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Engineered human mesenchymal stem cells: a novel platform for sk...
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Engineered human mesenchymal stem cells: a novel platform for skeletal cell mediated gene therapy RESEARCH ARTICLE Engineered human mesenchymal stem cells: a novel platform for skeletal cell mediated gene therapy Gadi Turgeman1 Debbie D. Pittman2 Ralph Müller3 Basan Gowda Kurkalli1 Shuanhu Zhou1 Gadi Pelled1 Amos Peyser4 Yoram Zilberman1 Ioannis K. Moutsatsos2 Dan Gazit1* 1Molecular Pathology Laboratory, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical and Gene Therapy Center, PO Box 12272, Jer
Engineered human mesenchymal stem cells: a
novel platform for skeletal cell mediated gene
Gadi Turgeman
Debbie D. Pittman
Ralph Mu
Basan Gowda Kurkalli
Shuanhu Zhou
Gadi Pelled
Amos Peyser
Yoram Zilberman
Ioannis K. Moutsatsos
Dan Gazit
Molecular Pathology Laboratory,
Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical
and Gene Therapy Center, PO Box
12272, Jerusalem, Israel
Genetics Institute, Cambridge, MA
02140, USA
Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
ETH and University of Zu
rich, 8044
rich, Switzerland
Orthopedic Surgery and Orthopedic
Oncology, Hadassah-Hebrew
University Medical Center, PO Box
12000, Jerusalem, Israel
*Correspondence to: D. Gazit,
Molecular Pathology Laboratory,
Hebrew University-Hadassah
Medical and Gene Therapy Center,
PO Box 12272, Jerusalem, Israel.
E-mail: dgaz@huji.ac.il
Received: 15 September 2000
Revised: 2 January 2001
Accepted: 19 January 2001
Background Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) are pluripotent cells
that can differentiate to various mesenchymal cell types. Recently, a method
to isolate hMSCs from bone marrow and expand them in culture was
described. Here we report on the use of hMSCs as a platform for gene therapy
aimed at bone lesions.
Methods Bone marrow derived hMSCs were expanded in culture and
infected with recombinant adenoviral vector encoding the osteogenic factor,
human BMP-2. The osteogenic potential of genetically engineered hMSCs was
assessed in vitro and in vivo.
Results Genetically engineered hMSCs displayed enhanced proliferation
and osteogenic differentiation in culture. In vivo, transplanted genetically
engineered hMSCs were able to engraft and form bone and cartilage in
ectopic sites, and regenerate bone defects (non-union fractures) in mice
radius bone. Importantly, the same results were obtained with hMSCs
isolated from a patient suffering from osteoporosis.
Conclusions hMSCs represent a novel platform for skeletal gene therapy
and the present results suggest that they can be genetically engineered to
express desired therapeutic proteins inducing specific differentiation path-
ways. Moreover, hMSCs obtained from osteoporotic patients can restore their
osteogenic activity following human BMP-2 gene transduction, an important
finding in the future planning of gene therapy treatment for osteoporosis.
Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords human mesenchymal stem cell; gene therapy; bone formation;
bone regeneration; rhBMP-2; adenovirus
In planning gene therapy strategies for tissue repair and regeneration, two
options need to be considered: those of direct gene delivery in vivo via viral or
non-viral vectors of desired therapeutic genes and of ex vivo cell mediated
gene therapy. Ex vivo cell mediated gene therapy allows specific transduction
conditions in vitro, but relies on engraftment of cells in vivo in order to obtain
efficient gene delivery. We have previously hypothesized that mesenchymal
stem cells (MSCs) as the transgene vehicle will have a better therapeutic
potential for bone regeneration compared with other cell types [1]. We have
shown that MSCs genetically engineered to express recombinant human
BMP-2 gene have the ability to induce bone regeneration not only via
paracrine secretion of rhBMP-2, but also by an autocrine effect on the stem
cells promoting their osteogenic differentiation [1].
J Gene Med 2001; 3: 240–251.
DOI: 10.1002/ jgm.181
Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells
(hMSCs) represent a pluripotent mesenchymal population
of cells that also serve as precursors for osteoprogenitor
cells which are the main cellular mediators for bone
formation [2–4]. hMSCs are relatively easy to isolate and
expand in culture [3,4]. In vitro, hMSCs can differentiate
along the osteogenic pathway and induce ectopic bone
formation upon transplantation in vivo into ectopic sites
and segmental bone defects [5–9]. Treating hMSCs with
rhBMP-2 protein can markedly increase osteogenic
differentiation in culture, evidenced by expression of
osteogenic marker genes [10–12].
Marrow derived MSCs were seriously considered as
vehicles for cell therapy and for gene therapy. As vehicles
for gene therapy, non-human MSCs were transduced
in vitro to express genes (human factor IX and growth
hormone) for systemic delivery of the transgene product,
by expressing the transgene in the bone marrow
environment [13–17]. Alternatively, non-human MSCs
were used for local delivery of transgenes with rhBMP-2
for repair of bone segmental defect [18] and with L-DOPA
in the brain of a rat model of Parkinson’s disease [19].
It has been suggested that MSCs could be genetically
engineered for the treatment of bone-related diseases
such as osteogenesis imperfecta and osteoporosis [2].
hMSCs were shown to be effectively transduced with
retroviral vectors to express green fluorescence protein
marker gene [20] and tyrosine hydroxylase gene encod-
ing for the corresponding enzyme necessary for the
production of L-DOPA [19]. Adenoviral vectors were also
shown to effectively transduce hMSCs to express lacZ
marker gene [21]. Moreover, hMSCs transduced ex vivo
with a retroviral vector encoding the human factor VIII
gene were shown to engraft into the spleen and express
human factor VIII in vivo [22]. The aim of the present
study was to establish a novel platform for skeletal gene
therapy based on engineered hMSCs. Specifically, the aim
was to enhance the osteogenic potential of hMSCs in vitro
and in vivo by rhBMP-2 gene transfer using adenoviral
vector. We investigated the effects of rhBMP-2 expression
on differentiation and proliferation of hMSCs in vitro,on
ectopic bone formation and on bone segmental defect
(non-union fracture) regeneration in vivo using engi-
neered hMSCs.
Materials and methods
Construction of adenoviral vectors
Adenoviral vectors were prepared as described previously
[23]. The present study emplyed recombinant replication
defective type 5 adenovirus, with deleted E1a, E1b and
partial E3 viral genome regions. Constructs of human
BMP-2 cDNA and the b-galactosidase gene (LacZ) under
the control of CMV promoter were incorporated into the
viral vectors to create the two adenoviral vectors,
Ad-BMP-2 and Ad-lacZ. Viruses were stored at x80uC
in 10% phosphate buffered saline (PBS).
hMSC isolation and infection with
adenoviral vectors
hMSCs were isolated from explants of human bone
marrow surgical waste (approved by the Helsinki Com-
mittee Board of the Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem,
Israel) and expanded in vitro. Isolation of hMSCs was
performed as described previously [3]. Briefly, 10 ml
marrow aspirates were collected into a tube with 6000 U
heparin, washed with PBS, and recovered cells were
collected by centrifugation at 900 g. Collected cells were
then loaded onto Percoll solution (density 1.073 g/ml).
Cell separation was accomplished by centrifugation at
1100 g (30 min at 20uC). Nucleated cells collected were
washed twice with PBS and then cultured and sub-
cultured in Dulbecco’s minimal essential medium
(DMEM) (low glucose) supplemented with 10% fetal
calf serum (FCS). hMSCs were infected in vitro at 80%
confluence with recombinant adenoviruses encoding
rhBMP-2 (Ad-BMP-2) and LacZ (Ad-LacZ) at multiplicity
of infection (MOI) of 100, 2 h in PBS after which the
medium was added for 3 days. Efficiency of infection
was estimated post-infection with Ad-LacZ using X-gal
staining. X-gal histochemical staining was performed as
follows: cells were fixed with 0.25% glutaralde-
hyde, 0.1 M NaPO
(pH 8.3), 5 mM ethylen glycol-bis
(b-aminoethyl ether) (EGTA) and 2 mM MgCl
30 min. Cells were then washed three times (with
0.1 M NaPO
, 2 mM MgCl
, 0.1% deoxycholate, 0.2%
Nonident P40) and stained with X-gal solution (1 mg/
ml), 5 mM K
, 5 mM K
O, 0.1 M
, 2 mM MgCl
, 0.1% deoxycholate, 0.2% Nonident
P40, in the dark at room temperature (RT) overnight.
For infecting hMSCs with both Ad-BMP-2 and Ad-LacZ,
cells were grown and infected in the same conditions
described above with both adenoviral vectors at a MOI of
50 for each of the viral vectors.
In vitro
analysis of rhBMP-2 expression
hMSCs infected with Ad-BMP-2 or Ad-LacZ (MOI 100)
were grown in culture and RNA was harvested at Days 4
and 10 after infection. RNA was isolated using TRIzol
Reagent (Life Technologies, Grand Island, NY, USA)
according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Reverse tran-
scriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was mod-
ified from a procedure described previously [24]. RhBMP-2
primers were a kind gift from B. Sibley (Genetics
Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA) and were designed
according to the rhBMP-2 cDNA sequence [25]: forward:
TGCTTGCA-3k. The PCR of hBMP-2 was performed for 30
cycles at 94uC for 1 min, annealing at 50uC for 1 min, and
72uC for 1 min in a MJ Minicycler. Human glyceraldehyde
3 phosphat dehydrogenase (GAPDH) as an internal
control, forward: 5k-TGATGACATCAAGAAGGTGAAG-3k;
Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Gene Therapy 241
Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J Gene Med 2001; 3: 240–251.
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