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Yet more image computations for SMV, the symbolic model verifier
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Yet more image computations for SMV, the symbolic model verifier Yet More Image Computations for SMV, the Symbolic Model Verifier Hiromi Hiraishi Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto, Japan 603-8555 SUMMARY This paper describes a collection of techniques to improve the efficiency of the pre- and postimage computa- tions that are the core of the Symbolic Model Verifier (SMV), which is used for formal logic design verification. The proposed techniques aim mostly at imp
Yet More Image Computations for SMV, the Symbolic Model
Ve rifier
Hiromi Hiraishi
Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto, Japan 603-8555
This paper describes a collection of techniques to
improve the efficiency of the pre- and postimage computa-
tions that are the core of the Symbolic Model Verifier
(SMV), which is used for formal logic design verification.
The proposed techniques aim mostly at improving the
efficiency of the verification of asynchronous processes.
The improvements are mainly made by (1) the early elimi-
nation of process variables in the postimage computations,
(2) the application of the conjunctive partitioning technique
to the verification of asynchronous processes, (3) the early
substitution of the stable state variables, and (4) the nonde-
terministic substitution method for the preimage computa-
tions. The experimental measurements show that the
proposed techniques are very effective and result in a
speedup of up to 50 times compared to the original SMV.
© 2000 Scripta Technica, Syst Comp Jpn, 31(9): 19,
Key words: Formal design verification; symbolic
model checking; image computation; asynchronous proc-
ess; SMV.
1. Introduction
As the logic systems to be designed become larger
and more complex, the designers are more apt to make
design errors. Logic simulations have been widely used to
find design errors. However, it is hard to guarantee the
correctness of the logic design by simulations because the
simulations cannot cover all cases. Therefore, formal de-
sign verification is important to guarantee that the designs
meet their specifications.
The symbolic model checking [2, 3] of Computation
Tree Logic (CTL) [1] is one of the most practical ap-
proaches to formal logic design verification. In this ap-
proach, logic systems to be designed are modeled as finite
state transition systems. Their specifications are described
in CTL. Then, symbolic model checking examines if the
designs satisfy the specifications. The Symbolic Model
Verifier (SMV) [6, 14] based on this approach has been
developed at Carnegie-Mellon University, which suc-
ceeded in verifying large logic systems whose state space
exceeds 10
In symbolic model checking, a set of states and a
transition relation are represented by Boolean expressions.
The verification algorithm is based on the manipulations of
these Boolean expressions. Furthermore, a Binary Decision
Diagram (BDD) [4, 5] is used to manipulate Boolean ex-
pressions. There have been proposed various methods to
improve the efficiency of symbolic model checking [712],
which enable us to verify large practical logic designs.
The size of the BDD is, however, apt to explode in
verification of large logic systems. We often have to con-
struct an abstract model in order to verify more complex
© 2000 Scripta Technica
Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol. 31, No. 9, 2000
Translated from Denshi Joho Tsushin Gakkai Ronbunshi, Vol. J82-D-I, No. 7, July 1999, pp. 791798
The author would like to express his appreciation to Professor E.M. Clarke
of Carnegie-Mellon University for valuable suggestions. The major part
of this research was done during his stay at CMU supported by the foreign
research study program of Kyoto Sangyo University. Part of this research
was supported by a grant of scientific research from the Ministry of
Education of Japan.
and larger logic designs. In such an abstract model, a system
is often represented as a set of asynchronous processes
In the verification of asynchronous processes, a cou-
ple of methods based on partial orders over events have
been proposed [15, 16] to improve the efficiency by de-
creasing the reachable state space. However, as far as the
author knows, no approaches have been proposed to im-
prove the efficiency of symbolic model checking directly
by considering the characteristics of asynchronous proc-
esses. Accordingly, we tried to improve the symbolic model
checking algorithm of SMV in order to improve the effi-
ciency of the verification of asynchronous processes. The
major techniques used for the improvement include:
x Early smoothing of the process selection vari-
ables, which accelerates the postimage computa-
tions that are used for computing the reachable
x Provision for application of the conjunctive parti-
tioning technique to each asynchronous process.
x Early substitution of the corresponding next state
variables to the stable state variables in the
postimage computation for each process based on
the conjunctive partitioning technique.
x Preimage computation based on nondeterministic
substitution. This is an extension of the efficient
deterministic substitution method for preimage
The experimental measurements for these techniques have
shown that they are effective and can enhance efficiency
Section 2 presents the notations and the basic opera-
tions of symbolic model checking. The transition relations
generated by SMV are also explained. In Section 3 a
postimage computation algorithm based on early smooth-
ing of the process selection variables is proposed. Section
4 shows how to apply the conjunctive partitioning tech-
nique to the image computations of asynchronous proc-
esses. A postimage computation algorithm based on early
substitution to the stable state variables is proposed in
section 5, and a preimage computation algorithm based on
nondeterministic substitution is proposed in Section 6. Sec-
tions 3, 5, and 6 also present the results of the experimental
measurements, all of which were measured on a Sparc Ultra
II 250 MHz clock.
2. Preliminaries
This section presents the basic notations and the
definitions related to symbolic model checking. The transi-
tion relations generated by SMV are also explained.
2.1. Symbolic model checking
In SMV the logic systems under verification are
represented by the finite state transition systems called
Kripke structures. The specifications that the logic sys-
tems should satisfy are described in CTL temporal logic
Definition 1 Kripke structure is defined by a 4-tuple
S, R
I, S
, where S is a finite set of states, R S u S
is a total binary relation on the states. It is assumed that
every state has at least one next state. Let AP be a set of
atomic propositions. I : S o 2
gives a set of atomic
propositions true at the state. S
S is a set of initial states.
Whether the designed system meets its specifications
is verified by symbolic model checking. In symbolic model
checking, the set of states where the specification holds is
calculated by postimage computations and/or preimage
computations. Postimage computation gives a set of the
next states of the given set of current states, whereas the
preimage computation gives a set of the previous states of
the given current states. These image computations are done
by Boolean formula manipulations based on BDD.
Let B = {0, 1} be a set of Boolean values. Let s
be a
variable over B. s
, s
, . . . , s
denotes a vector of
state variables. Then a subset A of the state space
can be represented by the n-variable Boolean func-
tion F
s : S o B that satisfies the following equation:
is called a characteristic function of A.
Let s
be a next state variable over B.
, . . .
denotes a vector of next state variables.
Then the transition relation can be given by the 2n-variable
Boolean function F
s, sc : S u S o
that satisfies the
following equation:
is called a transition relation function.
If there are no possibilities of confusions, we will use
A and R instead of F
and F
Let fs be a Boolean function of n variables. Smooth-
ing operations, s
. and s., are defined as follows:
The machine used for the measurements was an Ultra Enterprise 6000
(20 CPU, 8 GB memory). Up to 18 measurements were done in parallel.
The maximum memory required for each measurement was at most 200
In the case of S
, we can regard B
as the state space by appropriately
adding the states unreachable from the initial states.
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