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lru缓存leetcode 力码 LeetCode 问题的解决方案 日期 问题 11/14/2018 2 两个数相加两个链表的160度交集 11/15/2018 第220话 以前的 -------------------算法----------------- 4.9 136单号104 二叉树的最大深度283 移零第238章 阵除自身的乘积94 二叉树中序遍历 4.10 171 Excel工作表列号13 罗马到整数22 生成括号169 多数元素122 买卖股票的最佳时机 II 4.11 242 有效字谜46 排列47排列Ⅱ 237 删除链表中的节点第217话 4.12 206反向链表BST 中第 230 K 个最小元素第268话78个子集108 将有序数组转换为二叉搜索树 4.14 388 最长绝对文件路径346-642 来自数据流的移动平均线271-659 编码和解码字符串65 有效号码163-641 缺失范围 4.15 121个买卖股票的最佳时机第438话408-639 有效词缩写288-648 唯一词缩写第128章 最长连续序列 4.16 157-null 读取给定 Read4 的
lrucacheleetcode-LeetCode:用Python解决LeetCode问题 (130个子文件)
Notes.md 663B
425-634 Word Squares.py 2KB
79 Word Search.py 2KB
51 N-Queens.py 2KB
46 Permutations.py 2KB
204 Count Primes.py 2KB
146 LRU Cache.py 2KB
2 Add Two Numbers.py 2KB
43 Multiply Strings.py 2KB
274 H-Index.py 1KB
277-645 Find the Celebrity.py 1KB
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists.py 1KB
140 word break II.py 1KB
160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists.py 1KB
438 Find All Anagrams in a String.py 1KB
290 Word Pattern.py 1KB
271-659 Encode and Decode Strings.py 1KB
78 Subsets.py 1KB
163-641 Missing Ranges.py 1KB
220 Contains Duplicate III.py 1KB
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal.py 1KB
213 House Robber II.py 1KB
282 Expression Add Operators.py 1004B
8 String to Integer (atoi).py 954B
47 Permutations II.py 953B
408-639 Valid Word Abbreviation.py 934B
535 Encode and Decode TinyURL.py 931B
20 Valid Parentheses.py 923B
65 Valid Number.py 918B
128 Longest Consecutive Sequence.py 883B
110 Balanced Binary Tree.py 881B
200 Number of Islands.py 861B
36 Valid Sudoku.py 845B
288-648 Unique Word Abbreviation.py 831B
258 Add Digits.py 822B
299 Bulls and Cows.py 804B
257 Binary Tree Paths.py 803B
283 Move Zeroes.py 798B
130 Surrounded Regions.py 791B
285-448 Inorder Successor in BST.py 791B
113 Path Sum II.py 786B
415 Add Strings.py 777B
1 Two Sum.py 757B
94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal.py 757B
111 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree.py 754B
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number.py 748B
206 Reverse Linked List.py 744B
107 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II.py 736B
155 Min Stack.py 728B
238 Product of Array Except Self.py 724B
88 Merge Sorted Array.py 721B
67 Add Binary.py 714B
112 Path Sum.py 713B
48 Rotate Image.py 708B
38 Count and Say.py 689B
158-660 Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times.py 685B
70 Climbing Stairs.py 681B
242 Valid Anagram.py 677B
311-654 Sparse Matrix Multiplication.py 648B
101 Symmetric Tree.py 637B
538 Convert BST to Greater Tree.py 632B
108 Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree.py 626B
254-652 Factor Combinations.py 624B
230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST.py 624B
374 Guess Number Higher or Lower.py 620B
226 Invert Binary Tree.py 609B
119 Pascal's Triangle II.py 600B
216 Combination Sum III.py 596B
7 Reverse Integer.py 587B
286-663 Walls and Gates.py 586B
22 Generate Parentheses.py 564B
13 Roman to Integer.py 561B
346-642 Moving Average from Data Stream.py 540B
83 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List.py 534B
189 Rotate Array.py 514B
169 Majority Element.py 510B
100 Same Tree.py 509B
202 Happy Number.py 508B
198 House Robber.py 501B
157-null Read N Characters Given Read4.py 488B
12 Integer to Roman.py 484B
26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array.py 479B
141 Linked List Cycle.py 472B
14 Longest Common Prefix.py 471B
388 Longest Absolute File Path.py 469B
125 Valid Palindrome.py 467B
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock.py 457B
219 Contains Duplicate II.py 456B
69 Sqrt(x).py 447B
187 Repeated DNA Sequences.py 441B
171 Excel Sheet Column Number.py 437B
50 Pow(x, n).py 432B
118 Pascal's Triangle.py 432B
122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II.py 430B
35 Search Insert Position.py 426B
191 Number of 1 Bits.py 419B
104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree.py 411B
62 Unique Paths.py 403B
237 Delete Node in a Linked List.py 395B
共 130 条
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- 粉丝: 3
- 资源: 933
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