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Math.NET Numerics - http://numerics.mathdotnet.com
Copyright (c) Math.NET - Open Source MIT/X11 License
Math.NET Numerics v3.9.0
### 3.9.0 - 2015-11-25
* Distributions: Normal.CDF avoids problematic subtraction by using Erfc instead of Erf.
* Statistics: geometric and harmonic mean.
* Statistics: DataContracts for ephemeral serialization on RunningStatistics, DescriptiveStatistics and Histogram.
* BUG: Statistics: Histogram did not adjust lower bound correctly when value was equal to the bound *~Volker Breuer*
* Linear Algebra: minor optimization on how we call Array.Copy.
* BUG: Linear Algebra: fix bug in Complex and Complex32 SparseMatrix.ToTypeString.
### 3.8.0 - 2015-09-26
* Distributions: PDF and CDF more robust for large distribution parameters.
* Distributions: BetaScaled distribution.
* Distributions: method to create a PERT distribution (based on BetaScaled) *~John C Barstow*
* Distributions: Weibull.Estimate *~Jon Larborn*
* Random: NextBoolean extensions.
* Root Finding: RootFinding.Secant (based on NewtonRaphson) *~grovesNL*
* Linear Algebra: Matrix Rank calculation now uses a tolerance based on the matrix size.
* Linear Algebra: Alternative CreateMatrix/Vector functions with type parameter on functions instead of type.
* Linear Algebra: MKL LinearAlgebra provider requires at least native provider r9 (linear algebra v2.0).
* Native Providers: automatic handling of intermediate work arrays/buffers in MKL and OpenBLAS providers *~Marcus Cuda, Kuan Bartel*
* Native Providers: automatically use native provider if available.
* Native Providers: new Control.TryUse* to make it simpler to use providers if available but without failing if not.
* Native Providers: improved error state checking and handling *~Marcus Cuda, Kuan Bartel*
* Combinatorics: generate or select random permutation, combination or variation (shuffling)
* Finance: rename CompoundMonthlyReturn to CompoundReturn (old now obsolete).
### 3.7.1 - 2015-09-10
* BUG: Linear Algebra: fix optimized path of adding a sparse matrix to itself.
### 3.7.0 - 2015-05-09
* Statistics: RunningStatistics now propagates min/max on Combine, handles NaN on Push.
* Statistics: new MovingStatistics providing descriptive statistics over a moving window *~Marcus Cuda*
* Statistics: new Statistics.MovingAverage.
* Statistics: Improved Histogram handling of small-width buckets *~Justin Needham*
* Distributions: ChiSquare.InvCDF *~logophobia*
* FFT: Fourier.FrequencyScale to generate the frequency corresponding to each index in frequency space.
* BUG: FFT: fix Bluestein algorithm for sequences with more than 46341 samples but not power-of-two.
* Linear Algebra: SparseVector.AbsoluteMaximumIndex *~Matt Heffron*
* MKL Native Provider: OSX build script *~Marcus Cuda*
* MKL Native Provider: new combined NuGet package with a proper build target (no more manual file handling needed).
* OpenBLAS Native Provider: a new linear algebra provider using OpenBLAS *~Kuan Bartel*
* CUDA Native Provider: a new GPU-based linear algebra provider using Nvidia CUDA *~Matthew A. Johnson*
* Native Providers: now versioned separately for each kind (MKL, CUDA, OpenBLAS).
### 3.6.0 - 2015-03-22
* Distributions: ChiSquare.CDF more robust for large numbers *~Baltazar Bieniek*
* Linear Algebra: MatrixStorage.Map2 equivalent to VectorStorage.Map2
* Linear Algebra: Matrix and Vector Find/Find2, Exists/Exists2, ForAll/ForAll2
* Linear Algebra: more consistent range checking in MatrixStorage.Clear and related
* Linear Algebra: mixed-storage fall back implementations now leverage higher-order functions
* BUG: Linear Algebra: fix loop range in MatrixStorage.ClearColumns (built-in storage not affected)
* BUG: Linear Algebra: fix sparse matrix equality.
* BUG: Linear Algebra: ArgumentException instead of index exception when trying to create an empty matrix.
* Generate: Unfold, Fibonacci; Normal and Standard replacing Gaussian and Stable.
* Native Providers: NativeProviderLoader to automatically load the provider for the matching processor architecture (x86, x64) *~Kuan Bartel*
* Native Providers: Control.NativeProviderPath allowing to explicitly declare where to load binaries from.
* MKL Native Provider: support for native complex eigen-value decomposition *~Marcus Cuda*
* MKL Native Provider: non-convergence checks in singular-value and eigen-value decompositions *~Marcus Cuda*
### 3.5.0 - 2015-01-10
* Differentiation: derivative, partial and mixed partial; hessian & jacobian *~Hythem Sidky*
* Differentiation: Differentiate facade class for simple use cases
* Differentiation: F# module for better F# function support.
* Linear Algebra: matrix ToRowArrays/ToColumnArrays
* Linear Algebra: F# insertRow, appendRow, prependRow and same also for columns
* Linear Algebra: F# append, stack and ofMatrixList2
* Precision: measured machine epsilon, positive vs negative epsilon
### 3.4.0 - 2015-01-04
* Special Functions: Generalized Exponential Integral *~Ashley Messer*
* Special Functions: Regularized Incomplete Gamma domain extended to a=0 *~Ashley Messer*
* Statistics: weighted Pearson correlation *~ViK*
* MKL Native Provider: memory functions to free buffers and gather usage statistics *~Marcus Cuda*
* F#: depend on new official FSharp.Core NuGet package instead of FSharp.Core.Microsoft.Signed
* F#: simpler NuGet package dependencies (no more need for framework groups)
* Build: vagrant bootstrap now uses the latest xamarin mono packages
### 3.3.0 - 2014-11-26
* Linear Algebra: Vector.Fold2 (fold2 in F#), storage optimized
* Linear Algebra: Minor change how matrix products call the LA provider
* Linear Algebra: Random generation now leveraging array sampling routines
* BUG: Linear Algebra: fix bug when manually assigning System.Random to random distribution
* Root Finding: Change Brent tolerance check, add bracket check *~Hythen Sidky*
* Root Finding: Auto zero-crossing bracketing in FindRoots facade (not in algorithms)
* Statistics: RootMeanSquare (RMS)
* Distributions: Array sampling routines now available through interface
* Distributions: Categorical sampling now explicitly skips p=0 categories
* Generate: leverage array sampling routines for random data generation
* Generate: square, triangle and sawtooth waves
* Distance: Jaccard Index
* F#: explicitly depend on official FSharp.Core NuGet packages
* F#: NuGet package with iPython IfSharp F# module integration load script
* F#: load scripts with better packet support (and NuGet with -ExcludeVersion)
* Build: unified build.sh and buildn.sh into combined build.sh
* Build: use Paket instead of NuGet to maintain NuGet dependencies
* Build: for core add PCL profiles 7, 78 and 259; for F# extensions drop PCL profile 328
### 3.2.3 - 2014-09-06
* BUG: MatrixNormal distribution: fix density for non-square matrices *~Evelina Gabasova*
### 3.2.2 - 2014-09-05
* BUG: MatrixNormal distribution: density computation switched row and column covariance *~Evelina Gabasova*
### 3.2.1 - 2014-08-05
* Package fix: make sure .Net 3.5-only dependencies are not installed on .Net 4 and newer.
### 3.2.0 - 2014-08-05
* Linear Algebra: Vector.Map2 (map2 in F#), storage-optimized
* Linear Algebra: fix RemoveColumn/Row early index bound check (was not strict enough)
* Statistics: Entropy *~Jeff Mastry*
* Interpolation: use Array.BinarySearch instead of local implementation *~Candy Chiu*
* Resources: fix a corrupted exception message string
* Portable Build: support .Net 4.0 as well by using profile 328 instead of 344.
* .Net 3.5: F# extensions now support .Net 3.5 as well
* .Net 3.5: NuGet package now contains p
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使用.Net平台下C#语言实现数据模型的克里金插值以及对插值结果的等高线的生成。 核心代码: 克里金插值及DEM等高线生成 └── 克里金插值及DEM等高线生成 ├── data.csv └── DEM2Contour ├── DEM2Contour │ ├── bin │ │ └── Debug │ │ ├── DEM2Contour.exe │ │ ├── DEM2Contour.pdb │ │ ├── DEM2Contour.vshost.exe │ │ ├── DEM2Contour.vshost.exe.manifest │ │ ├── MathNet.Numerics.dll │ │ └── MathNet.Numerics.xml │ ├── DEM2Contour.csproj │ ├── DEMData.c
克里金插值及DEM等高线生成.zip (57个子文件)
DEM contour generation and Kriging interpolation
Form_Semivariogram.Designer.cs 7KB
PowerModel.cs 2KB
packages.config 149B
Form_Semivariogram.resx 6KB
MainForm.resx 7KB
InterpolationData.cs 8KB
GaussNewtonSolver.cs 5KB
Form_Semivariogram.cs 1KB
DEM2Contour.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache 42B
DEM2Contour.MainForm.resources 180B
DEM2Contour.Form_Semivariogram.resources 180B
DEM2Contour.Properties.Resources.resources 927B
DEM2Contour.pdb 72KB
DEM2Contour.csproj.AssemblyReference.cache 7KB
DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 8KB
Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll 4KB
DEM2Contour.csproj.SuggestedBindingRedirects.cache 0B
.NETFramework,Version=v4.8.AssemblyAttributes.cs 210B
DEM2Contour.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache 16KB
DEM2Contour.exe 36KB
_IsIncrementalBuild 36B
DEM2Contour.csproj.GenerateResource.cache 60B
DEM2Contour.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 5KB
DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache 3KB
app.config 161B
MainForm.Designer.cs 16KB
DEMData.cs 4KB
DEM2Contour.csproj 5KB
DEM2Contour.exe.config 161B
DEM2Contour.pdb 72KB
MathNet.Numerics.xml 3.01MB
DEM2Contour.exe 36KB
DEM2Contour.vshost.exe 11KB
DEM2Contour.vshost.exe.manifest 490B
MathNet.Numerics.dll 1.1MB
Resources.Designer.cs 3KB
Settings.Designer.cs 1KB
Settings.settings 249B
AssemblyInfo.cs 1KB
Resources.resx 6KB
MarchingSquares.cs 5KB
MainForm.cs 7KB
Program.cs 437B
Thumbs.db 3KB
ColorRamp.png 314B
.suo 83KB
31c7986d-d108-43ae-9fba-352282b658e9.vsidx 88KB
read.lock 0B
.suo 63KB
DEM2Contour.suo 24KB
DEM2Contour.sln 875B
MathNet.Numerics.xml 3.01MB
MathNet.Numerics.dll 1.1MB
MathNet.Numerics.3.9.0.nupkg 4.09MB
license.txt 1KB
readme.txt 35KB
data.csv 33KB
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