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Consensus for Multi - Agent System with Bounded Control in Limit...
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Consensus for Multi - Agent System with Bounded Control in Limited Communication

Consensus for Multi-agent System with
Bounded Control in Limited
Xiaomei Li
Thanh-Trung Han
Shuzhi Sam Ge
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu
611731, China (e-mail: irenelxm@foxmail.com).
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu
611731, China (e-mail: trhan.ac@gmail.com).
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu
611731, China (e-mail: samge.isit@gmail.com).
Abstract: This paper investigates the consensus problem of continuous-time multi-agent system
with input bounded control and limited communication. Necessary and sufficient conditions of
consensus problem for double cascade integrator system are known well. However, in practica l
application, there are certain constraints on the input control tha t not be allowed to des ign
by freedom. Moreover, we consider to limit the agents communication range to r educe the
energy consumption. Thus, we achieve the velocity cons ensus of multi-agents by developing
the intera c tion rules based on Lyapunov stability control combining bounded control in limited
communication with mathematical rigor.
Keywords: Multi-agent system, Consensus problem, Lyapunov stability-based control,
Bounded control, Limited co mmunication.
Consensus problem of multi-agent system has attracted
the attention of a number of researchers for past few
decades, especially having a group of mobile agents coo p-
erate towards the same velocity and position that causes
the problem of velocity consensus and location tracking
such as in flo cking control or formation control (Tanner
et al., 2003; H. G. Tanner and Pappas, 200 4; Cortes et al.,
2004; Marchand et al., 2007; Peng et al., 2005; Shi et al.,
2006; Nguyen and Do, 2006; Marchand and Hably, 2005).
Towards further development, the current paper takes the
goal of making constraints on input control and reducing
the energy consumption by communication range limit for
large scale mobile agents in systematic design.
In practical control application, it is obvious that we shall
require constraints on input control, such as total thrust
on helicopter (Carrillo et al., 2013), input signal of missile
guidance, and current or voltage input and so on, where
they have finite volumes. Hence, it is imperative for us
to have boundedness of the control input (Marchand and
Hably, 2005). In (Teel, 1992), it proposes a nonlinear
combination of saturation functions that achives global
stabilization. However, how to achieve veloc ity consensus
effectively with systematic derivation under the bounded
control input is still of challenge.
In this work, we address the consensus problem of multi-
agent system with bounded co ntrol under limited commu-
This work was supported by the National Youth Science Fund
Project of NSFC under Grant 61203357 and the National Basic Re-
search Program of China (973 Program) under Grant 2011CB707005.
nication. There are two ma in difficulties that we need to
confront. The first one is how to achieve velocity consensus
with valid control strategy under constraints on control
input. In (Jing et al., 2012), it res tricts the input in a
convex set by regarding it as one of the co nstraint con-
ditions by optima l control while all the followers only ex-
change information with a predefined leader by a distribut-
ed control, which didn’t prove the velocity c onsensus in
mathematical rigor. To overcome this problem, we propos e
consensus protoc ol by containing the velocity consensus
term in nested saturations based on Lyapunov function
to guar antee the system stability as well, which will be
systematic der ivation (Khalil, 2002). The other one is how
to develop the interaction rules of multi-agents system
under limited communication. To solve this problem, we
consider to take full advantage of characteris tics of graph
theory (Gods il and Royle, 2000 ), which will guarantee that
each agent updates its current s tate based upon the infor-
mation received from its neighbors (Sepulchre et al., 2008).
These are elaborately presented in Sectio n 3. Besides the
theoretical significance of this issue, it plays an important
role in practical application.
Results from the simulation part verify the effectiveness
of control strategy for multi-agents system with bound-
ed input control under limited communication. This is
presented in Section 4. Finally, in Section 5, we draw
conclusions of the achievements and problems solved in
this paper.
3rd IFAC International Conference on Intelligent Control
and Automation Science.
September 2-4, 2013. Chengdu, China
978-3-902823-45-8/2013 © IFAC 240 10.3182/20130902-3-CN-3020.00176

- 粉丝: 6
- 资源: 932
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