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, CA 91125, U.S.A.
E-mail: chaowei@bnu.edu.cn, dinggj@ustc.edu.cn, hexg@phys.ntu.edu.tw,
Abstract: We revisit the theory and phenomenology of scalar electroweak multiplet ther-
mal dark matter. We derive the most general, renormalizable scalar potential, assuming
the presence of the Standard Model Higgs doublet, H, and an electroweak multiplet Φ of
arbitrary SU(2)
rank and hypercharge, Y . We show that, in general, the Φ-H Higgs portal
interactions depend on three, rather than two independent couplings as has been previously
considered in the literature. For the phenomenologically viable case of Y = 0 multiplets,
we focus on the septuplet and quintuplet cases, and consider the interplay of relic density
and spin-independent direct detection cross section. We show that both the relic density
and direct detection cross sections depend on a single linear combination of Higgs por-
tal couplings, λ
. For λ
∼ O(1), present direct detection exclusion limits imply that
the neutral component of a scalar electroweak multiplet would comprise a subdominant
fraction of the observed DM relic density.
Keywords: Beyond Standard Model, Cosmology of Theories beyond the SM, Higgs
ArXiv ePrint: 1812.07829
Open Access,
The Authors.
Article funded by SCOAP
1 Intro duction 1
2 Models 3
2.1 Septuplet 5
2.2 Quintuplet 7
3 Relic density 8
3.1 The single species case 9
3.2 Co-annihilation 10
3.3 Sommerfeld enhancement 12
4 Direct detection 14
5 Conclusions 16
A SU(2) group theory 16
B The renormalizable scalar potential of Higgs and a scalar multiplet 19
B.1 Integer isospin j 20
B.2 Half integer isospin j 22
C Self-interactions 23
1 Intro duction
Determining the identity of the dark matter and the nature of its interactions is a forefront
challenge for astroparticle physics. A plethora of scenarios have been proposed over the
years, and it remains to be seen whether any of these ideas is realized in nature. One hopes
that results from ongoing and future dark matter direct and indirect detection experiments,
in tandem with searches for dark matter signatures at the Large Hadron Collider and
possible future colliders, will eventually reveal the identity of dark matter and the character
of its interactions.
A widely studied possibility of continuing interest is that dark matter consists of weakly
interacting massive particles (WIMPs). An array of realizations of the WIMP paradigm
have been considered, ranging from ultraviolet complete theories such as the Minimal
Supersymmetric Standard Model to simplified models containing a relatively small number
of degrees of freedom and new interactions. In the latter context, one may classify WIMP
dark matter candidates according to their spin and electroweak gauge quantum numbers.
The simplest possibility involves SU(2)
gauge singlets. Null results from direct
– 1 –
detection (DD) experiments and LHC searches place severe constraints on this possibility,
though some room remains depending on the specific model realization.
An alternative possibility is that the dark matter consists of the neutral component of
an electroweak multiplet, χ
. A classification of these possibilities is given in [1]. Those
favored by the absence of DD signals carry zero hypercharge (Y ), thereby preventing overly-
large WIMP-nucleus cross sections mediated by Z
exchange. Tree-level stability of the χ
requires imposition of a discrete Z
symmetry unless the representation of the electroweak
multiplet is of sufficiently high dimension: d=5 for fermions and d=7 for scalars. These
scenarios with sufficiently high dimension representation go under the heading “minimal
dark matter”.
In this work, we consider features of scalar electroweak multiplet dark matter Φ, in-
cluding but not restricting our attention to minimal dark matter (as conventionally de-
fined). The phenomenology of scalar triplet dark matter, involving a multiplet transform-
ing as (1, 3, 0) under SU(3)
and electroweak symmetries, has been considered previously
in refs. [2–9]. Extensive studies for other electroweak multiplets of dimension n have been
reported in refs. [10–35]. The authors of ref. [34] considered the Inert Doublet model and
the n = 3, 5, 7 scalar electroweak multiplets and discussed the impact of non-vanishing
Higgs portal interactions on the relic density, spin-independent dark matter-nucleus cross
section, σ
, and indirect detection (ID) signals. Ref. [35] also considered the impact of
Higgs portal interactions on the relic density and σ
but did not analyze the implications
for indirect detection. The latter study also focused on a relatively light mass for the dark
matter candidate, for which it would appear to undersaturate the relic density.
In what follows, we revisit the topic of these earlier studies, taking into account several
new features that may require modifying some of the conclusions in refs. [34, 35]:
• We find that the scalar potentials V (H, Φ) given in refs. [34, 35] are not the
most general renormalizable potentials and that, depending on the representation
of SU(2)
there exist one or more additional interactions that should be in-
cluded. For the Y = 0 representations, the Φ-H interaction relevant for both the
relic density and DD cross section involves an effective coupling λ
that is linear
combination of two of the three possible Higgs portal couplings. The specific linear
combination is representation dependent.
• We update the computation of σ
taking into account the nucleon matrix elements
of twist-two operators generated by gauge boson-mediated box graph contributions
as outlined in refs. [36–39]. We note that ref. [35] considered only the Higgs portal
contribution to σ
and did not include the effect of electroweak gauge bosons. We
find that the gauge boson-mediated box graph contributions are smaller in magnitude
that given in ref. [34], which used the expressions given in ref. [1]. In general, the
Higgs portal contribution dominates the DD detection cross section except for very
small values of λ
• The presence of a non-vanishing λ
can allow for a larger maximum dark matter
mass, M , to be consistent with the observed relic density than one would infer when
– 2 –
considering only gauge interactions. For the cases we consider below, this maximum
mass be as larger as O(20) TeV for perturbative values of λ
• For moderate values of the Higgs portal couplings, the spin-independent cross section,
scaled by the fraction of the relic density comprised by Φ
, is a function λ
and M .
The present DD bounds on σ
generally require M . 5 TeV for perturbative values
of λ
— well below the maximum mass consistent with the observed relic density.
In what follows, we provide the detailed analysis leading to these conclusions. For
the structure of V (H, Φ) we consider Φ to be a general representation of SU(2)
Previous studies have considered in detail electroweak singlets (n = 1), doublets (n = 2),
and triplets (n = 3). In all three cases, stability of the DM particle requires that one impose
a discrete symmetry on the Lagrangian. Going to higher dimension representations, it has
been shown in ref. [1] that for n = 4, stability of the neutral component also requires
imposition of a discrete symmetry, while for n = 5, the neutral component can only decay
through a non-renormalizable dimension five operator with coefficient suppressed by one
power of a heavy mass scale Λ. In the latter case, it is possible to ensure DM stability
on cosmological time scales by either imposing a discrete symmetry or by choosing Λ to
be well above the Planck scale. At n = 7, the first non-renormalizable, decay-inducing
operator appears at higher dimension, and DM stability at tree-level may be ensured even
without imposition of a discrete symmetry by choosing Λ below the Planck scale. It was
subsequently noted in refs. [40, 41], however, that there exists a dimension five operator
leading decay of the neutral component of the septuplet at one-loop level. For a Λ at the
Planck scale and septuplet mass of O(10) TeV, the septuplet would not be sufficiently stable
on cosmological time scales to provide for a viable DM candidate. Consequently, one must
again either choose a trans Planckian cutoff or impose a stabilizing discrete symmetry.
With the foregoing considerations in mind, we focus on the n = 5 and 7 cases for
purposes of illustrating the dark matter phenomenology. Since the group theory relevant to
construction of V (H, Φ) is rather involved, we provide a detailed discussion in appendices A
and B. In section 2, we start with a general formulation, followed by treatment of specific
model cases. Section 3 gives the calculation of the relic density, including the effects of
co-annihilation and the Sommerfeld enhancement. We compute σ
in section 4. We
summarize in section 5. Along the way, we point out where we find differences with
earlier studies.
2 Models
We consider the renormalizable Higgs portal interactions involving H and Φ for two illus-
trative cases. We restrict our attention to Φ being a complex scalar with Y = 0. The form
of the potential for Φ being a real representation of SU(2)
with Y = 0 is relatively simple.
The corresponding features have been illustrated in previous studies wherein Φ is either an
singlet or real triplet. Consequently, we focus on complex representations, using
the n = 5 and n = 7 examples, to illustrate the new features not considered in earlier work.
– 3 –
To proceed, we first introduce some notation. It is convenient to consider both Φ and
the associated conjugate Φ, whose components are related to those of Φ as
= (−1)
, (2.1)
where j refers to the isospin of the scalar multiplet Φ. As we discuss in appendix A, Φ
and Φ transform in the same way under SU(2)
. The scalar multiplet Φ of integer isospin
can be either real or complex. If Φ is a real multiplet, there is a redundancy Φ = Φ such
that the constraint φ
= (−1)
should be fulfilled. For complex multiplet, each
component represents a unique field, and it can be decomposed into two real multiplets
as follows
A =
Φ + Φ
, B =
Φ − Φ
. (2.2)
It is easy to verify that both A and B fulfill the realness condition A = A and B = B.
Therefore a general model with a complex multiplet Φ is equivalent to a model of two
interacting real multiplets A and B. Notice that a scalar multiplet Φ of half integer isospin
is always complex since the realness condition Φ = Φ can not be fulfilled anymore. As we
note below, under certain assumptions about the model parameters, the complex scalar
multiplets may reduce to a pair of degenerate real multiplets, allowing for a two-component
DM scenario. Since the case of the real triplet and singlet DM as singlet component DM
have been analyzed elsewhere, we do not consider higher dimensional real representations
here. Instead, we focus on the complex Y = 0 examples that, in principle, can embody
two-component real multiplet DM scenarios.
One may then proceed to build SU(2)
invariants by first coupling Φ, Φ, H, and H
pairwise into irreducible representations and finally into SU(2)
invariants. For example,
2j + 1
Φ, (2.3)
which in general is a distinct invariant from (ΦΦ)
except in special cases when Φ is a
real scalar multiplet satisfying Φ =
Φ. We shall denote with (. . .)
a contraction into the
irreducible representation with isospin J throughout this paper. Note that for j = 1/2,
vanishes, so that there is only one quadratic invariant in this case as well. Quartic
interactions can be constructed in a variety of ways, such as
, J = 0, 1, . . . , 2j (2.4)
for Φ self-interactions or
with L = 0, 1 for the Higgs portal interactions. Note that there exists a third such inter-
that is distinct from the L = 0 operator in eq. (2.5) for Φ being a complex integer represen-
tation. We note that previous studies have not in generally included all three of the possible
Higgs portal interactions. The classification of the Φ self-interactions is more involved, and
it is most illuminating to consider them on a case-by-case basis.
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- 粉丝: 5
- 资源: 956
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