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IBM System z9 Enterprise Class产品手册
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System z9 Enterprise Class(z9 EC)将继续在数据管理、可用性、安全性和灵活性、虚拟化和集成等领域占据领先地位。增强的预约可用性、冗余 I/O 互连以及增强的驱动程序维护功能可提高 z9 EC 的可用性,从而有助于防止大型机及其应用程序发生故障和计划内停机。通过使用 IBM 的 Parallel Sysplex:registered: 技术,z9 EC 能灵活地解决业务问题,如业务需求更改时能快速响应、提供几乎连续的 IT 资产可用性以及帮助降低计算的总成本。
The server built to help optimize your resources throughout
the enterprise
IBM System z9 Enterprise Class
Strengthening the role of the
Continued improvement in
mainframe as the data hub of
IBM FICON® performance and
the enterprise
New versatile capacity settings
On demand innovative tech-
designed to optimize capacity
nologies to help meet ever-
and cost
changing business demands
IBM System z9™ Integrated
Information Processor
(IBM zIIP) is designed to
improve resource optimization
and lower the cost of eligible
A “classic” might just be the best
Today’s market finds that business
needs ar
e changing, and having a com-
petitive advantage isn’t always about
having more or being bigger, but more
about being smarter and responding
faster to change and to your clients.
Often, being reactive to change has led
to infrastructures with mixed technolo-
gies, spread across an enterprise, that
are complex and difficult to control and
costly to manage. Integration of appli-
cations and data is limited and difficult.
Using internal information to make
insightful decisions for the company
can be difficult because knowing you
are using the “best” data—that which is
most current and complete—may not
be possible.
In many situations, investments have
been made in disparate technologies
that may fall short of meeting their
goals. Merging information fr
om one
branch to another may not be possible
and so company direction is set with
only a portion of the data at hand, and
in a global economy that can really hurt.
Companies need to be able to regain
control and create a unified infrastruc-
ture. The objective is to find a strategic
platform to standardize on, one that’s
able to integrate and support a large
and diverse set of applications, and one
that has resources that can be shared
and optimized for maximum use. And
of course the goal includes the ability to
scale as the company grows, providing
a safe and security-rich level of
resource protection.
The System z9 mainframe is perfect to
take on that role. While having classic
strengths on which its reputation was
formed, it continues to be a leader in
areas such as data management, avail-
ability, security and resiliency, virtualiza-
tion and integration. Its ability to
support many open and industry stan-
dards, with comprehensive support for
Service-Oriented Architecture, makes it
an ideal platform for deploying new
workloads or for interoperating with
new workloads on alternative
The System z9 Enterprise Class
(z9 EC), formerly the System z9 109
(z9-109), pr
ovides tight collaboration
with IBM storage and IBM software to
help achieve advanced I/O function and
performance. And while the z9 EC can
scale to of
fer a large capacity main-
frame in a single footprint, some cus-
tomers have requested the z9 EC
innovative features with more flexibility
in customizing and sizing the capacity
of the general purposes processors
(CPs) that reside in the server. These
customers want more options as they
weigh business demands and costs,
trying to achieve the right balance. The
new subcapacity models of the z9 EC
satisfy these requests. These enhanced
capabilities illustrate that the z9 EC is a
classic that doubles as an advanced
solution designed to support the IT
infrastructure needed for today’s
on demand business.
Information on demand is the core of
your business
Data is at the core of every business.
Being able to integrate and merge data
om different databases can enable
businesses to provide timely, current
and correct information to their clients.
This type of delivery allows a business
to be responsive and flexible to its
clients’ requests. Taking this a step fur-
ther, a business may benefit from being
able to analyze the information for
insight, research or simulations. This
can help set corporate strategy and
allow a business to have a competitive
But data management can be a big
oject. It needs to be available globally;
it must be kept up in real time and
accessible 24x7. At the same time, it
needs to be protected from unautho-
rized access and to comply with new
regulations. The IBM System z™ main-
frame family has a strong heritage in
data serving, and its architecture is
designed for massive data access,
whether across the Internet, to storage
devices, or to remote backup sites.
Scalability, availability, security—these
are all core competencies of the
The z9 EC, like the predecessor
IBM mainframes, includes dedicated
I/O pr
ocessors (the System Assist
Processor or SAP) to manage thou-
sands of concurrent data accesses. It
provides more available channel band-
width and FICON channels than the
IBM eServer™ zSeries® 990 (z990).
The new MIDAW Facility on the z9 EC
can help improve FICON channel effi-
ciency and throughput. The new
enhanced book availability, redundant
I/O interconnect, channel subsystem
enhancements and enhanced driver
maintenance can increase the z9 EC’s
availability, helping to protect not just
the mainframe but also its applications
from unplanned as well as planned
The new System z9 Integrated
Information Processor (IBM zIIP)
specialty engine is designed to help
improve resource optimization and
lower the cost of portions of eligible
workloads. IBM DB2® for z/OS® V8
and above will exploit the zIIP capability
for portions of eligible workloads.
The zIIP can help to strengthen the
System z9 mainframe as the data
serving hub, helping customers to
more fully leverage their valuable
assets. In addition to supporting por-
tions of DB2 workloads, IBM plans to
announce an enhancement to the z/OS
Communications Server that allows the
IPSec processing to take advantage of
zIIP specialty engines. It is anticipated
that the zIIP will help reduce the overall
cost of IPSec processing.
Versatile design for optimized sizing
Offered on our IBM S/390® and
zSeries midrange servers since 1999,
subcapacity general purpose pr
sors have allowed customers to choose
a server sized to best meet business
requirements. This granularity and flexi-
bility has been dramatically extended in
the midrange mainframe line in the past
few years and is now being offered on
the z9 EC. On the z9 EC, subcapacity
processors are available on servers
configured with eight or fewer general
purpose pr
ocessors. With the z9 EC
four book design, additional available
processors within the server can be
characterized as specialty engines
(ICFs, IFLs, zAAPs or zIIPs) or for
Capacity Backup Upgrade (CBU).
Although there is no change to the total
number of available pr
ocessors on the
z9 EC, customers will be able to
choose from four different subcapacity
settings when they run with eight or
fewer general purpose processors. The
z9 EC will now have a new lower entry
that is 66% smaller than the current
z9 EC entry and will offer 24 new
capacity settings. Once the requirement
for general purpose processors
exceeds eight, all general purpose
processors will be full capacity. All
functions and features of the z9 EC
are available when running with
subcapacity processors.
All mainframe customers now have the
option of selecting a server that meets
both total capacity r
equirements as well
as being able to select the number of
general purpose processors that best
fits their application and processing
Optimizing for better resource utilization
The IBM System z9 Integrated
Information Processor (IBM zIIP) was
announced in January 2006. The zIIP’s
execution environment will accept eligi-
ble work from z/OS 1.6 and above,
which will manage and direct the work
between the general purpose processor
and the zIIP. DB2 for z/OS V8 and
above will exploit the zIIP capability for
eligible workloads.
The zIIP is designed so that a program
can work with z/OS to have all or a
portion of its Service Request Block
(SRB) dispatched work dir
ected to the
zIIP. Types of eligible work that access
DB2 and that can have portions of
their work be directed to the zIIP
include CRM (Customer Relationship
Management), ERP (Enterprise
Resource Planning), BI (Business
Intelligence) and data warehousing
In addition to supporting portions
of DB2 workloads, IBM plans to
announce an enhancement to the z/OS
Communications Server that allows the
IPSec pr
ocessing to take advantage of
zIIP specialty engines. It is anticipated
that the zIIP will help reduce the overall
cost of IPSec processing.
All statements regarding IBM’s future direction and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only.
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