Sensors 2018, 18, 3600 2 of 18
that scatterers within a source are coherent whereas scatterers of an ID source are assumed to be
uncorrelated. In this paper, ID sources are considered.
For CD sources, representative achievements of DOA estimation are methods extended from point
source models through rotation invariance relations with respect to different array configuration under
the small angular spreads assumption [
]. As to ID sources, people have presented subspace-based
algorithms such as distributed signal parameter estimator (DSPE) [
] and dispersed signal parametric
estimation (DSPARE) [
] which are developed from multiple signal classification (MUSIC). Based on
uniform linear arrays (ULA), the authors of [
] have extended Capon method for ID sources,
where two-dimensional (2D) spectral searches based on high-order matrix inversion are involved.
The authors of [
] have proposed a generalized Capon’s method by introducing a matrix pencil of
sample covariance matrix and normalized covariance matrix to traditional Capon framework. A robust
generalized Capon’s method in [
] has been proposed by supplementing a constraint function using
property of covariance matrix to cost function of algorithm in [
], which has better accuracy without
a priori knowledge of shape of ID sources. Maximum likelihood (ML) approaches [
] have better
accuracy but require high computational complexity. The authors of [
] have taken the lead in
extending covariance matching estimation techniques (COMET) to DOA estimation of ID sources
using ULA. They have converted complex nonlinear optimization to two successive one-dimensional
(1D) searches utilizing the extended invariance principle (EXIP). Considering Gaussian and uniform
ID sources, number of sensors in experiment of [
] ranges from 4 to 20; they have proved that when
sensors is increased to a certain extent with other parameters fixed, estimation tends to be less accurate.
Applying Taylor series expansion of steering vector to approximate the array covariance matrix
using the central moments of the source, the authors of [
] have elaborated a lower computational
COMET for ID sources, which exhibits a good performance at low SNR based on ULA with 11 sensors.
The authors of [
] have presented the ambiguity problem of COMET-EXIP algorithm using ULA and
proposed an inequality constraint in the original objective functions to solve this problem. The authors
of [
] have turned covariance matching problem to retrieve parameters of received covariance by
exploiting the annihilating property of linear nested arrays. The authors of [
] have embedded
algorithm of [19] into a Kalman filter for DOA tracking problem of ID sources.
The aforementioned DOA estimations of ID sources consider the sources and receive arrays are
in the same plane where sources are described by 1D model with two parameters: nominal angle
and angular spread. Generally, sources are in different plane with receive arrays, which should
be modeled as two-dimensional (2D) models with parameters as nominal azimuth angle, nominal
elevation angle, azimuth spread, and elevation spread. With more parameters, there have been
relatively few studies on estimation of 2D ID sources. The authors of [
] have extended COMET
algorithm to 2D scenarios, which separates variables of each source based on alternating projection
technique, then formulate equations set of unknown variables. The algorithm from [
] is applicable
to any arrays in three-dimensional spaces but requires considerably high computational complexity.
In addition, experiments of [
] have only considered a relatively small number of targets. The authors
of [
] have proposed a two-stage approach based on rotation invariance relations of generalized
steering vector of double parallel uniform linear arrays (DPULA), where nominal elevation is firstly
estimated via TLS-ESPRIT, then nominal azimuth is acquired by 1D searching.
In order to estimate DOA of 2D ID sources, we propose an algorithm based on URA. Through
Taylor series expansions of steering vectors, received signal vectors of arrays can be expressed as a
generalized form which is combination of generalized steering matrix and generalized signal vector
under the assumption of small distance of sensors and small angular spread. Consequently, the rotation
invariance relations of constructed subarrays with respect to nominal azimuth and nominal elevation
are derived. Constructed subarrays fully use elements of URA, so the estimation accuracy is improved.
Then the nominal azimuth and nominal elevation can be calculated respectively by means of an ESPRIT
like algorithm. Thus, estimation of multiple 2D ID sources do not need spectral searching and avoid
high computational complexity. Lastly, the angle matching method is proposed according to Capon