Design Techniques for Signal Reflection
Suppression in High-Speed 25-Gb/s
Laser Drivers in CMOS
Jingbo Shi , Bozhi Yin, Nan Qi , Rui Bai, Zhiyong Li, Zhiliang Hong, and Patrick Yin Chiang
Abstract—In this letter, we propose design techniques to
suppress high-speed signal reflections observed in direct-
modulated laser drivers. The first technique utilizes active back-
termination (ABT) to absorb the reflected energy from the laser
impedance mismatch. In the second design, capacitively coupled
pre-emphasis (CCPE) is proposed to cancel the transient over-
shooting observed from the bond-wire reflections. In order to
evaluate these techniques, the two 25-Gb/s CMOS laser drivers
are designed and fabricated in a standard 65-nm process. Exper-
imental results show that both drivers exhibit clear 25.78-Gb/s
optical eye-diagrams with >4 dB extinction ration, and also
exhibit significant improvement in jitter performance when the
ABT or CCPE is enabled.
Index Terms— Optical interconnects, integrated optoelectronic,
photonic integrated circuits, back-termination, CMOS process,
LD driver, impedance matching.
HE rapid developments of big-data and cloud computing
have been demanding next-generation optical intercon-
nects with higher data-rates and lower cost. These future
optoelectronic systems will require higher levels of monolithic
integration of photonic devices with electronic circuits, such
as transimpedance amplifiers (TIAs) and laser drivers. For
example, the 100GBASE-LR4 [1], [2] has recently been
announced as a promising solution for high-speed cloud data
traffic, due to its capability of sending/receiving lasers with
1310 nm wavelength across a single mode fiber (SMF) for
distances 2-10km. Typically directly-modulated Distributed
Feedback (DFB) lasers (4X25Gb/s) [3], [4] are utilized, biased
for high optical power, for these intra-datacenter applications.
Unfortunately, when compared with multi-mode fiber
(MMF) vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs)
[5], [6], [7], several technical challenges exist in the design
of the DFB laser driver, which include the bandwidth under
high-current drive, as well as the large reflections caused by
Manuscript received September 8, 2017; revised October 11, 2017; accepted
November 5, 2017. Date of publication November 16, 2017; date of current
version December 19, 2017. This work was supported in part by the STCSM
Project under Grant 15511103103 and in part by NSFCK Project under
Grant 61534002 and Grant 61474025. (Corresponding author: Nan Qi.)
J. Shi, B. Yin, Z. Hong, and P. Y. Chiang are with the State Key Laboratory
of ASIC and System, Fudan University, Shanghai 201203, China.
N. Qi and Z. Li are with the Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Beijing 100083, China (e-mail: qinan@semi.ac.cn).
R. Bai is with PhotonIC Technology, Shanghai 201203, China.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LPT.2017.2773525
Fig. 1. Equivalent termination scheme.
impedance mismatches in the packaging. This mismatched
termination, due to the low-impedance of the laser diode,
exacerbates reflections and is the critical constraint that limits
achieving high modulation current, large impedance mismatch,
and high data-rate operation for 25Gb/s DML lasers.
In this letter, we present two different laser driver designs
that attempt to suppress this reflection mismatch issue:
active back-termination (ABT) in a single-ended driver, and
capacitively-coupled pre-emphasis (CCPE) in a differential
driver. Measurement results of these drivers, designed in a
conventional 65 nm-CMOS technology, demonstrate clean
25.78Gb/s-NRZ optical eye diagrams.
Fig.1 illustrates the general LD, LD driver and package
model [8], where L and Z
represent the trace length and
the characteristic impedance of the wire-bonding or package-
impedance trace, respectively. Two identical DFB laser
diodes (with series-resistance impedance between 8-12 )are
connected to the outputs of the drivers via short bonding-wires,
that can be modelled as transmission line with a characteristic
impedance of 200 [9]. In conventional designs, the laser
diode is terminated with resistor matching to the impedance
of the package trace. Unfortunately, resistor matching causes
excessive power consumption. Therefore, special termination
techniques need to be developed in order to absorb/alleviate
the reflections between the laser diode and the laser driver.
Fig.2 depicts the block diagram of the proposed DML
driver, where an input CTLE and a two-stage CML amplifier
with tunable negative capacitors are employed before the
pre-driver. The CTLE can provide 6dB boosting at 18GHz
to compensate for high-frequency losses from PCB traces.
A shunt-peaking inductor is added into the pre-driver to
obtain another 6dB high- frequency peaking for bandwidth
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