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大多数Internet流量与用户对以下内容感兴趣的应用程序相关: 数据 而不是在来源 数据 居住。另一方面,当前的互联网 建筑学 是 主机-中心 而不是 数据-为中心,这是不实际 到 部署一个纯 数据-中心 建筑学 过夜。这激发了 渐进地 可部署的 网络 建筑学 可以有效地 支持 两个都数据-中心 和 主机-中心 服务。在本文中,我们描述了这样的架构 称为DCNA for Internet。 DCNA基于在应用层和传输层之间包含垫片层以及适当的接口 到 连接这些层。此外 到 存在 数据-中心 并逐步地 可部署的DCNA也可以有效地 支持 移动性和多归属。
he current Internet architecture was designed in the
1970s and is host-centric [1]. While the hosts in the
Internet are generally named by their IP addresses,
the current Internet does not have a mechanism for
directly naming data (files, streams, etc.) and services (pro-
cesses that are remotely invoked by clients). Instead, both are
named in association with domain names. For example, a
photo file, alice.jpg, hosted by Google may have a name
http://www.google.com/img/alice.jpg. Here the domain name
http://www.google.com is mainly used to locate the destination
host and route a packet requesting the photo to the destina-
tion host. In addition, data names are not persistent, which
means that the name of a datum depends on where it is locat-
ed or who manages it. For example, when the above photo is
hosted by Baidu, its name may change to http://www.baidu.
Along with the rapid development and tremendous success
of the Internet in the past few decades, however, the vast
majority of current Internet usage has changed to data
retrieval and service access (i.e., being data-centric). There-
fore, there is a growing consensus that the Internet should be
designed around the data-centric model [1–6]. In the data-
centric model, if a user is interested in a datum, he/she can
directly obtain it by inputting the persistent name of the
desired data without knowing where the data is located. While
the Domain Name System (DNS) already hides data location
to some extent by mapping domain names to IP addresses, it
is inconvenient for users to obtain data/services in the current
Internet due to non-persistent data names. For example, when
we input a URL in order to obtain a desired datum, we occa-
sionally encounter the HTTP error 404 and cannot obtain the
desired datum, although the datum may still reside on the
same server, but has been moved from one directory to anoth-
er. In light of this, several new data-centric network architec-
tures have been proposed [3–6, references therein].
However, most existing applications, transport layer proto-
cols, end hosts, and routers are host-centric. Therefore, it is
not practical to deploy a pure data-centric architecture
overnight. Indeed, there are billions of end hosts and servers
around the world, and it is impossible to upgrade them all at
once. Also, the Internet has millions of routers, and it would
be extremely expensive to replace them. Evidence of the resis-
tance to radical change is that only a few Internet service
providers have transitioned their networks from IPv4 to IPv6,
although IPv6 has been standardized for more than 10 years.
Hence, it is desirable to design a new network architecture
that is both data-centric and incrementally deployable. In
addition, it is also desirable that the new network architecture
supports mobility and multi-homing efficiently, as discussed
further below.
Mobility —
Since more and more hosts connected to the
Internet are expected to be mobile, the new network architec-
ture must efficiently support mobility, including host mobility
and service mobility. Host mobility allows a device to move
between IP subnets, while continuing to be reachable for
incoming requests and maintaining sessions across different
subnets. By contrast, service mobility allows users to maintain
access to their services while moving or changing devices and
network service providers.
IEEE Network • July/August 2014
Most Internet traffic is associated with applications where users are interested in
the data and not in the source where the data resides. On the other hand, the cur-
rent Internet architecture is host-centric rather than data-centric, and it is not practi-
cal to deploy a pure data-centric architecture overnight. This motivates an
incrementally deployable network architecture that can efficiently support both
data-centric and host-centric services. In this article we describe such an architec-
ture called DCNA for the Internet. DCNA is based on the inclusion of a shim layer
between the application layer and the transport layer along with appropriate inter-
faces to connect these layers. In addition to being data-centric and incrementally
deployable, DCNA can also effectively support mobility and multi-homing.
An Incrementally Deployable Network
Architecture to Support Both Data-Centric
and Host-Centric Services
Hongbin Luo, Hongke Zhang, Moshe Zukerman, and Chunming Qiao
0890-8044/14/$25.00 © 2014 IEEE
Hongbin Luo and Hongke Zhang are with Beijing Jiaotong University,
Beijing, PRC.
Moshe Zukerman is with the City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Chunming Qiao is with the State University of New York at Buffalo, NY,
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Multi-Homing —
This enables users to access different net-
works and provides them with several benefits, such as cost-
effective network selection, reliability, and ubiquitous
connectivity. While many devices in the current Internet have
two or more network interfaces that are assigned different IP
addresses in the current Internet architecture, it is difficult to
move an ongoing session from one interface to another if the
former fails. Thus, the new network architecture must support
it efficiently.
In this article we describe a data-centric network architec-
ture (DCNA) that can efficiently support both data-centric
and host-centric services. The basic ideas of the proposed
architecture are:
• Insert a shim layer between the application layer and the
transport layer of the current Internet architecture.
• Use appropriate interfaces to efficiently connect these layers.
We build a proof-of-concept implementation of DCNA in a
Linux environment and demonstrate how DCNA satisfies the
above design goals.
The remainder of this article is organized as follows. The
following section briefly discusses related work. We then
describe the proposed architecture in detail. Following that,
we present the implementation of a proof-of-concept proto-
type of DCNA and the evaluation results obtained from the
prototype in order to show that the design goals are met.
Finally, we conclude the article.
Related Work
To support data-centric services, several data-centric network
architectures have been proposed in recent years: content-
centric networking (CCN) [3], network of information (Net-
Inf) [4], data-oriented network architecture (DONA) [5], and
publish-subscribe Internet routing paradigm (PSIRP) [6].
CCN tries to bring about a fundamental shift from the
host-centric model to the data-centric model. In CCN
each content file/object is split into multiple chunks, and
each of them is assigned a unique name that follows a
hierarchical structure inspired by the web’s Uniform
Resource Identifiers (URIs). Nodes with content that may
be of interest to others announce content names, or the
prefixes of the names, as with IP routing announcement.
A content consumer who is interested in particular con-
tent sends out an Interest packet that contains the name
of the requested chunk. When a content router receives
an Interest packet, it directly returns the requested chunk
to the consumer if it locally caches the requested chunk.
Otherwise, it adds the Interest into its Pending Interest
Table (PIT) and sends out the Interest packet toward
potential data sources using longest prefix match. The PIT
of a content router records Interests forwarded toward
content sources and the interfaces from which the Inter-
ests come. When a content router receives a Data packet,
it forwards the Data packet based on the PIT. In addition,
it caches the Data packet in order to satisfy subsequent
Interest packets [3].
DONA also assigns a unique and persistent name for every
datum/service. While content names in CCN are hierarchical,
data names in DONA are flat and self-certifying [5]. In addi-
tion, nodes that are authorized to serve a datum register it to
a hierarchical resolution infrastructure composed of resolu-
tion nodes. A node interested in the data sends FIND packets
to the resolution infrastructure, which routes FIND packets by
the name of the data and tries to find the data closest to the
requesting node. Once the desired data is found, it is sent to
the requesting node using standard IP routing and forwarding.
However, DONA binds transport protocols to data names
instead of IP addresses [5], which make it impossible to sup-
port a host-centric model.
NetInf uses information objects (IOs) to name data. Similar
to DONA, a node that wants to provide a datum registers the
IO of the datum and the node’s IP address into a name reso-
lution service (NRS). Since multiple nodes may want to pro-
vide the same datum, an IO may correspond to multiple IP
addresses. When a node wants to obtain a datum, it sends a
request containing the IO of the desired datum to the NRS,
which then returns the IP address(es) for the desired datum
to the requesting node. The IP addresses are then used to
retrieve a copy of the datum from the “best” available
source(s) [4]. However, NetInf does not address the problem
of how the end-host stack should be enhanced to support such
a data-centric model.
In PSIRP, sources publish data in a publish/subscribe-based
rendezvous system and receivers subscribe to data that have
been published [6]. The publications and subscriptions are
then matched by the rendezvous system. However, PSIRP
identifies links instead of nodes and uses a routing and for-
warding scheme totally different from the Internet today,
which makes it very hard to be incrementally deployed.
We note that to support host mobility and multi-homing,
some network layer protocols such as locator/identifier sepa-
ration protocol (LISP) [7] and host identity protocol (HIP) [8]
have been proposed. However, they cannot support service
mobility and data-centric services. We also note that service
mobility can be realized by the Session Initiation Protocol
(SIP) [9]. However, the SIP-based approaches generally
employ a user agent while we aim at realizing service mobility
without agents.
The Proposed Architecture
As described in the first section, we aim at designing a new
network architecture that is both data-centric and incremen-
tally deployable. Thus the end hosts implementing the new
network architecture have to be compatible with the existing
hosts in order to be incrementally deployable. From the per-
spective of the new and existing end hosts, it is desirable that
we only need to make minimum changes to the host stack.
There are a few design choices for the Internet to move
toward data-centric while being incrementally deployable.
One possible choice is for every application in the application
layer to be data-centric. For example, peer-to-peer (P2P)
applications are data-centric since a user does not need to
know where a desired data/service is located. Instead, P2P
applications would search, using certain application-specific
techniques, the end hosts that provide the desired data/ser-
vice. However, as envisioned in today’s Internet, the majority
of applications are host-centric. For example, in the HTTP
application we input a URL, and then the HTTP application
resolves an IP address based on the domain name in the
URL. After that it sends requests to the resolved IP address
in order to obtain the desired data/service. In this process the
HTTP application sends commands/requests to a given
domain name (contained in the URL). That is, it cares
“where” the desired data comes from. On the other hand, in
the data-centric model we want applications to simply request
the name of the desired data without having to care about
where the desired data comes from. If we want these applica-
tions to be data-centric, we have to revise them application-
by-application, which is not efficient. Notice that these
revisions are specially tailored to existing applications. If a
new application emerges, the work is repeated. It is more effi-
cient to design a novel architecture that applies to all applica-
tions (existing and future) instead of to specific ones.
IEEE Network • July/August 2014
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