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余维1的超世界表中具有恒定平均曲率的黄铜被视为破裂的庞加莱对称性的Nambu-Goldstone场。 显示了它们的作用到具有自发产生的重力的二次曲率重力作用的映射。 找到了用于皮氏电位极值的方程式及其解,该方程式描述了恒定曲率的超ws。 对于$$ {\ mathbf {R}} ^ {1,3} $$ R1,3中的膜,此极值显示为鞍形3维。 定义经典不稳定真空的超曲面。
Eur. Phys. J. C (2019) 79:633
Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
p-Branes with AdS
vacuum as models of R
A. A. Zheltukhin
Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov 61108, Ukraine
Nordita, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Received: 14 January 2019 / Accepted: 13 July 2019 / Published online: 29 July 2019
© The Author(s) 2019
Abstract Branes with constant mean curvature of their
hyper-worldsheets of codimension 1 are treated as the
Nambu-Goldstone fields of the broken Poincare symme-
try. Mapping of their action into quadratic curvature grav-
ity action with spontaneously generated gravity, is shown.
Equation for the brane potential extremals and its solution
describing hyper-ws of constant curvature are found. For
membranes in R
this extremum is shown to be a saddle
3-dim. hypersurface which defines classically instable vac-
1 Introduction
Invention of the Green–Schwarz superstring and kappa
symmetry led to the construction of a renormalizable ten-
dimensional theory of all fundamental interactions including
quantum gravity [1]. The local kappa symmetry acting on
two-dimensional worldsheet of superstring is a key element
of the theory which provides the balance between the bosonic
and fermionic degrees of freedom. The very existence of this
symmetry imposes essential restrictions on the dimension
of the ambient supersymmetric space-time in which strings
move. The admissible dimensions of the space-time are
D = 3, 4, 6, 10, but only D = 10 turns out to be consistent in
the quantum picture resulting in five possible renormalizible
theories [2]. The latter are known as type I, type IIA, type
IIB supplemented by two theories originating from heterotic
strings invariant under SO(32) and E8 × E8 gauge symme-
tries, respectively. These five theories are based on different
types of strings: type I theory includes both open and closed
strings, while types IIA and IIB include only closed strings.
All these theories are entangled by S and T duality transfor-
mations. In particular, S-duality transforms type I theory to
the SO(32) heterotic one, and type IIB theory into itself.
The latter is transformed into type IIA theory under T -duality
e-mail: aaz@nordita.org
transformations [3]. These theories are believed to be limiting
cases of one unknown theory which consistently describes
quantum gravity. Herewith, the D = 10, N = 2a super-
gravity, in particular, arises as low energy limit of Type IIA
superstring. In this limit which corresponds to the infinitely
large string tension the discussed five theories yield different
10-dimensional versions of supergravity. The later belongs
to field theories associated with point-like particles treated as
idealized geometric objects with the dimension p = 0. So,
the transition from point-like particles to one-dimensional
extended objects (p = 1) cures D = 10 supergravity from
ultraviolet divergencies. However, this scenario works only
for the dimension D = 10 that implies the Kaluza-Klein
compactification of six excess coordinates in order to restore
the physical dimension D = 4. But such a compactifica-
tion creates the Landscape problem [4] that means loss of
uniqueness in the choice of the physically relevant universes
describing SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) invariant interactions
and three families of quarks and leptons [5]. Unfortunately,
the list of such universes contains billions of candidates.
Another problem is the existence of unique N = 1 super-
gravity in eleven dimensions which cannot be derived from
the superstring theories in 10-dimensional space-time. At
the same time the 10-dimensional IIA superstring is derived
from 11-dimensional supermembrane [6] through simulta-
neous dimensional reduction in both D = 11 space-time
and 3-dimensional ( p = 2) supermembrane worldsheet [7].
In view of this observation, the N = 2a, D = 10 super-
gravity is also derived from the N = 1, D = 11 super-
membrane. As a result, supermembranes and superstrings
get equal status in the frame of mysterious 11-dimensional
M-theory [8
]. But the story does not end there, in view of
the tendency to further growth of the dimension p of rele-
vant extended objects as shown in [9]. Therein, the set of the
numbers p and D, ensuring the presence of the kappa sym-
metry on a ( p +1)-dimensional hyper-worldsheet embedded
into D-dimensional Minkowski space, was revealed. This set
includes, in particular, the values p = 2, D = 4, 5, 7, 11;
633 Page 2 of 11 Eur. Phys. J. C (2019) 79 :633
p = 3, D = 6, 8; p = 4, D = 9 and p = 5, D = 10
corresponding to the embeddings of membranes and 3-, 4-,
5-branes into the mentioned higher-dimensional Minkowski
spaces. The pair p = 5, D = 10 describes the heterotic
5-brane associated with the soliton solution of the heterotic
string equations found in [10]. In M-theory the supermem-
brane and super 5-brane are called M2 and M5 branes. M-
branes together with superstrings are treated as fundamen-
tal constituents of supersymmetric 11-dimensional M-theory
unifying gravity with other fundamental forces. Thus, both
branes and strings play key roles in theoretical understanding
of fundamental interactions, phenomenology of elementary
particle physics, black holes, dark matter and AdS/CFT cor-
respondence. A comprehensive review of these and other
problems of contemporary physics in which branes play a
vital role may be found in [11]. The breakthrough role of
branes in attempts to reveal new physics sharpens the prob-
lem of their quantum consistency. Solution of this prob-
lem has to shed a new light on quantization of gravity.
Until now quantization of extended objects remains an open
problem even for the case of (super)membranes (p = 2)
[12]. This uncertainty in the quantum status of the brane
paradigma requires new tools for analyzing its viability. A
weak progress in this matter is explained by a complicated
non-linear character of brane equations and constraints. The
non-linearity problem is typical of the theories unifying the
Yang-Mills, gravitational and other fields covariant under dif-
feomorphisms, gauge and internal symmetries. To solve the
problem, we need to deepen understanding of the structure
of brane non-linearities.
Here we assume that the non-linearities can be converted
into the geometric structures known from gravity and gauge
theories. For branes, the proof of this assumption allows to
implement the BRST-BFV quantization and others methods
used for general non-linear systems. We expect that the non-
linearities of ordinary p-branes can be described by a com-
bination of scalars built from the curvature tensor of ( p + 1)-
dimensional hyper-worldsheets (h-ws).
It implies a map of
non-linear terms into those known from (p + 1)-dim. f (R)
gravity which generalizes the Starobinsky 4-dim. model [13].
Construction of such a map will also give an additional moti-
vation for the hypothesis that our world is a 3-brane embed-
ded into higher-dimensional spaces [14–17].
The inherent non-linearities prevent the use of string har-
monic oscillators for brane quantization. On the other hand,
it is known that for some non-linear systems the transition
to new dynamical variables, similar to the action-angle vari-
ables, permits to linearize equations of motion and to solve
them. Then, the general solution makes it possible to perform
quantization in terms of the initial data. Such a possibility
To be short we will further use the abbreviation h-ws for hyper-
necessitates search for variables alternative to the world vec-
tors of brane h-ws. In string theory Regge and Lund [18]
used the first and the second fundamental forms of string
worldsheets embedded into 4-dim. Minkowski space as new
variables (see also [19,20]). Generalization of this idea for
strings in D-dim. Minkowski space, accompanied with treat-
ment of these variables as gauge multiplets , allowed to trans-
form string equations into an exactly integrable system of
PDEs [21,22]. So, it is natural to use such geometric variables
for p-branes to verify whether brane non-linearities are inte-
grable. For this purpose we apply the renowned differential-
geometric approach describing hypersurfaces embedded into
Riemannian spaces based on the Maurer-Cartan structure
equations [23–26]. This approach was represented in terms
of gauge theory and spontaneous symmetry breaking in [27]
for the Dirac (fundamental) p-branes sweeping minimal h-
ws. The spontaneous symmetry breaking (see [28] and refs.
there) appears due to embedding of hypersurfaces in space-
time. In the case a h-ws
mi n
swept by a fundamental p-
brane [29]inD-dim. Minkowski space causes spontaneous
breaking of its Poincare symmetry ISO(1, D − 1) to the
subgroup ISO(1, p) × SO(D − p − 1) [30–33]. The break-
ing yields the Nambu-Goldstone (N-G) fields identified with
the coefficients l
of the second fundamental form of
mi n
with arbitrary codimention. These coefficients form a N-G
tensor multiplet of the local group SO(D − p − 1).TheY-M
multiplet B
of this group, together with the N-G multiplet
and the metric g
, compose a set of ( p+1)-dim. h-ws fields.
Their invariant action S
Di r
and the potential V
Di r
(l, g) built
in [27] are given by Eqs. (4) and (5) from Sect. 2. The poten-
tial encodes the non-linearities of fundamental p-branes in
terms of l
and g
. So, V
Di r
(l, g) expressed through the
curvature tensor of
mi n
has to uncover the required geo-
metric structure of brane non-linearities.
This scheme was realized in [34] for fundamental p-
branes sweeping minimal h-ws with codimension 1 (i.e.
D = p + 2). In this case the gauge field B
is absent.
The Dirac membrane p = 2, D = 4 is an example of such
branes. It describes the bosonic sector of the supermembrane
from the above discussed list of branes invariant under the
kappa-symmetry [9]. The case p = 3, D = 5 selects fun-
damental 3-branes living in 5-dim. Minkowski space. The
3-brane potential follows from Eq. (5)
Di r
) + c
. (1)
As shown in [34], V
Di r
is expressed through the squared
scalar curvature R of the h-ws
mi n
by Eq. (10)from
Sect. 3.
It means that action (4) with codim 1 encodes a
particular case of ( p + 1)-dim. gravity theories quadratic
The formula (1) is the same for any ( p + 1)-dim. minimal h-ws
mi n
with codim 1.
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