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这项工作使用2D TEM(瞬变电磁)建模对巴拉那(Paraná)沉积盆地进行水文地质研究。 研究区域位于巴西圣保罗州的北部地区,该地区的地下水是通过两种含水层系统开采的:一种是浅层沉积,另一种是深层结晶。 在该地区应用TEM方法的兴趣归功于结晶含水层系统对灌溉用水的高开采率,这在当地引发了相当大的地震活动。 该含水层系统由塞拉热拉尔组内的玄武岩组成,深约120 m。 在该位置采集了86个TEM测深,但在9个案例中,由于该地区的地质复杂性,数据与1D地电模型的建模曲线不符。 本文展示了基于FDTD(时域有限差分)方法的二维地电建模结果,以解释地质环境中的横向电阻率变化。 为每个测深生成一个二维模型,并将其与一维反演模型以及来自井的直接信息进行比较。 结果表明,塞拉杰拉尔组玄武岩层上界面的垂直变化约为10至30米。 它们位于距测深中心约60米的位置。 这些2D结构在地下的存在可能与研究区域的排水系统有关。 这些结构的存在可能表明浅水层系统和深水层系统之间的连接,就像导管一样,可能有助于报告的地震活动。
International Journal of Geosciences, 2017, 8, 693-710
ISSN Online: 2156-8367
ISSN Print: 2156-8359
DOI: 10.4236/ijg.2017.85038
May 27, 2017
2D TEM Modeling for a Hydrogeological Study
in the Paraná Sedimentary Basin, Brazil
Emerson Rodrigo Almeida
, Jorge Luís Porsani
, Fernando Acácio Monteiro dos Santos
Cassiano Antonio Bortolozo
Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas, Departamento de Geofísica. Rua do
Matão, Butantã, São Paulo, Brazil
Universidade de Lisboa-IDL, Lisboa, Portugal
This work uses 2D TEM (Transient Electromagnetic) modeling for a hydr
geological study in the Paraná sedimentary basin. The study area is located at
the northern region of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, where groundwater is e
ploited from two aquifer systems: one sedimentary, shallow, and the other
crystalline, deep. The in
terest in applying the TEM method in this area owes
to the high exploitation rates of groundwater from the crystalline aquifer sy
tem for irrigation, which is triggering considerable seismic activity locally.
This aquifer system is composed of fractured ba
salt within the Serra Geral
Formation and is about 120 m deep. Eighty-
six TEM soundings were acquired
at this location, but in nine cases the data did not fit the modelled curve for
1D geoelectrical models due to the geological complexity of the area. This p
per shows 2D geoelectrical modeling results based on the FDTD (Finite Di
ferences in Time Domain) method to explain the lateral resistivity variation
within the geological setting. A 2D model was generated for each sounding
and compared with 1D inversio
n models as well as with direct information
from wells. The results show some vertical variations of about 10 to 30 meters
on the upper interface of the basalt layer from Serra Geral Formation. They
are located at approximately 60 meters from the center of
the soundings. The
existence of these 2D structures in the subsurface can be related to the dra
nage system in the study area. The presence of these structures may indicate a
connection between the shallow and deep aquifer systems, acting like a co
duit that may contribute to the seismic activity reported.
Transient Electromagnetic (TEM), 2D Modeling, Hydrogeophysics, Paraná
Basin, Brazil
How to cite this paper:
Almeida, E.R.,
, J.L., dos Santos, F.A.M. and Bor-
, C.A. (2017) 2D TEM Modeling for a
Hydrogeological Study in the Paraná Sed
mentary Basin, Brazil
International Journal
, 693-710.
April 12, 2017
May 24, 2017
May 27, 2017
Copyright © 201
7 by authors and
Research Publishing Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution
License (CC BY
Open Access
E. R. Almeida et al.
1. Introduction
The Transient Electromagnetic (TEM) method was developed initially for min-
eral exploration as an alternative to the frequency-domain electromagnetic me-
thods and it was introduced for groundwater exploration in the mid-1980s. The
TEM method has the advantage as it can investigate hundreds of meters in depth
with great capability of detecting conductive layers. According to the results of
many researchers worldwide, the geoelectrical stratigraphy given by TEM mod-
els usually has a good correlation with geological information, which makes it a
good method for mapping subsurface conductive zones [1] [2]. For this reason,
the TEM method is being used for water table mapping at great depths,
representing a reliable alternative to vertical electrical soundings (VES) that may
require long aperture ranges depending on the investigation depth. Krivochieva
and Chouteau [3] used TEM soundings in a joint analysis with the Magnetotel-
luric (MT) method for aquifer investigation in the Mexico Basin. The TEM me-
thod was used in this study to identify conductive zones below the basalt layer of
the Santa Catarina volcano, in a stratigraphic sequence comparable to that ob-
served in the Paraná Basin. Ezersky
et al
. [4] evaluated the structure of an aquifer
in Israel with the TEM method as well as other geoelectrical analyses to evaluate
the salinity of the groundwater.
The high sensitivity of the TEM method for mapping interfaces between an
upper resistive layer followed by a conductive layer makes it suitable for the
mapping of highly conductive layers, even in coastal environments [5] [6]. On
the other hand, it is also very sensitive to man-made conductive structures, like
fences or grounded power lines. Depending on distance and on soil conductivi-
ty, these structures may interact with the transmitter loop through the geological
material, creating disturbances typically from an oscillating circuit. The oscilla-
tion in the data may lead to misinterpretation when there is galvanic coupling,
or make it impossible to interpret the data at all when there is a capacitive
coupling [2] [7].
In the framework of 2D and 3D TEM surveys for geological analysis Danielsen
et al
. [8] evaluated the application of conventional and high electromagnetic
moment systems for groundwater studies using laterally-constrained inversion
of 1D soundings for a 2D interpretation. Jørgensen
et al
. [9] used the TEM me-
thod for 3D imaging of the cross-section of buried Quaternary valleys in Den-
mark. Their work studied several scenarios representing buried valleys for
groundwater exploitation, and the 3D imaging was based also on constrained 1D
inversions. Santos and El-Kaliouby [10] developed an algorithm for laterally
constrained joint inversion of electro resistivity (ER) and TEM data to calculate
quasi-2D geological models. Teatini
et al
. [11], conducted surveys with airborne
TEM to analyze the hydrogeological setting of a transitional coastal environment
in Venice, Italy. The data acquired were inverted as laterally constrained 1D
sounding inversions providing a quasi-2D analysis. Martínez-Moreno
et al
. [12]
used TEM surveys for groundwater applications in two volcanic islands in the
Republic of Cape Verde. They could retrieve a 3D resistivity distribution in
E. R. Almeida et al.
depth, based on 1D inverted geoelectrical models.
In Brazil, Meju
et al
. [13] developed a study where the TEM method and Ver-
tical Electric Soundings (VES) were combined in a constrained 1D inversion,
analyzing the results in a comparison with 2D inversion of audio-magnetotel-
luric (AMT) data for structural mapping and groundwater evaluation at the
Parnaiba Basin. Carrasquilla and Ulugergerli [14] developed a study using 32
TEM soundings in the Campos Basin for structural and groundwater evaluation.
Santos and Flexor [15] used the 1D inversion of TEM soundings for hydrogeo-
logical studies at the Resende Basin, in a densely industrialized area and there-
fore with high levels of EM noise. A study about the effects of urban noise was
carried out by Porsani
et al
. [16], where TEM soundings with different electro-
magnetic moments were compared in order to evaluate the applicability of the
method in similar environments. Porsani
et al
. [17] performed 86 central-loop
TEM soundings over the Paraná Basin, close to the city of Bebedouro, in order
to identify fractured zones with groundwater inside the basalt layer of the Serra
Geral Formation using 1D geoelectrical models and correlated those fractured
zones to seismicity events registered at the area.
et al
. [18] developed a program for 1D joint inversion of Vertical
Electrical Soundings and TEM soundings and some applied results of the joint
inversion methodology for Bebedouro region are presented in Bortolozo
et al
[19]. With the joint inversion, it was possible do detect a 2D effect in the TEM
soundings, but the nature of the 2D structure could not be defined since the
study was carried out as 1D data inversion. In Campaña
et al
. [20], the pseudo-
2D inversion of TEM soundings was carried in Ibirá region, also in São Paulo
State (Brazil). Using this methodology, it was possible to analyze the 2D struc-
tures in the area. With the full 2D TEM inversion, Bortolozo [21] better defined
the 2D structures in the study area of Ibirá. However, the problem with the 2D
acquisition lies in the time necessary to obtain field data, and the processing was
also very time-consuming. Additionally, the 2D acquisition has problems with
negative apparent resistivity data, discussed in [22].
In the present study, the TEM method was employed near the city of Bebe-
douro (northern São Paulo state, Brazil), over the Paraná basin rocks (
Figure 1).
Data were acquired using a Geonics PROTEM57-MK2 system, with a 19 A
transmitter current. This system allows data acquisition at 30 Hz, 7.5 Hz and 3
Hz frequencies and three data curves were acquired for each frequency, with an
integration time of 60 seconds for each curve in order to enhance the sig-
nal-to-noise ratio. A 100 m × 100 m square transmitter single-loop was used in
the central loop array. Data treatment and preliminary 1D analysis were done
using IX1D
v3 (Interpex Limited) commercial software for electric and electro-
magnetic data inversion and interpretation. The software employs the Fouri-
er-Hankel Transform to compute the response from the desired layered model,
which corresponds to the response from the half-space containing the layered
model subtracted from the full response. The inversion is computed using Ridge
Regression and non-linear least squares fitting [23].
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