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Revelation of the birth and extinction dynamics of solitons in S...
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The dispersive Fourier transform (DFT) technique opens a fascinating pathway to explore ultrafast non-repetitive events and has been employed to study the build-up process of mode-locked lasers. However, the shutting process for the mode-locked fiber laser seems to be beyond the scope of researchers, and the starting dynamics under near-zero dispersion remains unclear. Here, the complete evolution dynamics (from birth to extinction) of the conventional soliton (CS), stretched pulse (SP), and dis
Revelation of the birth and extinction dynamics
of solitons in SWNT-mode-locked fiber lasers
State Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Instrumentation, College of Optical Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou 310027, China
Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China
School of Physics and Electronic Science, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, China
*Corresponding author: liuxueming72@yahoo.com
Received 16 November 2018; revised 8 January 2019; accepted 26 January 2019; posted 29 January 2019 (Doc. ID 352214);
published 13 March 2019
The dispersive Fourier transform (DFT) technique opens a fascinating pathway to explore ultrafast non-repetitive
events and has been employed to study the build-up process of mode-locked lasers. However, the shutting process
for the mode-locked fiber laser seems to be beyond the scope of researchers, and the starting dynamics under near-
zero dispersion remains unclear. Here, the complete evolution dynamics (from birth to extinction) of the conven-
tional soliton (CS), stretched pulse (SP), and dissipative soliton (DS) are investigated by using the DFT technique.
CS, SP, and DS fiber lasers mode locked by single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) are implemented via en-
gineering the intracavity dispersion map. The relaxation oscillation can always be observed before the formation
of stable pulse operation due to the inherent advantage of SWNT, but it exhibits distinct evolution dynamics in
the starting and shutting processes. The shutting processes are dependent on the dispersion condition and turn-off
time, which is against common sense. Some critical phenomena are also observed, including transient complex
spectrum broadening and frequency-shift interaction of SPs and picosecond pulses. These results will further
deepen understanding of the mode-locked fiber laser from a real-time point of view and are helpful for laser
design and applications.
© 2019 Chinese Laser Press
Mode-locked fiber lasers delivering ultrafast pulses have been
employed in numerous applications as diverse as ophthal-
mology, micromachining, medical imaging, and precision
metrology [1–3] because fiber lasers have several inherent
advantages, e.g., high electrical efficiency, lower maintenance,
higher reliability, smaller footprint, and easier transportability
[4,5]. So far, fiber lasers have generally been implemented with
passively mode-locked techniques, such as nonlinear polariza-
tion rotation (NPR), nonlinear optical loop mirrors, semicon-
ductor saturable absorber mirrors (SESAMs), sin gle-walled
carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), and two-dimensional semicon-
ductor material s [6–11]. Among them, SWNTs are the most
promising candidate for ultrashort pulse generation because
they possess ultrafast excited state carrier dynamics and high
optical nonlinearit y [8,12].
To pursue higher pulse energy, researchers successively pro-
posed the conventional soliton (CS), stretched pulse (SP; also
named dispersion-managed soliton), and dissipative soliton
(DS) by engineering intracavity group velocity dispersion
(GVD) [7,13]. The dynamics of the mode-locked fiber lase r
and its output features depend mainly on the dispersion
map of a laser oscillator [13–16]. Soliton fiber lasers are gen-
erally constructed with an anomalous-dispersion condition, and
pulses can be sustained through the balance of nonlinear and
dispersive phase shifts [11]. So it is called a CS to distinguish it
from other types of solitons in mode-locked fiber lasers [17].
When the net dispersion is near zero, a SP forms, which can
decrease intracavity nonlinearity by periodically stretching and
compressing [14,17]. Under net-normal or all-normal cavity
dispersion, the pulse-shaping dynamics is dominated by gain
and loss with the assistance of dispersion, nonlinearity, and
spectral filtering [7]. DSs are always highly chirped, so that they
can hold higher pulse energy and nonlinear phase shift [18]. In
fact, each kind of pulse possesses unique features that are useful
for specific applications. CSs are easy to obtain and compatible
with transmission in single-mode fiber (SMF) [11]. SPs have a
wide spectral width and low phase noise, and have been em-
ployed in numerous application s [1,14]. The high-energy pulse
based on DSs greatly promotes the development of high-power
ultrafast lasers [7].
Research Article
Vol. 7, No. 4 / April 2019 / Photonics Research 423
2327-9125/19/040423-08 Journal © 2019 Chinese Laser Press
A real-time oscilloscope is the common tool to record the
temporal evolution process, while the spectral information
and pulses close to even overlapping each other cannot be
resolved due to the limited electronic bandwidth [2,19–22].
Achieving a temporally and spectrally resolved study of the
transient dynamics is always a challenge because every transient
event possesses a singular occurrence with unique spectro-
temporal features. The recently developed time-stretch disper-
sive Fourier transform (TS-DFT) technique provides a powerful
way for real-time, single-shot measurements of ultrafast phe-
nomena [23]. This technique helps scientists to experimentally
resolve the evolution of femtosecond soliton molecules [24–26],
the dynamics of soliton explosions [27], and pulsating solitons
[28,29]. The TS-DFT technique was also employed to measure
the build-up process of solitons [2,25,30–35]. These works
focus mainly on the starting dynamics of solitons [2,31], soliton
molecules [25,33], and multi-pulse operation [36] in the
mode-locked fiber laser under anomalous dispersion. The spec-
tral build-up process of DS in the net-normal dispersion regime
was reported in a recent work [32]. However, the starting
dynamics of SPs has not been studied experimentally, whether
in the temporal of spectral domain. The investigation of the
build-up process among CSs, SPs, and DSs is an attractive topic,
which can help to explain how the obviously distinct pulses are
generated. Moreover, the studies about the starting dynamics of
passive mode-locking lasers have helped researchers understand
build-up time, capability of self-starting, and Q-switched insta-
bility, which is crucial to applications [19–22]. Additionally, the
evolution dynamics when mode-locked fiber lasers are shut
down also remains unclear. Circulating pulses can be amplified
by thousands of times in the relaxation time of the gain fiber
after the pump power is switched off, as the roundtrip time
is far less than the relaxation time. Moreover, the turn-o ff time
is generally more than several milliseconds. As a result, pulses in
mode-locked lasers may not experience extinction directly, as is
generally believed.
In this work, the entire evolution dynamics (from starting
up to shutting down) of an SWNT-mode-locked fiber laser is
measured via the TS-DFT technique. By managing intracavity
net dispersion, CSs, SPs, and DSs are achieved under negative,
near-zero, and positive dispersion conditions in the mode-
locked laser, respectively. Their starting and shutting processes
can be obtained with high-speed photodetectors and a real-time
oscilloscope. The build-up processes of CSs, SPs, and DSs in-
clude the relaxation oscillation, quasi-mode locking, and stable
pulse operation stages, but they display distinct transient evo-
lution dynamics. CSs, SPs, and DSs also experience different
dynamics and energy fluctuations when the laser is shut down.
Several new physical evolution processes are observed in the
measurement, and these results are helpful for in-depth under-
standing of the mode-locked fiber laser.
Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the SWNT-mode-
locked fiber laser and the measurement scheme. The oscillator
consists of an SWNT-based mode locker, a ∼7m-long erbium-
doped fiber (EDF) with ∼4dB∕m absorption at 980 nm, a
wavelength-division-multiplexed coupler (WDM), an optical
coupler, a polarization-independent isolator (PI-ISO), and a
polarization controller (PC). A 980-nm laser diode (LD)
provides pump via a 980/1550-nm WDM. An optical switcher
is placed between the LD and WDM to switch the laser on
or off. A coupl er with a 10% output port is used to extract
pulses from the cavity, and the PI-ISO ensures unidirectional
operation. The PC is utilized to optimize the mode-locking
performance by adjusting the cavity linear birefringence.
The fabrication procedure and parameters of the SWNT-based
mode locker can be found in Ref. [37]. ∼10 m of SMF is
inserted into the cavity to adjust the net dispersion. The
dispersion parameters of the EDF and SMF are about −20 and
17 ps∕nm · km at 1550 nm, respectively.
First, ∼17 m SMF is in the cavity, and the cavity length is
∼24 m. The roundtrip time is 118.96 ns and the net dispersion
is negative of ∼ − 0.2ps
. In this case, CSs with typical Kelly
sidebands can be achieved [11]. Then, SMF is gradually cut
short carefully to adjust the cavity dispersion to be near zero.
In this case, the cavity length is ∼17 m with a roundtrip time
of 83.92 ns, and the dispersion is ∼ − 0.004 ps
. Finally, the
inserted SMF is removed from the cavity, and only the pig-
tails of the devices remain. The total cavity length remains
∼14 m. The roundtrip time and intracavity net dispersion are
69.28 ns and ∼0.02 ps
, respectively. By managing intracavity
dispersion, CSs, SPs, and DSs are achieved in the SWNT-
mode-locked fiber laser.
The real-time temporal detections for solitons are recorded
with two high-speed photodetectors and a real-time oscillo-
scope. The real-time spectral information can be obtained by
dispersing pulses in an ∼5kmdispersion-compensating fiber
(DCF) prior to detection. The spectral information could be
mapped into the temporal waveform via DCF. The time-
averaged spectra are measured via an optical spectrum analyzer
(OSA). When the switcher is set as on or off, the pump power
can be transmitted or blocked. As a result, the fiber laser can be
started up or shut down. In order to monitor the starting and
shutting dynamics of the mode-l ocked fiber laser, a part of the
pump power is split and used as the triggering signal of the
oscilloscope, as shown in Fig. 1. As a result, only about
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup. EDF, erbium-
doped fiber; PC, polarization controller; LD, laser diode; SA, saturable
absorber; WDM, wavelength-division-multiplexed coupler; PI-ISO,
polarization-independent isolator; OSA, optical spectrum analyzer;
DCF, dispersion compensation fiber.
424 Vol. 7, No. 4 / April 2019 / Photonics Research
Research Article
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