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A more effcient way to detect eavesdropping in“ping-pong”protoco...
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Ping pong 协议中的一种更高效的窃听检测方法及其在量子秘密共享中的应用,高飞,郭奋卓,本文针对ping pong协议提出了一种更高效的窃听检测方法,它可以更全面的开发Bell态的作用,使得协议的安全性得到明显改善,这可以从I(
A more efficient way to detect eavesdropping in
“ping-pong” protocol and its application to quantum
sharing of classical secret
Fei Gao
, Fen-Zhuo Guo
, Qiao-Yan Wen
, Fu-Chen Zhu
1. School of Science, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,
Beijing, 100876, China
2. State Key Laboratory of Integrated Services Network, Xidian University,
Xi’an, 710071, China
3. National Laboratory for Modern Communications, P.O.Box 810,
Chengdu, 610041, China
We present a different way to detect eavesdropping in “ping-pong” protocol [Phys.
Rev. Lett. 89, 187902 (2002)], where we make full use of the Bell states so that
the security, which can be described by the function I(d), is improved obviously. The
method we use to compare the efficiency among different detect strategies is instructive
for scheme designers. Furthermore, a quantum sharing of classical secret protocol is
proposed, in which two-particle entangled state is competent for multi-party secret
Keywords: quantum secure direct communication, quantum cryptography, entanglement,
secret sharing
I. Introduction
The task of cryptography is to make secret messages intelligible only for the two legitimate
parties of the secret communication, Alice and Bob, and unreadable for other unauthorized
users such as Eve. To this end, Alice and Bob have to encrypt their secret messages using
a suitable encryption scheme. In 1917, the one-time pad cipher was invented by American
AT&T engineer Gilbert Vernam. It was later shown, by Claude Shannon, that as long as
the key is truly random, has the same length as the message, and is never reused then the
one-time pad is perfectly secure. However, there is a snag, which is called key distribution.
Although the public key cryptography can accomplish this task, it is based on computational
security. It means that if and when mathematicians or computer scientists come up with fast
and clever procedures for factoring large integers or resolving other mathematical difficult
problems, the whole privacy of public-key cryptosystems could vanish overnight. Quantum
cryptography, which is based on fundamental physical principles, has been proved to b e an
effective technique for secure key distribution [1–13]. It overcomes the drawbacks possessed
by conventional cryptography and the public key cryptography, and has the vast developing
Not long ago, Bostr¨om and Felbinger presented a “ping-pong” communication proto-
col [14] which can be used both to distribute secure key and to transfer information in a
deterministic secure manner (i.e., the so-called quantum secure direct communication [15–
18]). It utilizes the property that one bit of information can be encoded in the Bell states
i =
(|01i ± |10i), which is completely unavailable to anyone who has access to only
one of the qubits. To gain information from Alice, Bob prepares two qubits in state |Ψ
He stores one qubit and sends the other one to Alice. After she received the qubit from
Bob, Alice encodes her information “1” or “0” by performing a unitary operation σ
or I.
Then she sends it back. At last, Bob can get Alice’s information by a Bell measurement.
To detect eavesdropping, Alice randomly switches the message mode to control mode. In
control mode both Alice and Bob perform a measurement on their qubits respectively, in the
basis B
= {|0i, |1i}, and then compare the results. If both results coincide, there may be
Eve in the line; otherwise, this communication continues (see Ref. [14] for details). After the
presentation of ping-pong protocol, several related studies were proposed. An eavesdropper
Eve can eavesdrop on the information if the quantum channel is noisy [19], and this ping-
pong protocol can be attacked without eavesdropping [20]. Furthermore, the capacity of
ping-pong protocol can be improved [21] and entanglement swapping can be used to modify
this protocol against attacks without eavesdropping [22].
As we know, quantum cryptography can b e considered unconditionally secure in theory
because any effective eavesdropping would be discovered by the users, which is assured by
the fundamental principles in quantum mechanics. Consequently, the users have to sample a
certain number of photons or key bits to detect eavesdropping in most quantum cryptography
protocols. An efficient way to detect implies high security or economization of resource. In
this paper, we modify the strategy to detect eavesdropping in ping-pong protocol and it
follows that a better security app ears in contrast to the original one. In addition, this
scheme can be applied to quantum sharing of classical secret (or QSCS for short). The
structure of this paper is as follows: In Sec.II, we introduce the modified ping-p ong protocol,
and its security is discussed in Sec.III. Furthermore, this proto col can be generalized to QSCS
scheme (see Sec.IV), in which the above function of state |Ψ
i is used similarly. Finally, a
conclusion is given in Sec.V.
II. The modified ping-pong protocol
In this Section, we will present a modified ping-pong protocol which, as we will show, has
higher security than Bostr¨om and Felbinger’s one [14]. For simplicity, the original ping-pong
protocol will be represented as OPP, while our modified ping-pong protocol as MPP.
Let us discuss the strategy to detect eavesdropping in OPP first. To obtain security, as
narrated in the above section, both Alice and Bob perform a local measurement on their
qubits in the basis B
. Because the two qubits are in state |Ψ
i initially, they will draw a
conclusion that Eve does not exist when their results are opposite. Obviously, it does not
make full use of the state |Ψ
i. As we know, two qubits has a four-dimensional state space
and four Bell states ( |Ψ
i =
(|01i ± |10i), |Φ
i =
(|00i ± |11i)) construct a complete
orthogonal basis of this space. In fact, |Ψ
i and |Ψ
i have the same property, as far as this
kind of measurement is concerned. That is, both |Ψ
i and |Ψ
i yield opposite results with
certainty. Therefore, any state in the form |ψi = α|Ψ
i + β|Ψ
i (|α|
+ |β|
= 1) can pass
- 粉丝: 3
- 资源: 945
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