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在本文中,我们介绍了DNA-DBE,一种基于DNA芯片的动态广播加密方案。 在我们的方案中,新用户可以动态加入,而无需修改其他用户的解密密钥。 密文或解密密钥的大小都是固定的。 DNA-DBE实现了向后保密:如果新用户动态加入系统,他们将无法检索过去的数据。 我们方案的安全性依赖于生物学上的难题,这些难题在将来不会受到新计算机技术的攻击。 在基于DNA的密码系统中存在一个特殊功能,即,加密密钥集和解密密钥集具有多对多关系。 利用此特殊功能实现更复杂的DNA密码系统以前一直是一个悬而未决的问题。 我们的DNA-DBE系统是针对这个开放问题的解决方案,这也是基于DNA的面向组的加密系统的首次探索。
Information Sciences
September 2014, Vol. 57 092110:1–092110:10
doi: 10.1007/s11432-014-5139-z
Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 info.scichina.com link.springer.com
DNA-chip-based dynamic broadcast encryption
scheme with constant-size ciphertexts and
decryption keys
FANG XiWen & LAI XueJia
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
Shanghai 200240, China
Received February 16, 2014; accepted April 18, 2014
Abstract In this paper we present DNA-DBE, a DNA-chip-based dynamic broadcast encryption scheme. In
our scheme, new users can join dynamically wi thout modification of other users’ decryption keys. Either the
ciphertext or the decryption key is of constant-size. Backward secrecy is achieved in DNA-DBE: if new users join
the system dynamically, they will not be able to retrieve past data. The security of our scheme relies on hard
biological problems, which are immune to attacks of new computing technologies in the future. T here exists a
special feature in DNA–based cryptosystems, i.e. the set of encryption keys and the set of decryption keys have
a many-to-many relationship. The i mplementation of more complicated DNA cryptosystems taking advantage
of this special feature has been previously lef t as an open problem. Our DNA-DBE system is a solution to this
open problem, which is also the first exploration of DNA based group-oriented encryption system.
Keywords DNA cryptography, dynamic broadcast encryption, group oriented cryptography, DNA chip,
Citation Fang X W, Lai X J. DNA-chip-based dynamic broadcast encryption scheme with constant-size cipher-
texts and decryption keys. Sci China Inf Sci, 2014, 57: 092110(10), doi: 10.1007/s11432-014-5139-z
1 Introduction
Since Adleman’s pioneering research that showed DNA can be used to solve the Hamiltonian path problem
[1], many researchers have explored the ability of biological mole c ule s to perfor m computation. Later,
the enormous storage capability and parallel computability of DNA molecules were also introduced into
cryptogr aphy: Clelland et al. demonstrated an approach to hide messages in DNA microdots [2]. Gehani
et al. proposed two DNA one-time-pad encryption schemes [3]. Based on the encoding technique presented
in Lipton [4], Boneh et al. proposed a scheme breaking the Data Encryption Standard (DES) [5]. All of
these re searches demonstrated that it is a viable way to constr uct cryptosystems or perform cryptanalysis
based on DNA technology.
DNA chip (microarray) is one of the hottest areas in biological research today. DNA chips consist
of a la rge number of spots embedded on a solid surface. Each sp ot contains multiple copies of probes.
Using this technology, massive parallel operations can be achieved, and this is how DNA-chip-based
cryptosystems came into being:
Corresponding author (email: lai-xj@cs.sjtu.edu.cn)
Fang X W, et al. Sci China Inf Sci September 2014 Vol. 57 092110:2
In Ref. [6], a DNA symmetric-key cryptosystem based on DNA chip technology (DNASC) was pro-
posed, which is the first exploratory study of DNA-chip-based cryptosystem. In this system, both en-
cryption and decryption keys ar e DNA probes, while its ciphertext is embedded in a specia lly designed
DNA chip (microarray). The plaintext can be retrieved by hybridizing the encrypted chip with the secret
key probes. Later an asymmetr ic enc ryption system DNA-PKC was proposed in Ref. [7]. These two
systems demonstrated that it is viable to implement cryptosystems taking advantag e of the DNA chip
In terms of security, there exist essential differences between conventional modern cryptosystems and
DNA-based crypto systems. The security of conventional modern cryptography is based on hard com-
putational problems, such as discrete logarithm problem and prime factoriz ation. However, with the
development of co mputing technology, if the computational problems we assume hard can b e solved ef-
ficiently in the future, the crypto systems that rely on these computational problems can be broken. By
contrast, the security of DNA cryptography relies on hard biological problems. Such a s cheme is immune
to attacks of new computing technologies in the future, thus providing another level of sec urity.
It has been demonstrated that the set of encryption keys and the set of decryption keys in DNA based
cryptosystems have a many-to-many r elationship [7], i.e. each of the encryption key might be associated
with many decryption keys and vice versa, which implies that a system with more complicated functions
could be implemented. Such feature can be used to construct a broadcast encryptio n system which allows
the center to encrypt a message and send it to a group of users.
Broadcast encryption scheme, first explored by Fiat and Nao r [8], enables a center to communicate
securely with some subse t of users authorized to receive messages. Only the us e rs in a certain set S can
use their private key to retrieve the plaintext. A system is said to be fully collusion resistant when even
if all users o utside of S collude, they can not decrypt the broadcas t messag e. If new users can join a
preexisting system without modification of user decryption keys nor ciphertext siz e, the scheme is said
to be dynamic broadcast encryption [9].
A typical broadcast encryption system is made up of the following algorithms:
Setup (n) takes as input the number of receivers n. It outputs n private keys dk
, dk
, . . ., dk
for the
Encrypt (S, m) takes as input the set of receivers S, the plaintext m. It outputs the cipher-text C
Decrypt (S, C
, i, dk
) takes as input the set of receivers S, a user id i and the private key dk
for user
i and the cipher-text C
to output message m iff i ∈ S.
The sec urity of a broadcast encryption scheme consists of two requirements: all of the users in S
are able to retrieve the plaintext m and none of the users outside of S could get information about
the message. In conventional schemes, one has to construct se veral par ticular expressions elaborately
according to S and a certain framework, eg. q-BDHE problem [10], (t, n)-GDHE problem [9]. Therefo re
by computing these expressions, all users in S co uld recover the message.
Our contribution. Based on the DNA cryptosystem proposed in Refs. [6,7], in this paper we present
a DNA-chip-based dynamic broadcast encryption system, which is the first exploration of DNA-based
group-oriented encryption scheme. By introducing the special feature of DNA-chip-based cryptosystem,
the requirements of broadcast encryption could be met naturally.
As one encryption key can be associa ted with many decryption keys in DNA-chip-based cryptosystem,
if a certain encryption key is used to encrypt a given message, then all of the corresponding decryption
keys can be used to decry pt the ciphertext. Thus we can construct a DNA broadcast encryption system
using this feature.
As one decryption key can also be associated with many encryption keys, if a new user wants to join
the system, the broadcas t center could assign the new user a certain decryption key who se corresponding
set of encryption keys share some common elements with other users’, i.e. the broadcast center can still
encrypt the mes sage without implying modification of preexisting decryption keys. Thus taking adva ntage
of the special feature of DNA-chip-based cryptosystem, a dynamic broadcast encryption sy stem can be
In our scheme, either the ciphertex t or the decryption key dk
possessed by user u
is of constant
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