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A New Key Predistribution Scheme for Multiphase Sensor Networks ...
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During the lifecycle of sensor networks, making use of the existing key predistribution schemes using deployment knowledge for pairwise key establishment and authentication between nodes, a new challenge is elevated. Either the resilience against node capture attacks or the global connectivity will significantly decrease with time. In this paper, a new deployment model is developed for multiphase deployment sensor networks, and then a new key management scheme is further proposed. Compared with
Research Article
A New Key Predistribution Scheme for Multiphase Sensor
Networks Using a New Deployment Model
Boqing Zhou,
Jianxin Wang,
Sujun Li,
and Weiping Wang
Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology, Loudi, Hunan 417000, China
School of Information Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410083, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Jianxin Wang; jxwang@mail.csu.edu.cn
Received May ; Accepted May ; Published June
Academic Editor: Athanasios V. Vasilakos
Copyright © Boqing Zhou et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
During the lifecycle of sensor networks, making use of the existing key predistribution schemes using deployment knowledge
for pairwise key establishment and authentication between nodes, a new challenge is elevated. Either the resilience against node
capture attacks or the global connectivity will signicantly decrease with time. In this paper, a new deployment model is developed
for multiphase deployment sensor networks, and then a new key management scheme is further proposed. Compared with the
existing schemes using deployment knowledge, our scheme has better performance in global connectivity, resilience against node
capture attacks throughout their lifecycle.
1. Introduction
Due to limited energy capacity of batteries and the possibility
of node capture, the functional lifetime of sensor networks
(SNs) generally is longer than the operational lifetime of
single node. To keep networks working eciently, multiple
deployments of nodes are needed. In the paper, multiphase
SNs (MSNs) are studied, in which new nodes are periodi-
cally redeployed with certain intervals, called multiphase, to
replace the dead or compromised nodes.
When SNs are deployed in a hostile environment, security
becomes extremely important as they are vulnerable to dif-
ferent types of malicious attacks [–]. Hence, it is important
to protect communications among sensor nodes to maintain
message condentiality and integrity. As one of the most
fundamental security services, pairwise key establishment
enables sensor nodes to communicate securely with each
other using cryptographic techniques.
Public-key operations (both soware and hardware
implementations), albeit computationally feasible [, ], con-
sume energy approximately three orders of magnitude higher
than symmetric key encryption []. erefore, in the last few
years, dierent key distribution schemes using symmetric key
algorithms have been developed for SNs [–].
However, the security issue is still not solved for MSNs
by using deployment knowledge. In the schemes [, ], a
fraction of keys known by an attacker increases with the
As a result, network security signicantly declines with time.
When a certain number of these nodes are captured, the
adversary has enough keys to compromise a large number of
links making the network ineective. Addition of new nodes
to the network with keys from the same key pool will not
help because the keys in the new nodes are compromised. In
[], a multiphase key management scheme is proposed, in
which a multiphase deployment model is used. However, it
has the following shortcomings. () In a cell, only a few nodes
which are not captured are working in a long time. () Nodes
must know their location information. () e number of new
nodes added to the network is xed in every deployment,
which will give rise to the number of nodes uncaptured in
the network with time. Also, the key management scheme
proposed based on the deployment model has the following
shortcomings. () Nodes which reside in the same cell but are
deployed in dierent phases cannot communicate with each
other. As a result, the local connectivity is low. () e global
connectivity will signicantly decrease with time.
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Journal of Sensors
Volume 2014, Article ID 573913, 10 pages
Journal of Sensors
1.1. Outline of Our Scheme. To sum up, the problem of
authentication and pairwise key establishment between
nodes is still not solved for MSNs. In this paper, the main
focus is twofold. () A new multiphase deployment model
is proposed for sensor networks. In the model, the deploy-
ment eld is divided into hexagonal cells, each cell has a
deployment point, and nodes which have the same point
form a group. When the proportion of uncaptured nodes
in a group is less than the threshold
, new nodes are
needed to be added to the cell. () A new key management
scheme is proposed based on the deployment model. In our
scheme, network deployment includes phases. For a cell, a
disjoint and association phases’ key pool is created, which
is generated by two-dimension backward key chains []. Key
pool of each phase is divided into equal size subkey pools.
And nodes deployed in the th phase and deployed in a cell
(,)pick keys from the th-phase key pool of the cell (,)
and key pools which are created by neighbors cells of the
cell (,).
1.2. Main Contributions. e main contributions of this
paper are summarized as follows.
() A multiphase deployment model is presented. e
model has the following two main advantages: () the
number of nodes which are not captured in a cell can
be controlled by adjusting the parameter
; () nodes
do not need to know their location information.
() A new method to construct key pools is proposed and
a new key predistribution scheme is presented. e
scheme can provide good performances in local con-
nectivity, global connectivity, and resilience against
node capture.
1.3. Organization. e remainder of the paper is organized as
follows. e existing schemes are summarized in Section .
e model of deployment is introduced in Section .Our
approach is proposed in Section and the analysis and
simulation results are provided in Section .Conclusionand
future work are given in Section .
2. Related Work
To improve the performance of key establishment, Du et
al. [] and Yu and Guan (YG scheme) []developeda
scheme using predeployment knowledge, respectively. In
[], the network area is divided into a grid and information
on the associated matrices is stored in the sensors based
on deployment knowledge. In [], the network area is
divided into hexagonal cells. Compared with [], the scheme
achieves a higher connectivity with a much lower memory
requirement and a shorter transmission range. In the two
schemes, all nodes choose their keys from the same key
pool. An attacker can easily obtain a large number of keys
by capturing a small fraction of nodes, which can make SNs
ineective. e addition of new nodes to the network with
in the new nodes are already compromised. erefore, for
MSNs, the above two schemes are ineective.
For MSNs, in [], a scheme (ESPK scheme) is proposed
using deployment knowledge, in which a multiphase deploy-
ment model is presented. In the model, the deployment eld
is divided into a grid. Each cell has a deployment point. Nodes
which have the same deployment point form a group. e
number of nodes in a group is .Anditissupposedthat
a new group of nodes are needed to be added to a cell only
when % of nodes in the cell are captured. e model has
the following shortcomings. () To know the number of nodes
in each cell, location information of nodes is needed. ()
If just % of nodes in a cell are captured, there are a few
nodes in the cell that are working in a long time. () e
number of new nodes added to the network is measured
in a group, and the number of nodes in a group is xed,
which will give rise to the number of nodes in the network
with time. On the other hand, the proposed key management
scheme can provide good resilience against node capture by
using disjoint key pools. However, nodes which come from
dierent phases but are deployed in the same cell cannot
establish shared keys. As a result, the local connectivity is low,
and the global connectivity decreases signicantly with time.
deployment knowledge.
3. Deployment Knowledge and Threat Models
3.1. Multiphase Deployment Knowledge Model. As shown in
Figure , a target eld is partitioned into hexagon cells, and
each cell has a deployment point that resides in the center of
the cell. Node distribution follows two-dimensional Gaussian
distributions [] with the deployment point as center.
Nodes which are deployed in the same cell form a group.
And nodes deployed in the cell (,)are denoted by
number of nodes in
is .
is clustered into phases
according to the deployment time. e -phase subgroup of
is denoted by
the set of nodes whose deployment point locate in the cell
(,)and that are not captured, and |SN
schemes have been proposed to identify the compromised
sensors in prior studies, such as []). When
is less than
the threshold
new nodes to the
cell. e
can be calculated as follows:
In a deployment phase, if no new nodes are needed to
be added to a cell, then the number of deployment phase
of the cell remains unchanged. For example, in the second
deployment phase, no new nodes are needed to be added to
the cell (1,1); the number of recent deployment phase of the
cell is not .
3.2. reat Model. Due to the short time period of the direct
key establishment phase, it is reasonable to believe that only
a limited number of sensor nodes may be compromised by
an attacker [, –]. We further assume that if an attacker
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