DOI:10. 19297 / j. cnki. 41 - 1228 / tj. 2016. 05. 009
陈子豪, 白桥栋, 翁春生
(南京理工大学 瞬态物理国家重点实验室, 南京 210094)
摘 要: 为研究级间通道构型对小型双脉冲发动机燃烧室两相流的影响, 气相采用 SIMPLE
算法和 k - ε 模型, 两相流采用 PSIC 算法和离散相模型, 对小型双脉冲固体火箭发动机内流场进
行了详细的计算。 结果表明, 级间孔径的大小对流场影响很大。 级间孔与燃烧室的直径比值影响
粒子对级间结构和喷管收敛段的撞击及速度。 级间开孔角度越大, 再附着点的位置变化不大, 但
一脉冲内主流气体的速度越大。 气固两相耦合的情况下, 一脉冲燃烧室内的粒子速度也会增大。
关键词: 小型双脉冲发动机; 级间通道; 构型; 两相流; 数值模拟
中图分类号: V435 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1673 - 5048(2016)05 - 0045 - 05
Effects of Inter-Stage Pulse Channel Configurations on Two-Phase
Flow in Combustion Chamber of Small Dual-Pulse Motor
Chen Zihao, Bai Qiaodong, Weng Chunsheng
(National Key Laboratory of Transient Physics, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China)
Abstract: In order to study the effects of inter-stage pulse channel configurations on two-phase flow
in combustion chamber of small dual-pulse motor, the SIMPLE algorithm and k-ε model are used as gas
phase, PSIC algorithm and discrete phase model are used as two-phase flow, the internal flow field of a
small dual-pulse motor is calculated in detail. The results show that the diameter of the inter-stage chan-
nel has a great influence on the flow field, the ratio of the inter-stage ports and the combustion chamber
diameter affecfs the impact and velocity of the particle on the inter-stage ports and nozzle convergent sec-
tion. As the channel angle increases, the position of the reattachment point has no significant change, but
the velocity of main flow which is in first pulse combustion chamber increases. In the case of gas-solid
two-phase coupling, velocity of the particle which is in first pulse combustion chamber increases too.
Key words: small dual-pulse motor; inter-stage pulse channel; configuration; two-phase flow; nu-
merical simulation
0 引 言
固体火箭发动机具有结构简单、 易于组装、 安
收稿日期: 2016 - 03 - 11
基金项目: 总装预研基金项目(9140C300205140C30137)
作者简介: 陈子豪(1992 - ) , 男, 湖北荆州人, 硕士研究
生, 研究方向为固体火箭发动机仿真。
全可靠、 故障率低、 研制风险小、 任务适应性大
等优良特性。 但与液体火箭发动机相比, 其在控制
方面还缺乏灵活性, 使得在航天器动力方面的应
用受限。 多脉冲固体火箭发动机因能多次启动, 使
其相较于常规固体火箭发动机来说, 具有更为灵
活的操控性。 如果将其小型化并应用于航天方面,
2016 年 第5 期
2 0 1 6 年1 0 月
2016 No. 5
Oct. 2016