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本文的目的是证明在四个维度上自然涉及一个幂等的费米生子的所谓麦克斯韦超代数可以解释为隐藏的超代数,其基础是N = 1,D = 4超引力扩展为包括 与2索引抗对称张量相关的2形式规范电位。 在这种情况下,可以在自由微分代数(Maurer-Cartan方程的扩展,涉及高阶微分形式)的背景下适当地讨论该理论。 然后将研究扩展到描述D = 11超引力的自由微分代数,这表明在这种情况下,也存在一个理论基础的超麦克斯韦代数。 相同的额外的自旋子与幂函数的铁电产生子对偶,在D = 4和D = 11的情况下,它们的存在对于编写麦克斯韦代数的超对称扩展至关重要,事实证明,这也是重现D =的基本要素 4和D = 11普通超空间上的自由微分代数,其基础由超维贝因给出。 对超对称自由微分代数的标度结构进行了分析,同时考虑了与麦克斯韦超代数相关的隐藏超群流形的标度转换。
Eur. Phys. J. C (2018) 78:211
Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Hidden role of Maxwell superalgebras in the free differential
algebras of D = 4 and D = 11 supergravity
Lucrezia Ravera
INFN, Sezione di Milano, Via Celoria 16, 20133 Milan, Italy
Received: 6 February 2018 / Accepted: 23 February 2018
© The Author(s) 2018
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to show that the so-
called Maxwell superalgebra in four dimensions, which nat-
urally involves the presence of a nilpotent fermionic gener-
ator, can be interpreted as a hidden superalgebra underlying
N = 1, D = 4 supergravity extended to include a 2-form
gauge potential associated to a 2-index antisymmetric ten-
sor. In this scenario, the theory is appropriately discussed in
the context of Free Differential Algebras (an extension of
the Maurer–Cartan equations to involve higher-degree dif-
ferential forms). The study is then extended to the Free Dif-
ferential Algebra describing D = 11 supergravity, showing
that, also in this case, there exists a super-Maxwell algebra
underlying the theory. The same extra spinors dual to the
nilpotent fermionic generators whose presence is crucial for
writing a supersymmetric extension of the Maxwell algebras,
both in the D = 4 and in the D = 11 case, turn out to be
fundamental ingredients also to reproduce the D = 4 and
D = 11 Free Differential Algebras on ordinary superspace,
whose basis is given by the supervielbein. The analysis of
the gauge structure of the supersymmetric Free Differential
Algebras is carried on taking into account the gauge trans-
formations from the hidden supergroup-manifold associated
with the Maxwell superalgebras.
1 Introduction
It is well known that supergravity theories in D ≥ 4 space-
time dimensions contain gauge potentials described by p-
forms, of various p > 1, associated to p-index antisym-
metric tensors. In this scenario, the Free Differential Alge-
bras framework, that is an extension of the Maurer–Cartan
equations to involve higher-degree differential forms, is par-
ticularly well suited for studying supergravity models. The
concept of Free Differential Algebra (FDA in the sequel)
e-mail: lucrezia.ravera@mi.infn.it
was introduced in [1] and subsequently applied to the study
of supergravity theories (see, for instance, Ref. [2]).
A review of the standard procedure for the construction
of a minimal FDA (namely a FDA where the differential of
any p-form does not contain forms of degree greater than p)
starting from an ordinary Lie algebra can be found in [3].
In [2], the authors considered the D = 11 supergravity
theory of [4], introducing and investigating the supersym-
metric FDA describing the theory (using the so-called super-
space geometric approach) in order to see whether the FDA
formulation could be interpreted in terms of an ordinary Lie
superalgebra (in its dual Maurer–Cartan formulation). This
was proven to be true, and the existence of a hidden super-
algebra underlying the D = 11 supergravity theory was pre-
sented for the first time. It includes the D = 11 Poincaré
superalgebra as a subalgebra, but it also contains two extra,
almost-central, bosonic generators, which were lately under-
stood as p-brane charges, sources of the dual potentials A
and B
appearing in the (complete) FDA of [2] (see Refs.
Furthermore, a nilpotent fermionic generator must be
included to close the superalgebra and in order for the same
superalgebra to reproduce the D = 11 FDA on ordinary
superspace, whose basis is given by the supervielbein. Rel-
evant contributions concerning the physical role played by
this extra fermionic generator were given first in [7] and
then in particular in [8,9], where the results presented in
[2] were further analyzed and generalized. Finally, its group-
theoretical and physical meaning was recently clarified in
[3] (and subsequently further discussed in [10]): in [3]itwas
shown that the spinor 1-form dual to the nilpotent fermionic
charge is not a physical field in superspace, rather behaving
as a cohomological BRST ghost, since its supersymmetry
and gauge transformations exactly cancel the non-physical
contributions coming from the extra tensor fields, guarantee-
211 Page 2 of 12 Eur. Phys. J. C (2018) 78:211
ing that the extra bosonic 1-forms dual to the almost-central
charges are genuine abelian gauge fields.
As shown in Ref. [3], where the authors analyzed also the
FDA of the minimal N = 2, D = 7 supergravity theory, this
interpretation is valid for any supergravity theory containing
antisymmetric tensor fields, and any supersymmetric FDA
can always be traded for a hidden Lie superalgebra containing
fermionic nilpotent generators (see also [11] for the study of
a particular D = 4 FDA case).
In the first part of this paper, we will consider the FDA of
N = 1, D = 4 supergravity containing a 2-form potential
under the same perspective of [3]. Let us mention, here, that
supergravity in D = 4 space-time dimensions is often formu-
lated as a theory of gravity coupled to scalar-vector multiplets
only, that is to say 1-form gauge fields. On the other hand,
when we think of the theory as obtained by Kaluza-Klein
compactification from eleven-dimensional supergravity, then
it naturally contains also 2-form fields (tensor multiplets). In
four dimensions, if these 2-form fields are massless, then
they can be dualized, through Hodge duality of their field
strengths, to scalars (this is the reason why they often do not
explicitly appear in the formulation). However, when they are
such dualization does not (at least directly) apply
and, in this case, the 2-form gauge fields must be made man-
ifest [12] (see also Refs. [13–15] for more details on the role
of 2-forms in four-dimensional supergravity theories).
The aim of the present paper is to show that the so-called
minimal Maxwell superalgebra (or minimal super-Maxwell
algebra) in four dimensions (a non-semisimple superalgebra
naturally endowed with a nilpotent fermionic generator), can
be interpreted as a hidden superalgebra underlying the FDA
of D = 4 supergravity that includes a 2-form potential A
This will be done by studying the parametrization of A
and the hidden gauge structure of the FDA on the same lines
of what was done in the D = 11 (and D = 7) case in [2,3].
Then, we will extend our discussion to the FDA introduced in
[2], which describes D = 11 supergravity, showing that, also
in this case, there exists a Maxwell superalgebra underlying
the theory.
The extra spinors dual to the nilpotent fermionic
generators whose presence is crucial for writing a supersym-
metric extension of the Maxwell algebras, both in the D = 4
and in the D = 11 case, will turn out to be fundamental
also to reproduce the D = 4 and D = 11 FDAs on ordinary
Actually, as it was lately pointed out in [10], the extra spinor 1-form
dual to the nilpotent fermionic generator can be parted into two different
spinors, whose integrability conditions close separately.
This happens, for instance, in the case in which the higher-
dimensional theory is reduced via a flux compactification.
Actually, we will consider the D = 11 FDA just containing a 3-form
potential A
. We leave the study of the complete FDA containing also
a 6-form potential B
(see Refs. [2,3]) to future works.
This work is organized as follows: in Sect. 2,wefirst
recall the main features of the Maxwell superalgebra; then,
we move to the analysis of the hidden gauge structure of
the supersymmetric FDA of N = 1, D = 4 supergrav-
ity (containing a 2-form potential A
), showing that the
Maxwell superalgebra can be viewed as a hidden superal-
gebra underlying the theory. Subsequently, in Sect. 3,we
extend our study and results to the FDA describing D = 11
supergravity (which, in its minimal cohomology formulation,
contains just a 3-form potential A
), introducing a (hidden)
Maxwell superalgebra underlying the theory. Finally, Sect. 4
contains the conclusions and possible future developments.
In the Appendix we collect our conventions and some useful
2 Minimal super-Maxwell algebra and hidden gauge
structure of the D = 4 supergravity FDA
After the discovery of the cosmic microwave background
and the mysterious dark energy, it appears interesting to con-
sider some field densities uniformly filling space-time. One
such modification of empty Minkowski space can be obtained
by adding a constant electromagnetic field background,
parametrized by additional degrees of freedom related to
tensorial almost-central charges. The presence of a constant
electromagnetic field modifies the Poincaré symmetries into
the so-called Maxwell symmetries. On the other hand, since
the advent of supersymmetry, there has been a great interest
in superalgebras going beyond the super-Poincaré one.
In particular, the (minimal) Maxwell superalgebras are
(minimal) super-extensions of the Maxwell algebra, which
in turn is a non-central extension of the Poincaré algebra
involving an extra, bosonic, abelian generator (along the lines
of non-commutative geometry).
Specifically, the D = 4 Maxwell algebra is obtained by
replacing the commutator [P
, P
]=0(a = 0, 1, 2, 3) of
the Poincaré algebra with [P
, P
, where Z
are abelian generators commuting with translations
and behaving like a tensor with respect to Lorentz trans-
formations (i.e. Z
are tensorial central charges). Setting
= 0 one gets back to the Poincaré algebra.
The Maxwell algebra arises when one considers symme-
tries of systems evolving in flat Minkowski space filled in
by a constant electromagnetic background [16,17]. Indeed,
an action for a massive particle which is invariant under the
Maxwell symmetries satisfies the equations of motion of a
charged particle interacting with a constant electromagnetic
field via the Lorentz force. In particular, in order to interpret
the Maxwell algebra and the corresponding Maxwell group,
a Maxwell group-invariant particle model was studied on an
extended space-time with coordinates (x
), where the
translations of φ
are generated by Z
[18–21]. The inter-
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