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Photonics-based radar with balanced I/Q de-chirping for interfer...
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Photonics-based radar with a photonic de-chirp receiver has the advantages of broadband operation and real-time signal processing, but it suffers from interference from image frequencies and other undesired frequency-mixing components, due to single-channel real-valued photonic frequency mixing. In this paper, we propose a photonics-based radar with a photonic frequency-doubling transmitter and a balanced in-phase and quadrature (I/Q) de-chirp receiver. This radar transmits broadband linearly fr
Photonics-based radar with balanced I/Q
de-chirping for interference-suppressed
high-resolution detection and imaging
Key Laboratory of Radar Imaging and Microwave Photonics, Ministry of Education, Nanjing University of Aeronautics
and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China
e-mail: zhangfangzheng@nuaa.edu.cn
e-mail: pans@nuaa.edu.cn
Received 28 September 2018; revised 9 December 2018; accepted 24 December 2018; posted 2 January 2019 (Doc. ID 346958);
published 11 February 2019
Photonics-based radar with a photonic de-chirp receiver has the advantages of broadband operation and real-time
signal processing, but it suffers from interference from image frequencies and other undesired frequency-mixing
components, due to single-channel real-valued photonic frequency mixing. In this paper, we propose a photonics-
based radar with a photonic frequency-doubling transmitter and a balanced in-phase and quadrature (I/Q)
de-chirp receiver. This radar transmits broadband linearly frequency-modulated signals generated by photonic
frequency doubling and performs I/Q de-chirping of the radar echoes based on a balanced photonic I/Q frequency
mixer, which is realized by applying a 90° optical hybrid followed by balanced photodetectors. The proposed
radar has a high range resolution because of the large operation bandwidth and achieves interference-free de-
tection by suppressing the image frequencies and other undesired frequency-mixing components. In the experi-
ment, a photonics-based K-band radar with a bandwidth of 8 GHz is demonstrated. The balanced I/Q de-chirping
receiver achieves an image-rejection ratio of over 30 dB and successfully eliminates the interference due to the
baseband envelope and the frequency mixing between radar echoes of different targets. In addition, the desired de-
chirped signal power is also enhanced with balanced detection. Based on the established photonics-based radar,
inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging is also implemented, through which the advantages of the proposed radar
are verified.
© 2019 Chinese Laser Press
Detection and imaging of objects by radar has critically impor-
tant applications in both civil and security areas. By transmit-
ting radio frequency (RF) signals that feature low loss in rain,
fog, and smoke, radars can break the limitation of natural illu-
mination and are superior to optical sensors in terms of oper-
ation in darkness and bad weather [1]. To achieve a high range
resolution required in emerging applications such as pilotless
automobiles, smart navigators, and unmanned aerial vehicles,
a radar transceiver should be able to generate and process RF
signals with large instantaneous bandwidths [2], which is quite
a challenge for state-of-art electronics.
Fortunately, the generation and processing of broadband RF
signals can be implemented by microwave photonic technolo-
gies [3,4]. By converting the RF signal into the optical domain,
the fractional bandwidth of the optical signal is about 4 orders
of magnitude less than that of the original RF signal, which
dramatically relieves the difficulties in achieving a flat response
over a large bandwidth. Microwave photonic technologies have
other advantages, including ultralow transmission loss, small
size, and immunity to electromagnetic interference. Until
now, various photonic techniques have been proposed for radar
applications, including photonic generation of broadband radar
signals [5–7], microwave photonic phase shifters and filters
[8–10], photonic frequency mixing [11–15], photonic analog-
to-digital conversio n [16–18], phase-stable RF signal transmis-
sion [19–21], and photonic true time delay RF beam forming
[22–24]. Some of these techniques have realized remarkable
superiority when compared with the state-of-art electronics.
For example, with the precise phase shift brought by an optical
hybrid coupler, a photonic microwave mixer in Ref. [15]
achieved an image rejection and mixing spur suppression of
more than 60 dB, which far outweighs the performance of
the electronic mixers [25,26]. Such kinds of photonic tech-
niques can provide promising options to construct a photonics-
based radar, which can overcome the bandwidth limitations of
traditional radar.
Research Article
Vol. 7, No. 3 / March 2019 / Photonics Research 265
2327-9125/19/030265-08 Journal © 2019 Chinese Laser Press
Recently, photonics-based radars by transmitting photonic-
generated broadband linearly frequency-modulated (LFM) sig-
nals and receiving radar echoes with photonic de-chirping were
proposed [7,27–33]. In these radar systems, a large operation
bandwidth over 10 GHz can be easily achieved, leading to an
ultrahigh resolution up to 1.3 cm [29]. In addition, the band-
width compression property of the broadband photonic de-
chirping receiver makes it possible for real-time signal process-
ing. Based on this photonics-based radar architecture, high
resolution and real-time target detection and imaging were suc-
cessfully demonstrated [30–32], and photonics-based multiple-
input-multiple-output radar and multiband radar were also
demonstrated [33]. In spite of the huge advantages, there
are still problems limiting the performance of the current pho-
tonic de-chirping radar receivers. First, the single-channel pho-
tonic frequency-mixing radar receiver only outputs a real-
valued de-chirped signal, of which the spectrum is symmetric
around zero frequency. This causes image-frequency interfer-
ence that makes it im possible to distinguish the targets on
the two sides of the observational reference point. This problem
was ignored in previous photonics-based radar demonstrations
in which only the targets on one side of the reference point were
considered. In practical radar application s, determination of the
sign (positive or negative) of the de-chirped frequency is highly
desirable to avoid image-frequency interference. Second, when
performing radar echo de-chirping, the photonic frequency
mixing between radar echoes reflected from different targets
generates interference components in the de-chirped signal
spectrum, whi ch not only conceals the real targets but also pro-
duces false targets. Third, the baseband signal or the envelop of
the radar pulses exists in the de-chirped signal, r esulting in in-
terference in the low-frequency range of the de-chirped signal
spectrum as well as a reduced power efficiency. Therefore, the
photonics-based radar transceiver should be improved to reject
as much interference as possible in the optical and analog do-
main so that the advantages of microwave photonic techniques
could be further exploited to simplify the digital radar signal
processing and false target discrimination.
In this paper, we propose a photonics-based broadband ra-
dar based on frequency doubling and a balanced in-phase and
quadrature (I/Q) de-chirp receiver. In the transmitter, photonic
frequency doubling of an intermediate frequency (IF)-LFM sig-
nal is implemented to generate a broadband transmitted signal
so as to achieve a high r ange resolution. In the receiver, bal-
anced I/Q de-chirping detection is performed based on a
90° optical hybrid followed by two balanced photodetectors
(BPDs), to acquire a complex de-chirped signal. This I/Q
de-chirping scheme can determine the sign of the de-chirped
frequencies, and hence distinguish the targets on both sides
of the observational reference point. Besides, the frequency
components due to frequency mixing between echoes of differ-
ent targets and the baseband background signal are removed by
balanced detection. Thus, the undesired interference and the
false targets are eliminated. Furthermore, the power of the
de-chirped frequency components is enhanced by balanced
detection compared with the system using single-channel
detection. A photonics-based K-band radar with a bandwidth
of 8 GHz (18–26 GHz) is established. Performance of the
broadband LFM signal generation and the balanced I/Q de-
chirp processing are investigated separately. Inverse synthetic
aperture radar (ISAR) imaging is also demonstrated to show
the advantages of the proposed photonics-based radar.
Figure 1 shows the structure of the proposed photonics-based
radar. A continuous wave (CW) light from a laser diode (LD) is
equally split into two branches by an optical coupler (OC,
OC1), which are used as the optical carriers in the transmitter
and the receiver, respectively. The carrier in the upper branch is
modulated by an IF-LFM signal at a Mach–Zehnder modulator
(MZM, MZM1), in which the IF-LFM signal is generated by
an electrical signal generator and MZM1 is biased at the peak
transmission point. Assuming the center angular frequency, the
bandwidth, and the chirp slope of the IF-LFM signal are ω
B, and k, respectively, the optical field at the output of MZM1
can be expressed as
tcosβ cosω
t πkt
≈ −J
β exp jω
t − 2ω
t − 2πkt
β expjω
− J
β expjω
t 2ω
t 2πkt
, (1)
where ω
is the angular frequency of the laser source, β is the
modulation index, J
· is the nth order Bessel function, and t
satisfies −B∕2k ≤ t ≤ B∕2k. In obtaining Eq. (1), high or-
der (>2) terms are neglected assuming that the modulation in-
dex of MZM1 is small. As a result, only the optical carrier and
the 2nd-order modulation sidebands are obtained after
MZM1, as illustrated by the spectrum at point A in the inset
of Fig. 1. This optical signal is divided into two branches by
another OC (OC2). The signal in the upper branch is sent
to a photod etector (PD) to perform the optical-to-electrical
conversion. Because of the heterodyning between the optical
carrier and the frequency-sweeping 2nd-order sidebands, a
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the proposed photonics-based radar.
LD, laser diode; ESG, electrical signal generator; OC, optical coupler;
MZM, Mach–Zehnder modulator; OBPF, optical bandpass filter; PA,
power amplifier; LNA, low-noise amplifier; PD/BPD, (balanced)
photodetector; ADC, analog-to-digital conversion; DSP, digital signal
processing. (Insets, optical spectra at several key points in the system.)
266 Vol. 7, No. 3 / March 2019 / Photonics Research
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