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第 28 卷 第 1 期
2011 年 3 月
Journalof A rchitecture and C ivil E ngineering
V ol .28 N o .1
M ar .2011
文章编号 :1673‐2049(2011)01‐0006‐05
收稿日期 :2010‐12‐28
基金项目 :国家自然科学基金项目(50678127)
作者简介 :屈文俊(1958‐) ,男 ,河南辉县人 ,教授 ,博士研究生导师 ,工学博士 ,E‐m ail :
uw enjun@ online .sh .cn 。
混 凝 土 受 弯 构 件 受 拉 钢 筋 最 小 配 筋 率
屈文俊 ,方 瑾 ,周国全
(同济大学 土木工程学院 ,上海 200092)
摘要 :简述了中国不同时期的混凝土设计规范对非抗震情况和抗震情况下受拉钢筋最小配筋率的
取值及确定原则 ,同时对比分析了各国混凝土设计规范中 2 种情况下混凝土受弯构件受拉钢筋最
小配筋率的规定及确定方法 ;通过实例对各国规范的最小配筋率取值进行了比较 ,建议了最小配筋
率的确定原则 。 结果表明 :各国规范多以“截面开裂后 ,构件不致立即失效”为确定最小配筋率的原
则 ,但对非抗震构件所取的最小配筋率相差较大 ,对抗震区最小配筋率的取值 ,除中国规范偏低外 ,
其他国家规范大体相当 。
关键词 :钢筋混凝土 ;受弯构件 ;受拉钢筋 ;最小配筋率 ;抗震框架梁
中图分类号 :T U 352 .1 文献标志码 :A
M inim um R einforcem ent R atio of Tensile R einforcem ent for
C oncrete Flexural M em bers
Q U W en‐
un ,FA N G Jin ,Z H O U G uo‐
(Schoolof C ivil E ngineering ,T ongji U niversity ,Shanghai200092 ,C hina)
A bstract : A uthors sim ply analyzed the m inim um reinforcem ent ratio and its determ ination
rinciples under the non‐seism ic‐resistance and seism ic‐resistance situations ,w hich w ere referred
to the C hinese concrete design codes in different periods . M eanw hile , the values and
determ inations of the m inim um reinforcem ent ratio of tensile reinforcem ent for concrete flexural
m em bers under tw o circum stances w ere com parative analyzed .Lim iting values of the m inim um
reinforcem ent ratios in different codes w ere com pared through an exam ple ,and the m ethod to
determ ine the m inim um reinforcem ent ratios w as suggested .T he results show that the concrete
design codes of different countries described “ the m em ber is not failure im m ediately after
cracking” as the principle to determ ine the m inim um reinforcem ent ratio .T here is a big difference
on the m inim um reinforcem ent ratio for non‐seism ic‐resistance m em ber in each code , but for
seism ic‐resistance area , the reinforcem ent ratio is quite sim ilar in each code ,except that the
reinforcem ent ratio in C hinese code is low er than the others .
K ey w ords :reinforced concrete ;flexuralm em ber ;tensile reinforcem ent ;m inim um reinforcem ent
ratio ;seism ic fram e beam
0 引 言
比较复杂的问题 。 目前世界各国钢筋混凝土受弯构
件受拉钢筋最小配筋率的取值方法基本上有 2 种 :
模型法和经验法 。 模型法是指截面受拉区混凝土开
- 粉丝: 8
- 资源: 905
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