TW当前天气「TW Current Weather」-crx插件
台湾城市的实时天气延伸包括温度,天气和紫外线状态。来自。 本擴充套件為一免費即時顯示台灣四大地區氣象現況及紫外線值的小工具,目的為提供使用者最即時的氣候狀態,供外出穿著參考及其他用途。本擴充套件藉由 的 RSS Feed 和中央氣象局的即時資訊,提供台北、台中、高雄、宜蘭四個城市包括現在氣溫、目前氣候狀態等等資訊,並有全台紫外線值資訊,更可連至中央氣象局查找氣候資料。 下載安裝前請注意: 1. 因更新時間及地區誤差,若天氣狀態不準確敬請包涵。 2. 下載安裝本擴充套件即視同詳閱本說明,亦請閱讀於套件中的Copyright Notice。 3. 本擴充套件為免費提供,但非Open-source,任何形式的再散佈皆不得收費或獲取商業利益。 TW Current Weather is a free non-commercial real-time tool that displays the current weather status in four areas in Taiwan, R.O.C. It is aimed to provide the most instant weather status to the users in order for them to decide what to wear, whether to bring an umbrella…etc. The information on the extension is provided by the RSS Feeds of and the webpage of Central Weather Bureau of R.O.C. (CWB). It provides the temperature, weather and uv status in Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung and Ilan, and the user can also connect to the website of CWB for further information. Before downloading, please read the following statements, 1. Due to the difference in update time and location, the information may be inaccurate. 2. By installing the extension, you have read the description of this extension. Please also read the copyright notice in the extension. 3. TW Current Weather is free but not open-sourced. Any form of redistribution should not charge any money or gain commercial benefit. Changelog V 1.0.0 Initial release to test account. V 1.0.1 Official Relase. V 1.0.2 Included more icons and adjusted some of the codes V 1.0.3 Change in icons, both on page and in extension. Huge modification on time javascript file to prevent incorrect time display. Changed main picture to allow correct display on screen smaller than 10 inches. V 1.1.0 Added more weather icons. Fixed bug on content display due to CWB's site update. V 1.2.0 Updated manifest file to version 2. 支持语言:中文 (繁體)
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