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Security analysis of electronic payment protocols based on quant...
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Electronic payment protocols play a vital role in electronic commerce to ensure the security of transaction process. Current electronic payment protocols based on complex mathematical problems will be vulnerable facing a quantum computer. In order to enhance the security against quantum computers, quantum cryptography is introduced into electronic payment protocols. Although the quantum cryptography is claimed to be unconditionally secure, Logical efects are still likely to cause serious problem
Security analysis of electronic payment protocols based on quantum cryptography
Yi Liu, Xingtong Liu, Jian Wang, Lei Zhang and Chaojing Tang
College of Electronic Science and Engineering
National University of Defense Technology
Changsha, China
Abstract—Electronic payment protocols play a vital role in
electronic commerce to ensure the security of transaction pro-
cess. Current electronic payment protocols based on complex
mathematical problems will be vulnerable facing a quantum
computer. In order to enhance the security against quantum
computers, quantum cryptography is introduced into electronic
payment protocols. Although the quantum cryptography is
claimed to be unconditionally secure, Logical defects are
still likely to cause serious problems. We introduced formal
analysis to verify the security of electronic payment protocols
based on quantum cryptography. Formal analysis methods can
discover the vulnerabilities of protocols and help to improve the
security of protocols. In this paper, we analyze an electronic
payment protocol based on quantum cryptography and the
result shows that the protocol is not secure even adopting
unconditionally secure quantum cryptography. We found that
both the accountability and fairness of the original protocol are
not satisfied. Then we proposed an improved protocol to meet
the requirement of accountability and fairness and verified it
through formal analysis method.
Keywords-electronic payment protocol; quantum cryptogra-
phy; formal analysis; accountability; fairness;
With the advent of computer and electronic communi-
cation, electronic commerce has become the daily lives
of millions of households. People can conduct electronic
commerce activities as long as there is Internet. For the
sake of secure and convenient electronic commerce, a large
number of electronic payment systems have emerged. On-
line payment systems have become increasingly popular
due to the widespread use of the internet-based shopping
and banking. More and more attention has been paid to
the security problems in electronic commerce activities[1].
Electronic payment protocol is the technical basis for the
security of electronic commerce activities. However, with the
emergence of quantum computers[2], although the current
methods are safe in front of classical processors, they may be
easily broken by quantum computers. To ensure the security
of electronic payment systems against quantum algorithms,
quantum cryptography[3] relying on the laws of quantum
physics has been introduced to electronic payment protocols
and guarantees unconditionally secure transactions in front
of quantum computers. In recent years, many electronic
payment protocols based on quantum cryptography have
been proposed[4][5]. By adopting the techniques of quantum
key distribution and quantum signature, the security of these
payment protocols are claimed to be guaranteed[6].
Even though quantum cryptography enhances the security
of electronic payment protocols facing quantum computer,
the lack of logical design may also undermine the security
of payment protocols. It is a very important part to find and
repair logical defects in electronic payment protocols. To
this end, we introduce formal analysis method to analyze
this kind of payment protocols. Formal analysis has become
an important method to verify electronic payment protocols
with its strict and simple characteristics[7]. To our knowl-
edge, it is the first attempt to model and verify electronic
payment protocols based on quantum cryptography through
formal analysis method.
The accountability can provide sufficient evidence to
resolve possible future disputes after the execution of the
protocol. Fairness ensures that all parties participated in
the protocol are in the same position at any stage of
the implementation of the protocol. When the protocol is
finished, all parties get their own needs or nothing.In this
paper, An electronic payment protocol utilizing quantum key
distribution to conceal privacy information[6] is modeled
and verified through formal analysis method. We found
out that the protocol does not meet the requirements of
accountability and fairness which are necessary security
properties in electronic payment protocols. It will lead to
serious problems in electronic commerce activities. After
analyzing the cause of the problem, we proposed an im-
proved payment protocol to make up for the defect and
verified it through formal method. The result obtained by
formal analysis method shows that introducing the quantum
cryptography scheme into electronic payment systems do not
means unconditionally secure. Formal analysis method can
not only discover the vulnerabilities of electronic payment
protocols based quantum cryptography, but also help to
improve its security.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section
2 describes the basic theory of this formal analysis method.
The analysis process of an electronic payment protocol based
on cryptography is illustrated in Section 3. An improved
payment protocol is proposed and verified in Section 4.
Section 5 makes a conclusion of our research and presents
our future work.
- 粉丝: 5
- 资源: 985
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