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我们研究LLM几何形状的激发。 这些几何形状是由巨大引子的冷凝物的后反应引起的。 缩合的黄铜的兴奋是开弦的,这引起了低能量下新兴的杨米尔斯理论。 我们研究了这些新兴规范理论的平面极限的动力学,并积累了证明它们是平面的N = 4 $$ \ mathcal {N} = 4 $$超级杨米尔斯的证据。 有三个观察结果支持该结论:(i)我们主张原始N = 4 $$ \ mathcal {N} = 4 $$的超级Yang-Mills的平面希尔伯特空间与出现的平面Hilbert空间之间的同构 规范理论,(ii)我们认为,新兴规范理论的平面极限的OPE系数消失了;(iii)我们认为新兴规范理论的异常尺寸的平面频谱是平面N = 4 $$ \ mathcal {N} = 4 $$超级杨米尔斯。 尽管出现了应变片理论的平面极限是N = 4 $$ \ mathcal {N} = 4 $$ super Yang-Mills的平面,我们还是解释了为什么出现应变片理论不是N = 4 $$ \ mathcal { N} = 4 $$超级杨米尔斯理论。

Published for SISSA by Springer
Received: June 22, 2018
Accepted: July 17, 2018
Published: July 24, 2018
Exciting LLM geometries
Robert de Mello Koch,
Jia-Hui Huang
and Laila Tribelhorn
School of Physics and Telecommunication Engineering,
South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China
National Institute for Theoretical Physics,
School of Physics and Mandelstam Institute for Theoretical Physics,
University of the Witwatersrand, Wits, 2050, South Africa
E-mail: robert@neo.phys.wits.ac.za, huangjh@m.scnu.edu.cn,
Abstract: We study excitations of LLM geometries. These geometries arise from the
backreaction of a condensate of giant gravitons. Excitations of the condensed branes are
open strings, which give rise to an emergent Yang-Mills theory at low energy. We study
the dynamics of the planar limit of these emergent gauge theories, accumulating evidence
that they are planar N = 4 super Yang-Mills. There are three observations supporting
this conclusion: (i) we argue for an isomorphism between the planar Hilbert space of the
original N = 4 super Yang-Mills and the planar Hilbert space of the emergent gauge
theory, (ii) we argue that the OPE coefficients of the planar limit of the emergent gauge
theory vanish and (iii) we argue that the planar spectrum of anomalous dimensions of the
emergent gauge theory is that of planar N = 4 super Yang-Mills. Despite the fact that the
planar limit of the emergent gauge theory is planar N = 4 super Yang-Mills, we explain
why the emergent gauge theory is not N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory.
Keywords: 1/N Expansion, AdS-CFT Correspondence, Brane Dynamics in Gauge The-
ories, Gauge-gravity correspondence
ArXiv ePrint: 1806.06586
Open Access,
The Authors.
Article funded by SCOAP

1 Intro duction 1
2 Free CFT 6
2.1 Background dependence 6
2.2 Excitations of AdS
2.3 Exitations of an LLM geometry 13
3 Weak coupling CFT 18
3.1 One loop mixing of local operators 19
3.2 Mixing with delocalized operators 22
4 Strong coupling CFT 25
5 Summary and outlook 28
A Ratios of hooks 30
B Ratios of factors 31
C Delocalized trace structures are preserved 32
D Localized and delocalized mixing at one loop 34
E Correcting the planar limit 35
1 Intro duction
The map between the planar limit of N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory and an integrable
spin chain [1] has been a surprisingly rich idea. Single trace operators in the conformal
field theory (CFT) are identified with states of the spin chain, and the dilatation operator
of the CFT with the Hamiltonian of the spin chain. This allows the exact computation of
anomalous dimensions and hence precision tests [2, 3] of the duality with string theory on
[4–6]. Excitations of the closed string are identified as magnons. The magnons
are visible in the dual string theory description [7, 8]. After projecting the closed string
solution to a plane (the so called bubbling plane [9]) and using coordinates suited to 1/2
BPS supergravity geometries, the string worldsheet traces out a polygon [8]. The sides
of the polygon are the magnons. Geometrical properties of these sides (their length and
orientation) determine the conserved charges (momentum and energy) labeling the magnon.
The S-matrix for magnon scattering is determined up to a single overall phase simply by
kinematics [10]. Integrability then fixes this phase. The S-matrix computed in string theory
is in exact agreement with the S-matrix computed in the CFT.
– 1 –

How much, if anything, of this story survives for string excitations of new geometries?
The geometries that we have in mind are the LLM geometries [9]. An LLM geometry is
dual to an operator with a dimension that grows as N
in the large N limit. Consequently,
correlators of operators with dimensions of order N
encode the physics of excitations of
these geometries. For operators with such a large dimension the planar approximation is
not justified [11]. Consequently, mixing between different trace structures is not suppressed.
The identification between single trace operators in the CFT and spin chain states is spoiled
and it seems that the link to an integrable spin chain is lost. In this introduction we will
give some physical arguments which suggest that, at least for a subset of excitations, this
is not the case. The rest of the paper then carries out detailed CFT computations that
confirm the details of this physical picture.
The LLM geometries are dual to a 1/2 BPS sector of the CFT. This 1/2 BPS sector
contains all gauge invariant operators built from a single complex matrix Z. Since we study
single matrix dynamics, there is a simple free fermion description, obtained by working in
terms of the eigenvalues of Z [12, 13]. There is also a closely related description which
employs Schur polynomials in Z [13, 14]. We mainly use this second description as we
know how to generalize it when including more matrices [15, 16]. This is needed when
studying small fluctuations of the LLM geometries. A Schur polynomial dual to an LLM
geometry is labeled by a Young diagram with order N
boxes [9]. An operator dual to a
smooth supergravity geometry has a Young diagram with O(1) corners and the distance
between any two adjacent corners (that is, the number of rows or columns ending on the
side between the two corners) is order N. The string theory understanding of this geometry
is that it is the state obtained from back reaction of condensed giant gravitons [17–19]. The
translation between the CFT and string theory descriptions is direct: we read the rows of
the Young diagram as dual giant gravitons or the columns as giant gravitons [13].
To excite the geometry in the CFT description, add boxes at a particular corner of
the Young diagram describing the LLM geometry [20–22]. In string theory we understand
this as exciting the giants that condensed to produce the geometry. The description of
worldvolume excitations of these D3 brane giant gravitons is in terms of some open string
field theory whose low energy limit gives rise to a new emergent Yang-Mills theory [23,
24]. Relative to the original Yang-Mills theory we started with, the space of the giant’s
worldvolume is an emergent space. The new emergent Yang-Mills theory may itself have
a holographic description so we might have new holographic dualities in this large charge
limit [23].
The intuitive picture sketched above suggests that excitations arising from any partic-
ular corner give rise to a distinct super Yang-Mills theory. We will study the planar limit
of these emergent gauge theories, to provide detailed support for this intuition. To restrict
to the planar limit consider excitations with a bare dimension of at most O(
N), i.e. add
at most O(
N) boxes to any given corner. Concretely we will demonstrate three things
1. An isomorphism between the planar Hilbert space of the original N = 4 super Yang-
Mills theory and the planar Hilbert space of the emergent gauge theory arising at
a corner. When restricted to the 1/2 BPS sector, these Hilbert spaces are in fact a
generalization of the code subspaces constructed by [25] (see also [26–28]).
– 2 –

2. Three point functions of operators in the planar emergent gauge theory vanish. We
demonstrate this in the free field theory. In the planar limit of matrix models the
vanishing follows because to mix three single traces we have to break some index
loops which costs (at least) a factor of N. This is a general conclusion true for both
free and interacting matrix models. Consequently we conjecture that our free field
theory result holds after interactions are turned on. Since operator product expansion
(OPE) coefficients can be read from the three point functions, this implies the OPE
coefficients of the planar emergent gauge theory vanish.
3. The correct spectrum of planar anomalous dimensions of the emergent gauge theory.
We know the planar spectrum of anomalous dimensions of N = 4 super Yang-Mills
theory. We find the same spectrum for the emergent gauge theory. This demonstrates
integrability for the emergent gauge theories.
Notice that since any CFT is determined by its spectrum of anomalous dimensions
and OPE coefficients, and that in the strict planar limit all OPE coefficients vanish, this
demonstrates that the planar limit of the emergent gauge theories are planar N = 4 super
Yang-Mills theory. We will see that although these different emergent gauge theories all
share the same coupling constant (which is expected since this coupling is equal to the
string coupling constant of the original string theory on AdS
), they generically have
distinct gauge groups U(N
). The rank of the gauge group N
receives contributions
both from the flux of the original N D3 branes that gives rise to the N = 4 super Yang-
Mills theory we start with and from the giants which have condensed. By considering a
large charge state, its possible to have an emergent gauge theory with gauge group that
has rank larger than N.
What we are finding is that a subset of the excitations of large charge states of the N =
4 super Yang-Mills theory are equivalent to excitations of the vacuum. There are of course
excitations that go beyond the planar limit of the emergent gauge theory. The excitation
is constructed by adding boxes to the Young diagram describing the LLM geometry. We
might add so many boxes that we reach beyond two corners of the Young diagram defining
the LLM geometry. The excitation is “too big” to sit on the Young diagram and in
this way we can detect features of the background Young diagram. These excitations are
obtained by adding ∼ N boxes and hence do not belong to the planar limit of the emergent
gauge theory - they are giant graviton like operators of the emergent theory. There are
also excitations constructed by adding order
N boxes, with the boxes added at different
corners [21, 22, 45]. These (delocalized) states can be described as strings with magnon
excitations that stretch between two corners. We will show that at large N these states are
decoupled from (localized) states in the planar Hilbert space of the emergent gauge theory,
so that if we start from a state in the planar Hilbert space, the large N dynamics will not
take us out of this space. This is an important point to demonstrate since the coupling
of the planar Hilbert space of the emergent gauge theory to other degrees of freedom will
almost certainly ruin integrability.
The free fermion description of the system is a powerful description because of its
simplicity. The large charge state corresponds to exciting the fermions as illustrated in
– 3 –

Figure 1. The free fermion description of a state labeled by a Young diagram. On the left we have
the Fermi sea corresponding to the AdS
geometry. The states are simply filled from the lowest
to highest energy with no unoccupied states. On the right, the Young diagram corresponding to a
particular LLM geometry is shown. Each vertical edge of the Young diagram maps into occupied
states while the horizontal edges map into unoccupied states. The number of fermions that were
not excited at all is equal to the number of rows with no boxes. Thus, the excited state has broken
the Fermi sea up into a series of occupied blocks.
figure 1. The idea that a subset of the excitations of large charge states of the CFT are
equivalent to excitations of the vacuum has a natural interpretation in this free fermion
language. We are saying that exciting any edge of the blocks appearing in the excited state
is equivalent to exciting the edge of the original Fermi sea. The only difference between the
different blocks is their extent. By restricting to the planar limit we consider excitations
that are not able to detect that the Fermi sea is not infinite, so the extent of each block
is irrelevant.
We will be using group representation theory methods to approach the problem of
computing correlators of operators with a bare dimension of order N
. This approach has
been developed in a series of articles [13, 15, 16, 29–38], which has developed a number of
bases for the local operators of the theory. These bases diagonalize the two point function
of the free theory to all orders in 1/N, and they mix weakly at weak coupling [30, 39, 40].
They therefore provide a very convenient tool with which to tackle the large N but non-
planar limit of the CFT.
The representation theory methods sum the complete set of ribbon graphs. In this
approach, operators are constructed using projection operators
of the symmetric group so
that the gauge invariant operators are labeled with irreducible representations of the group.
Summing the ribbon diagrams of the free theory becomes multiplying these projectors and
These operators are actually intertwiners since they map between different copies of the representations
involved. For simplicity though the reader may think of them as projectors which are more familiar.
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